Monthly Archives: April 2018

Highlights From The Comments On Twelve Rules

[Taken from the responses to this post.] From sclmlw: While I don’t agree with lots of Jordan Peterson, I think Scott fundamentally missed the boat in some of his criticisms because he systematically views things from a different perspective than … Continue reading

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Are The Amish Unhappy? Super Happy? Just Meh?

I. Recently on Marginal Revolution: Are the Amish unhappy? The average levels of life satisfaction [among the Amish] was 4.4; just above the neutral point…the Amish fall lower than members of many other groups. In a study of more than … Continue reading

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The Hour I First Believed

[Content note: creepy basilisk-adjacent metaphysics. Reading this may increase God’s ability to blackmail you. Thanks to Buck S for the some of the conversations that inspired this line of thought.] There’s a Jewish tradition that laypeople should only speculate on … Continue reading

Open Thread 98.5

This is the twice-weekly hidden open thread. As the off-weekend thread, this is culture-war-free, so please try try to avoid overly controversial topics. You can also talk at the SSC subreddit or the SSC Discord server.

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