Ann Arbor Meetup This Thursday

(edit: I am going to be late, eta about 7, sorry)

When: Thursday, September 26, 6:30 PM

Where: Burns Park, near the Warming Hut.

Why: I’ll be in Ann Arbor as part of the Meetups Everywhere tour

Who: Anyone who wants. Please feel free to come even if you feel awkward about it, even if you’re not “the typical SSC reader”, even if you’re worried people won’t like you, etc.

How: For more info, contact algo2217[at]gmail

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8 Responses to Ann Arbor Meetup This Thursday

  1. Kate says:

    Hi, I have created a meetup for future Ann Arbor SSC / Rationalist meetups. Our next meeting will be October 30th at 6:30pm in the River Birch Room at the Malletts Creek branch of the Ann Arbor Public Library.

    Link for the event is here:

    I also emailed everyone who I had contact info for from the first meetup, but I think I didn’t understand some people’s addresses as I’ve had a few bounce back already.

  2. robirahman says:

    If you’ll pardon a comment not related to Ann Arbor, I’d like to follow up on something discussed an earlier meetup. I want to make a large printout of the Slate Star Codex logo to use as a meetup sign, and will pay $100 to anyone who can make a scalable or high-res version that looks nice when printed on an 8.5×11″ page.

    • slightly_uncomfortable says:

      When I’ve had the problem of low-rez things I want to scale, I signup for a free trial of “vector magic” and get the file turned into a vector file with surprising effectiveness. Then you can scale it well. I have used shortrunposters for cheap signs >8.5×11

    • The Gostak says:

      I made a letter size 600 dpi image. I traced and interpolated from the logo; it looks like it would be a good sign but a bad flag. What’s the best way to get you the image file? Email’s best for me.

      I want Scott’s permission before I’d take money for it.