ADDERALL USE: Legally = 0 Extralegally = 1 RESULTS: No problems = 0 Tolerance = 1 Minor addiction = 2 USE PATTERN: Less than once a month = 0 Once a month - once a week = 1 Once a week - once a day = 2 Daily or even more = 3 ADDERALL DOSE 10 mg or less = 0 11 - 20 mg = 1 21 - 40 mg = 2 41 - 60 mg = 3 61 - 100 mg = 4 More than 100 mg = 5 PHENIBUT DOSE 500 mg or less = 0 501 mg - 1 g = 1 1g - 2g = 2 2g - 5g = 3 5g - 10g = 4 Greater than 10g = 5 NICOTINE USE I use/d nicotine less than once a week I use/d nicotine more than three times a day I use/d nicotine twice or three times a day I use/d nicotine daily 2 = Between once a week and once a day MENTAL HEALTH I have no issues with anxiety = 0 I have not been diagnosed, but I believe I have a problem with anxiety = 1 I have a professionally diagnosed anxiety disorder = 2 TYPE OF NICOTINE Normal tobacco cigarettes = 0 Gum = 1 Lozenges = 2 E-cigarettes = 3 Snus = 4