Fake Version Of The 2019 SSC Survey - Do Not Take!
Do not take this!
This is a fake copy of the survey kept online so that people can see what the questions were. Please do not take it. Your responses will not be counted.
Previous Surveys
Have you taken any previous SSC surveys?
If the raw data from this survey gets released publicly to anybody interested, is it okay to include your (anonymous) data?
Please write only your age in years, with no other text or characters. For example, 18
Your answer
If multiple possible answers, please choose the one you most identify with. Ten popular answers are given below; otherwise please write your country into "Other" in the same format as the answers given
(If American) What state do you live in? (Please give full name, not abbreviation)
Your answer
With what race do you most identify? "Hispanic" is a term mostly used in the US referring to people whose ethnic background is from Mexico, Central America, and South America.
What sex were you assigned at birth?
With what gender do you primarily identify?
Sexual Orientation
What is your sexual orientation?
Relationship style
What is your preferred relationship style?
Relationship Status
Work Status
What do you currently do?
In what area do you currently work or study? If more than one, please choose most important.
What is your highest degree earned?
Education Complete
Have you completed your formal education?
Religious Views
How would you describe your religious views?
Religious Denomination
Which best describes the religion you believe? (If you do not believe any religion, skip this question.)
Religious Background
What is your family's religious background, as of the last time your family practiced a religion?
Moral Views
With which of these moral philosophies do you MOST identify?
Please give the score you got on your most recent PROFESSIONAL, SCIENTIFIC IQ test - no Internet tests, please! All tests should have the standard average of 100 and stdev of 15.
Your answer
SAT score verbal/reading
The SAT is a test Americans take before going to college. In the old days, it included a section called Verbal; now that section is called Reading. If you took the SAT, what was your score on this section?
Your answer
SAT score math
The SAT is a test Americans take before going to college. If you took the SAT, what was your score on the math section?
Your answer
Length of Time
How long have you been reading SSC?
Posts Read
How many SSC posts do you think you've read? (right now there are 750 total, excluding Open Threads)
How often do you comment on SSC?
How did you find SSC?
Do you read the r/slatestarcodex subreddit?
Subreddit Culture War Thread
Do you read the r/slatestarcodex culture war thread?
Have you ever been to a Slate Star Codex meetup?
Meetup Approval
For people who went to SSC meetups: how much did you enjoy it?
Not enjoyable
Very enjoyable
Do you identify as a Less Wronger or "aspiring rationalist"?
Do you identify as a feminist or a member of the social justice community?
Do you identify as an effective altruist?
Political Spectrum
Where do you think you fall on a classic political spectrum?
Far left
Far right
Political Interest
On a scale from 1 (not interested at all) to 5 (extremely interested), how would you describe your level of interest in politics?
Political Affiliation
With which of these political descriptions do you most identify?
American Parties
If you are an American, what party are you registered with?
Political Change
How have your politics changed in the past ten years?
Global Warming
How would you describe your opinion on anthropogenic climate change?
Requires strong action
Does not require action
How would you describe your opinion on immigration into your country?
Should be stricter
Should be more open
Minimum Wage
How would you describe your opinion on minimum wage laws?
Should be lower or eliminated
Should be higher
Gay Marriage
How would you describe your opinion on gay marriage?
Should not be legally recognized
Should be legally recognized
How would you describe your opinion of feminism?
Very unfavorable
Very favorable
Human Biodiversity
How would you describe your opinion of the the idea of "human biodiversity", eg the belief that races differ genetically in socially relevant ways?
Very unfavorable
Very favorable
Basic Income
How would you describe your opinion of a Basic Income Guarantee in your country? See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_Income_Guarantee for more information.
Strongly oppose
Strongly support
Donald Trump
How would you describe your opinion of Donald Trump?
Very unfavorable
Very favorable
What is your approximate annual income in US dollars (non-Americans: convert at www.xe.com)? Obviously you don't need to answer this question if you don't want to. Please don't include commas or dollar signs.
Your answer
Income Status
...and that income represents what point in your career?
Class Childhood
When you were a child, how would you describe the social class of the family you were raised in?
Class Current
How would you describe your current social class?
How much money, in number of dollars, have you donated to charity over the past year? (non-Americans: convert to dollars at http://www.xe.com/ ). Please don't include commas or dollar signs in your answer. For example, 4000
Your answer
Regarding clinical depression...
Regarding any clinical anxiety disorder, like generalized anxiety or panic disorder...
Regarding obsessive compulsive disorder
Eating disorder
Regarding an eating disorder like anorexia or bulimia
Regarding alcoholism
Drug addiction
Regarding addiction to some drug other than alcohol or tobacco
Regarding borderline personality disorder
Regarding bipolar disorder
Regarding autism or Aspergers' syndrome
Regarding ADD/ADHD:
Regarding schizophrenia...
Mood Scale
How would you rate your usual mood?
Very low
Very high
How would you rate your usual anxiety level
Low anxiety
High anxiety
Skip any of these that get too awkward
Life Satisfaction
Overall, how satisfied are you with your life?
Very unsatisfied
Very satisfied
How ambitious would you say you are?
Not ambitious at all
Extremely ambitious
How high-status do you think you are? This question is deliberately vague so you can interpret it however you want.
Very low
Very high
Social Skills
How would you rate your social skills?
Very poor
Very good
Financial Situation
How would you rate your financial situation?
Very poor
Very good
Romantic Life
How would you rate your romantic life, by whatever standards you're going for?
Very poor
Very good
How would you rate how moral a person you are compared to the average person in your society?
Very immoral
Very moral
How would you describe your attitude toward risk?
Unusually risk-averse
Unusually risk-taking
Are you vegetarian?
Other people are....
...basically trustworthy
...basically untrustworthy
Psychiatric Commitment
In most western countries, people judged mentally ill can be involuntarily committed (ie sent to a psychiatric hospital without their consent) if doctors judge them to be a danger to themselves or others, eg they seem suicidal. Which of these most clearly matches your thoughts on this issue?
Which is your dominant hand?
Are you able to clearly visualize images in your mind with imagination?
No image
Clear image
Thanks for getting this far.

These are the most important questions on the survey. If you are exhausted, feel free to stop here by clicking "Next", not doing any of the questions, scrolling down, and clicking "Submit form"

But if you have more time, please continue to the next section, which has some more research-type questions.

These are some questions on SSRI antidepressants, a class of drugs including Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa, Lexapro, and Luvox. If you've used at least one of these medications, please fill out this part; otherwise, skip to Part Fourteen.
Which SSRI
Which SSRI did you use? If you have used several, please tell me about the one you used most recently.
When did you use this SSRI?
Why were you using an SSRI? If you were using it for many reasons, please tell me which one was most important.
SSRI Duration
How long did you use the SSRI? Please answer regardless of whether you stopped it or are still on it.
SSRI Effectiveness
On net, how did you find the SSRI?
SSRI Side Effects
Check any of these that you felt long-term while on the SSRI. You do not need to list side effects if you had them briefly but they went away after a little longer on the medication. If you had the severe version of something, you do not also need to check the mild version.
SSRI Overall
Rate your overall experience with this SSRI
Very negative
Very positive
SSRI Discontinuation Intro
The next several questions will be about going off of an SSRI. Have you ever done this?
SSRI Discontinuation 0
While going off the SSRI...
SSRI Discontinuation 1
Which SSRI did you discontinue?
SSRI Discontinuation 2
How and why did you stop taking the SSRI?
SSRI Discontinuation 3
How long had you been on that SSRI antidepressant before coming off of it?
SSRI Discontinuation 4
If you tapered off the medication gradually, approximately how long did your taper last?
SSRI Discontinuation 5
How would you describe your experience of withdrawal symptoms coming off of the SSRI? "Withdrawal symptoms" may include things like stomachaches, headaches, strange nerve sensations, etc. Please do not include "I got depressed again" as a withdrawal symptom.
SSRI Discontinuation 6
Consider the side effects you have from the SSRI. After stopping the SSRI...
SSRI Discontinuation 7
What was the final result of discontinuation?
Please answer this only if you have been in psychotherapy; otherwise skip to Part Fifteen
Therapy School
What school of therapy did you do? If you have worked with multiple schools, please choose the one you did most recently.
Therapy Type
How did you do the therapy?
Therapy Issue
What was the main issue you were trying to address in therapy?
Therapy Length
How long did you regularly attend therapy?
Therapy Overall
Rate your overall experience with this therapy
Very negative
Very positive
More on mental health. If you've never engaged with the mental health system at all, skip to Part 16.
Psychiatrist Rating
Consider the most recent psychiatrist you saw (not psychologist or therapist). Please do not count psychiatrists you saw in a hospital. Overall, how would you rate them?
Strong negative opinion
Strong positive opinion
Therapist Rating
Consider the most recent therapist you saw (probably not a psychiatrist, though if your psychiatrist does formal therapy with you then I guess you can use them). Please do not count therapists you saw in a hospital. Overall, how would you rate them?
Strong negative opinion
Strong positive opinion
Overall Mental Health (Medication)
Consider your interaction with the mental health system in terms of biological treatments like medication. Overall, how would you rate it?
Completely useless
Very helpful
Overall Mental Health (Therapy)
Consider your interaction with the mental health system in terms of talk-based therapy treatments. Overall, how would you rate it?
Completely useless
Very helpful
Inpatient Approval Rating
If you have ever been in an inpatient psychiatric hospital for any reason, consider the last time that happened. Overall, how would you rate the experience?
Very negative
Very positive
Inpatient Voluntary
In the inpatient experience you used to answer the question above, were you in the hospital voluntarily, or because you were involuntarily committed?
How would you describe your childhood?
Hospitalized mania
Have you ever been hospitalized for an episode of bipolar mania?
If you have never used drugs, including alcohol and tobacco, you can skip to Part Seventeen.

***To protect your privacy and help you answer honestly, all of these questions will be excluded from the public dataset, even if you otherwise consented to be included.***

Which Drugs Tried
Please check off any of these drugs you have tried, even once
Which Drugs Regular
Please check off any of these drugs you have ever used regularly. Use whatever definition of "regularly" makes sense to you.
Psychedelic use
About how many times have you used psychedelics (including LSD, magic mushrooms, etc)?
Nicotine Method
If you use nicotine regularly, which of these delivery methods do you most commonly use?
Nicotine Method 2
Please answer this if you currently vape: did you ever smoke?
Hallucinogen Persisting Perceptual Disorder
Hallucinogen Persisting Perceptual Disorder is a condition marked by visual or other perceptual disturbances typical of psychedelic use that continue for weeks and months after coming off the psychedelic, in some cases permanently. Have you ever had this condition?
HPPD Cause
If you have HPPD, which of these drugs caused it?
HPPD Number
And how many times had you previously taken that drug before the time when you got HPPD?
HPPD Severity
How would you describe the level of effect HPPD had on your life?
Very mild
Very severe
Checkpoint 1
In order to give me a better idea how many people have gotten this far in the survey, please check the box below if you're reading this.
Some of these questions are very personal. If you are easily made uncomfortable by people asking personal questions, please just skip to part 18. If you feel uncomfortable answering any specific questions, feel free to skip them. Content warning for some questions about sexual assault.

***To protect your privacy and help you answer honestly, all of these questions will be excluded from the public dataset, even if you otherwise consented to be included.***

If a question asks about "your relationship" or "your partner", then:
- if you're currently in a relationship, please answer about that one
- if you're poly and in many relationships, answer about the one you consider most serious
- if you're single, answer about your most recent serious relationship
- if you've never had a relationship, skip the question

Sex drive (narrow)
How strong do you think your sex drive - narrowly interpreted just as desire to have sex - is?
Weak or nonexistent
Very strong
Sex drive (broad)
How strong do you think your sex drive - broadly interpreted as desire for various forms of sexual and romantic interaction with other people - is?
Weak or nonexistent
Very strong
Sexual Partners
Approximately how many sexual partners have you had?
Your answer
Age Sex
At about what age did you first have sex?
Your answer
Number Relationships
Approximately how many romantic relationships (of the level where you would feel comfortable calling your partner "boyfriend" or "girlfriend") have you had?
Your answer
Number Dates
About how many people have you been on at least one date with? (give your best guess)
Your answer
Date Acceptance Rate
Of the times you have asked people out on dates, what percent have they accepted?
Length Of Relationship
Consider your current (or, if currently single, most recent) romantic relationship. How long has it lasted / did it last?
Relationship Feelings
Some people say that even in successful relationships, the intense passion of a crush or infatuation gradually fades away over a few months or years, leaving a feeling that your partner is a "best friend". Other people don't find this to be true. Which best describes your experience of a successful long-term relationship?
Continuing intense passion
Best friend
Early Feelings
Consider your most recent partner. What were your feelings when you first went out with them?
They seemed interesting, maybe something would develop
Already crazy about them
How Long Known
How long did you know your partner before asking them out / being asked out?
Met Partner
How did you meet your most recent romantic partner?
Met Partner Site
If you met your romantic partner on a dating site or app, which one?
Your answer
Relationship Approval Rating
If you're currently in a relationship, how is it going?
Very badly
Very well
Poly Type
Poly people: which of these best describes your preferred style of polyamory?
Age Gap 1
Are you older or younger than your partner? (current or most recent)
Age Gap 2
How many years apart are your and your partner?
Your answer
Which of the following fetishes do you find at least a little bit sexy?
If you are interested in BDSM, which role are you more likely to take?
Fetish Importance
How important are your fetishes to having an enjoyable sex life?
Not at all important
Very important
Do you consider yourself asexual?
Nonconsensual 1
Has anybody ever forced you into sex without your consent?
Nonconsensual 2
Have you ever forced anyone else into sex without their consent?
False Accusation
Has anyone ever falsely accused you of forcing them into nonconsensual sex?
Paternal Age
How old was your father when you were born?
Your answer
Maternal Age
How old was your mother when you were born?
Your answer
Older Siblings
How many older siblings do you have?
Your answer
Younger Siblings
How many younger siblings do you have?
Your answer
Older Sibling Gap
How many years between you and your next oldest sibling (if you are the oldest, leave this blank)
Your answer
Younger Sibling Gap
How many years between you and your next youngest sibling (if you are the youngest, leave this blank)?
Your answer
Some of the questions in this section are for everyone. Others are intended to get a little bit more information about people in specific political movements. If a question is aimed at a certain group - eg libertarians - please answer either if you identified as a libertarian on the earlier political ID question, or if you feel like you are libertarian enough that the question applies to you. Err on the side of answering - I can always break down the data by political ID later if I want.
Everyone: Open Borders
Do you support complete open borders - no restriction on immigration except possibly for very specific categories like convicted criminals - for your country?
Everyone: Skilled Immigration
Consider skilled immigrants who have degrees from good colleges, speak your country's language relatively well, and would have no trouble finding a good job if they came to your country.
Everyone: Culturally Similar Immigration
Consider immigrants who are a very close cultural fit for your country - for example, Canadian immigrants to the United States
Everyone: Legal Immigration
Consider legal immigrants who come into your country through the existing system. Assume that you cannot change the way the existing system selects people, just the number of people it selects. Do you want:
Everyone: Transgender
Deep down, transgender people are:
Everyone: Transgender 2
I personally prefer to treat transgender people as:
Everyone: Censorship
Do you feel like you can freely express your opinions on controversial topics (such as race and gender) without facing excessive social or financial repercussions?
Everyone: Censorship Change
How do you feel like people's ability to openly express opinions on controversial topics (such as race and gender) has changed over the past five years?
Become safer / more acceptable
Become more dangerous / less acceptable
Everyone: Job Loss
Some people worry that if they are caught expressing the wrong opinion on a controversial topic, they might lose their job. Has this ever happened to anyone you know?
Immigration Opponents: Why
Please answer this question if you prefer on net to have less immigration into your country: which of these do you consider the most important reason for your position?
Libertarians: Type
Please answer if you identify as at least somewhat libertarian: which of these best describes your libertarianism?
Libertarians: Ethics
Please answer if you identify as at least somewhat libertarian: which of these do you consider more important as an ethical justification for your libertarianism?
Communists: USSR
Please answer if you identify as at least somewhat communist: rate the USSR
Got it mostly wrong
Got it mostly right
Communists: Ideal
Please answer if you identify as at least somewhat communist: how should a nation that has just completed a communist revolution, and which feels safe from immediate capitalist interference, try to approach the communist ideal?
Alt-Rightists ID
Please answer if you identify as at least somewhat alt-right: please check any of the following labels you identify with
Alt-Rightists Race
Please answer if you identify as at least somewhat alt-right: which of these accurately reflect your views on how countries should think about race?
Libs/SocDems: Countries
Please answer if you identify as at least somewhat liberal or social democratic: which of these countries do you think best realizes your vision of a good society?
If you don't have a job, you can skip this section.
Work vs College
Please answer only if you have both gone to college and worked a full-time job: which did you find easier, work or college?
College much easier
Work much easier
Job Approval Rating
How much do you like your job?
Very little
Very much
Open Plan Office
Please answer only if you have worked in an open plan office: how did you like this?
Preferred open plan
Preferred closed plan
BS Job
David Graeber discusses the phenomenon of "bullshit jobs", jobs that feel "as if someone were out there making up pointless jobs just for the sake of keeping us all working." He says that many people, when asked directly and anonymously, will admit that their job is "utterly meaningless, contributes nothing to the world, and, in your own estimation, should not really exist." Do you think this describes you?
Gender Bias Work
At your current job, do you feel like you are taken less seriously, or treated worse in any way, because of your gender?
Never notice this
Notice this all the time
Gender Composition Team
What is the gender composition of your team (or otherwise of the coworkers you most often interact with at work?)
Gender Composition Boss
What is your boss' gender?
Imposter Syndrome
Imposter syndrome is "a pattern in which an individual doubts their accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a fraud". How often do you feel this way? Note: if you object to this question because "I am actually an imposter, it's not a syndrome", please select "almost all the time"
Quit For UBI
Suppose the government offered everyone a universal basic income of $25,000. Do you think you would quit your job?
Content warning: questions about weight and dieting.
Sleep Hours
How many hours do you sleep in an average night?
Your answer
Sleep Position
In what position do you most commonly sleep?
What is your BMI? There is a calculator available at https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/BMI/bmicalc.htm
Your answer
Meditation Minutes
About how many minutes do you meditate in an average day (if you do not meditate, put 0)
Your answer
Meditation Time
About how long have you been meditating regularly?
Meditation Approval
Overall, how helpful do you think meditation has been for you?
Not helpful
Very helpful
Have you ever reached any of the states of meditative absorption/bliss called jhanas? If you don't know what this is, your answer is probably no.
Some meditators report a profound and long-lasting insight into questions of identity and suffering, which various traditions call things like "enlightenment" or "stream entry". Have you ever had such an experience?
Advanced Math Preference
Answer only if you have a strong enough background in advanced math that you feel you clearly understand this question - which of the following types of math do you prefer?
Albion's Seed
Americans who have read Albion's Seed or my review of it: which of the following groups, if any, is most prominently involved in your family background?
Financial Success
Financial success is...
Mostly due to luck
Mostly due to talent and hard work
NIMBYs ("not in my back yard") believe that cities should restrict new development in order to preserve neighborhood character, quality of life, and existing communities. YIMBYs believe that cities should encourage new development to lower housing costs, increase density, and allow more people to live in desirable locations. Which group more closely matches your own views?
Corn Eating
How do you usually eat corn on the cob?
Kind Of School
What kind of school did you attend most during your early childhood? Note for British people - Please answer according to US terminology, where public school is free and provided by the government, and private school costs money and is considered more upper class.
Sci-Fi/Fantasy Books
How much do you generally enjoy science fiction and fantasy books?
Not at all
Very much
How much do you generally enjoy the sort of modern books that are considered "highbrow literature" and might get discussed in literary magazines or college English classes?
Not at all
Very much
SSC Change
Do you think SSC has gotten better or worse since you first started reading it?
Beef Jerky
How often do you eat beef jerky, meat sticks, or other similar nitrate-cured meats?
Vegetarian Labeling
Some companies make vegetarian versions of common animal-based foods and call them by the name of the food they are replacing, like "the Beyond Burger" and "Just Mayonnaise". Meat companies argue this is false advertising, and that instead of calling their products "burger" or "mayonnaise" they should have to say things like "burger-style patty" or "pea-protein-based dip" or something else that makes it clear there is no beef or egg involved. How do you feel about this?
Consider a somewhat-constant background noise, like a dripping faucet. How much would this bother you?
Very little
Very much
Tickle Self
Can you tickle yourself?
Not at all
Yes, feels just like other person tickling
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