When: Saturday, September 28, 6:00 PM
Where: South Loop Strength & Conditioning, 645 S Clark St (yes, a gym)
Why: I’ll be in Chicago as part of the Meetups Everywhere tour
Who: Anyone who wants. Please feel free to come even if you feel awkward about it, even if you’re not “the typical SSC reader”, even if you’re worried people won’t like you, etc.
How: For more info, contact todd[at]southloopsc[dot]com
I can actually attend this one! Hooray!
Would it be inappropriate or otherwise weird if I brought a few board games and/or sweets?
From the Facebook invite:
See you there!
Drat. Cant make it!
Just arrived in Chicago with some friends from Minneapolis! Anyone down for pre-meetup socializing, feel free to email grahamsnumberisbig [at] gmail.com.
(Or post-meetup; we’ll be in town til Sunday afternoon.)
I’m bringing myself, my wife, two kids, and some BBQ chicken pastries.
I had a great time hanging out with you and your family! Your kids are a real treat to be around, polite and capable of carrying on good conversation. Hopefully we can get a few more rounds of Love Letter in next time.
Unfortunately, I did not a get chance to try those pastries… 🙁
Yay! Thank you.
On the way home, I was thinking of how I was grateful for someone playing “Love Letter” with the kids.
That meetup was really fun… fun conversations.
Thank you Todd for volunteering your gym – I think it worked as a great space.
and thanks to Scott for coming so that a lot of people had more of an excuse to come hang out.
Wish I was in Chicago, so we could sit in a circle at South Loop Strength & Conditioning and talk while doing light weights for huge numbers of reps.