When: Sunday, September 22, 6:30 PM
Where: Tir Na Nog Bar & Grill, 1600 Arch Street
Why: I’ll be in Philadelphia as part of the Meetups Everywhere tour
Who: Anyone who wants. Please feel free to come even if you feel awkward about it, even if you’re not “the typical SSC reader”, even if you’re worried people won’t like you, etc.
How: For more info, contact wfenza[at]gmail or dmcbriggs[at]gmail. The restaurant is inside the Phoenix Hotel, directly above Suburban Station. We have the entire outer vestibule area reserved.
I would be cautious about attending a meetup at a place called “Tir Na Nog”, since in Irish legend once you’ve been there you can never touch the ground again or you will die 😨
Only if the meetup is perceived as lasting for three years. If three Tir Na Nog years = 300 earth years, you’ll probably make it home around October 5th. Probably should have mentioned that in the info…
Thank you to everyone who came to the meetup last night. I estimated somewhere between 60-75 people attended. There was great energy in the room and I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did. If you left your name on the sign up sheet, I’ve added you to the SSC Philadelphia Google Group, and I’ll send you updates on our regular monthly meetups. If you’d like to join, here’s the link:
SSC Philadelphia Google Group