When: Sunday, October 6, 9:00 PM
Where: Taco Bell, 1450 University Ave S, Fairbanks, Alaska
Why: It’s complicated.
Who: Anyone who wants. Please feel free to come even if you feel awkward about it, even if you’re not “the typical SSC reader”, even if you’re worried people won’t like you, etc.
How: No organizer for this one, but I’ll check the comments and answer any questions I can.
You ought to swing through Anchorage sometime!
Just to make sure — 9pm? or 9am? Seems like an odd time… I’m off the road system and a $900 r/t flight away; would have liked to say ‘hi’ but just too much for the ticket.
Last time I was in Fairbanks I got a grape-nuts ice cream cone at Hot Licks. Totally odd, but reminiscent of my childhood breakfast norm. Have fun up there!
Fairbanks!? Man you’re really getting around.
Did someone buy another boat?
Come sing sweet songs and coordination with the Rainbow Singing group at UUFF! We’re early to learn new songs to add to our collection, and we’d love to absorb them with you! (Morocco)
An expectation to see you there.
All ages and levels welcome.
I recall you mentioning interest in the aurora at the Chicago meetup; NOAA’s forecast might prove useful in another day or two when it encompasses Sunday night.
See you there.
I was in Fairbanks for the summer solstice almost a decade ago. It was the first big motorcycle trip with my then-girlfriend-now-wife. The town didn’t make a big impression, but we both loved the Boatel Sleazy Waterfront Bar. If you want a late-night venue shift, it will be way more fun than Starbucks.
Cool! I should be able to make it.