Open Thread 148.25

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990 Responses to Open Thread 148.25

  1. Plumber says:

    The Pachyderminator says:
    February 25, 2020 at 6:55 pm

    “All right, I just tried to watch part of the Democratic primary debate, and even while drinking generously I could only handle about half an hour of it. What the hell is this malarkey?

    Why don’t they try enforcing the rules or something? Why don’t they play a loud buzzer when someone goes over time and keep playing it until they close their mouth? Why this unseemly spectacle of the moderators begging the candidates to respect the rules?

    At one point, after someone else answered a question, Elizabeth Warren just jumped in and started talking, and kept talking, while the moderator literally sat there and said “Can we just speak up whenever we want to? Is that the idea?” while everyone ignored her existence on God’s green earth.

    At one point I swear to God Biden was flirting with the moderator about being given time to speak. This after a lot of bluster from him about “I will not be silenced!” when she tried to cut him off, though to give him his due he usually was, as I wish they all could have been permanently.

    I keep focusing on the moderation failures because there’s literally nothing else to focus on. The average Twitter thread has more substance than this exchange of slogans. There was a whole discussion on whether the president should change the drug laws “on day one,” with zero acknowledgement from anyone that the president can’t unilaterally change the law. There was a segment about the military that almost reached the sophistication and importance of that controversy about Obama saluting with a drink in his hand.

    Calling this political theater gives it far too much dignity. This is nothing but a shitty game show. 2/10, would not watch again. If I choose to drink myself to death, I might as well do it while listening to music that I actually enjoy”

    I was afraid that the topic may be “hot button” so I’m responding here:

    I caught some the debate on the radio, and then some on television last night

    I already mailed in my vote (for Biden), as did my wife (for Bloomberg), before viewing the debate (and before the last one as well) so the debate is too late to effect my vote.

    I thought the moderation was terrible and the candidates didn’t show themselves well, too much yelling! 

    It was worse following it on the radio, but on television it was still bad, from most to least screaming it seemed it went: Biden-Warren-Sanders-Buttigieg-Steyer-Klobucher-Bloomberg, and from most impressive (if I knew almost nothing about the candidates) to worst performing it went: Klobucher-Sanders (in part because his yells were spoken slowly and clearly)-Bloomberg-Steyer-Warren-Biden.

    My man Joe really didn’t look good last night, but at least the CBS lady called him a “gentleman” after he mentioned his “Catholic school training”.

    The California primary (and those of many lesser States) is within three days of the South Carolina primary, and with early voting many votes (like mine) will already have been cast, and by March 18th more than half of the delegates will already have been pledged, and I really hope these “circular firing squads” will be over by then (and I’m really tired of Bloomberg’s and Steyer’s adds, I didn’t know how blessed we Californians were with our old June primary!).

    • andrewflicker says:

      It’s sort of a weird coordination failure. The rules and procedures of the debates are mutually agreed on ahead of time by the candidates and the party, more or less- so this is basically how they want it.

    • Garrett says:

      > because his yells were spoken slowly and clearly

      I hadn’t thought about this before, but he does “old man yells at cloud” *really* well. There aren’t a lot of people I’m used to hearing who manage to be clearly heard while raising their voice. I don’t know if he’s had any voice training for that sort of thing, but I suspect it’s the kind of thing that politicians looking for every last edge will do in the future.

      FWIW, I heard Warren in an interview on the radio the other day and I was impressed at how well she handled the questions.

    • Clutzy says:

      I have to agree with most of what you said, plus I’d add: I have no idea why Steyer and Warren are even running.

      • Loriot says:

        You mean why Warren is *still* running? She had a plausible shot earlier, but I agree she should have dropped out. Steyer never had a chance to begin with.

        • Eric Rall says:

          I see her having a slim-but-nonzero path to the nomination via a contested convention. If Sanders has a large plurality but is short of a majority on the first ballot, and if (as many observers are anticipating) the superdelegates mostly vote against Sanders on subsequent ballots, then Warren (especially if she has a credible number of her own delegates, which is still possible: she’s currently polling a hair under the 15% viability threshold nationally and will no doubt do better in some states and districts than others) can present herself as a compromise candidate: less baggage than Sanders, but still Socialist enough that Sanders’s core supporters are more likely to turn out for her in the general election than they would for Biden or Bloomberg.

        • Clutzy says:

          I guess, but my statement is a bit stronger than that. I don’t understand why Warren was ever running based on what she decided to do at this debate. She spent her time attacking Bloomberg (not on the ballot) and Buttegig (4th place at best) while giving Bernie (1st nationally) a pass on everything. Her “harsh words” for him were “I think I can do a better job”. Not even, ” I think I can do a better job because [reasons].”

          • JayT says:

            I think at this point she is auditioning to be Bernie’s VP. She’s showing that she can be an effective attack dog while not hurting his campaign.

          • Edward Scizorhands says:

            She might be trying to befriend Bernie, but Bernie is looking to knock her out. He’s campaigning in Massachusetts for 2 days, even though South Carolina is next, because if he beats her in her home state, she is gone.

        • andrewflicker says:

          It’s macabre, but the other reasonable answer is that Bernie is very old and has had recent medical problems, and if he died or had to withdraw due to medical issues within the next few weeks, she has a plausible path all of a sudden.

  2. DragonMilk says:

    So certain Swedes claim that Sweden is successful despite socialism, not because of it. The narrative is as follows:

    Sweden stayed neutral during WW2 and supplied Germany with its iron ore for the war machine
    Swedish manufacturing base was untouched post-war, while other countries had to rebuild
    Sweden got lots of post-war funding anyway, which the Socialists squandered
    Sweden had to devalue its currency in the 80s due to the Socialists
    The socialists stupidly thought bringing in 1 million refugees into the country with a total population of 10 million or so would make them love Sweden and become Swedes, because it’s politically incorrect to assume racial or cultural differences
    Swedish labor market is highly regulated, so the refugees have no work, were given handouts, and a lot are turning to gangs
    Jewish populations in Sweden are fleeing as a result, as it’s politically incorrect to do real policing and not respect cultural differences that actually don’t exist…everything’s fine

    All in all, these guys hate that Sweden is used as a model of socialism as they believe it’s about to ruin the country as Swedes are fed up with taxes and immigration leading to an untenable and crumbling welfare state.

    • eric23 says:

      Socialism is an economic policy, it has pretty much nothing to do with inviting refugees and bad policing and attacks on Jews… this sounds more like an attack on anything that’s vaguely “left wing” whether or not it has anything in common.

      And as for socialism, Sweden is in the top third of the EU in economic freedom – maybe Swedes will flee Sweden for its lack of socialism?

      • DragonMilk says:

        Those that advocate big government welfare states and high taxes are generally in control of policies on refugees as well.

        But agreed, the Jewish Swede on the podcast took the opportunity to point out that Sweden was complicit with Nazi Germany and never cared much for its Jews, and gladly is trading them away for votes from refugees being given handouts.

        But yeah, back to the economic points, economic freedom may be a poor way to explain it. What I’ve heard is that business regulations are actually quite few, but taxes are high. Whereas the US is actually quite high in business regulations, but taxes are low.

        So their contention is that the high taxes supporting the welfare state hampers Sweden from being more competitive, despite low regulations making them somewhat competitive (#19 in your link vs. #12 for US by the economic freedom metric)

      • RalMirrorAd says:

        All in all, these guys hate that Sweden is used as a model of socialism as they believe it’s about to ruin the country as Swedes are fed up with taxes and immigration leading to an untenable and crumbling welfare state.

        The cardinal sin here is using the word socialism to mean any and all government “generosity” however big or small. I wouldn’t say the two have nothing to do with each other. You have an instinct to tax your most well-off to cover the needs of the less well-off, gradually you extend that logic to people living outside your borders.

        Except fast forward 20 years and the foreigners and foreign-born do not (on average) reciprocate the mentality that makes this way of life possible and at some point the generosity becomes culturally and economically unfeasible.

        Another key difference is that taxes and regulations can be changed in a matter of days. If 20% of sweden’s population is foreign born, I don’t see how you can guaranty a quick and happy ending for both the native and foreign born populations. someone and their posterity is going to suffer permanently from this. Debates about immigration are far more fatalistic than debates about taxes and spending for this very reason, I think.

        We see how silly this is when we remove the word socialism from the debate:

        1. Any amount of government generosity works because some amount of generosity worked at a particular time and place
        2. No amount of government generosity works because some amount of generosity failed at a particular time and place

        I don’t know if this bait and switch is intentional or just evidence that people’s thinking is inherently sloppy and low-resolution.

    • rocoulm says:

      (This question is telling of how uneducated I am in economics.)

      In this context, what does “we had to devalue our currency” mean? Is this just referring to inflation/increased government spending? Or is there some other way this is relevant to proving Socialists Are Squandering Our Money?

      • DragonMilk says:

        Right, Sweden never joined Eurozone, and apparently in the 80s:

        A controlled depreciation of 10% against the “currency basket” on 14 September 1981.
        A controlled depreciation of 16% against the “currency basket” on 8 October 1982.

        Sweden is a net exporter so devaluation would make its exports more competitive:

        Sweden’s primary export commodities include industrial machinery, automobiles, paper products, iron and steel products, pulp and wood, and chemicals. Sweden’s primary import commodities include machinery, petroleum and petroleum products, chemicals, motor vehicles, iron and steel; foodstuffs, clothing

        So on the consumer level, simplistically post devaluation, over the course of two years, your car, gas, food, and clothing prices went up by about 30%

        • rocoulm says:

          Was the depreciation necessary due to a particular Socialist policy that was implemented around then, or is the claim that “Socialist policies were in place, therefore bad economic things were their fault”?

          • DragonMilk says:

            Depends who you ask. Look at Venezuela for the free market argument – socialism causing hyperinflation/currency depreciation and now they’re going to use the dollar instead of their own currency.

            The easiest way to pay for things is to print more money when you also control your own currency.

          • Aftagley says:

            Venezuela’s not the best example here, they were socialist but in a very different way that’s not really relevant to Nordic style socialism.

            Unless Sweden starts setting their own currency’s rates, requiring government approval of every import and basically tying their national treasury to the value of oil, saying Venezuela is as accurate a comparison to Sweden as the USSR.

    • Eric Rall says:

      The control group for Sweden is Minnesota, which is also full of Swedes but has significantly different history and institutions.

      As of the most recent data I could readily find for both countries:
      GDP per capita: $51,844 (2016)
      Unemployment rate: 6.6%
      Life expectancy at birth: 80.8 years

      GDP per capita: $53,704 (2016)
      Unemployment rate: 3.2% (Oct 2019)
      Life expectancy at birth: 82.2 years

      • metacelsus says:

        The primary country of origin of Minnesotans is Germany, not Sweden.

        • Lambert says:

          Isn’t the primary country of origin of Gemans also Sweden?
          half /s

          • Le Maistre Chat says:

            Isn’t the primary country of origin of Gemans also Sweden?
            half /s

            Possibly the other way around. Germania was once Celtic-speaking, although if there was population replacement the pressure would have been demic expansion out of Denmark and Germany’s far north (Jastorf culture).

          • Lambert says:

            North Germany (the 2nd best half of Germany) was Germanic by the 1st century BCE. I think. All this historical population stuff makes my head hurt.
            There’s language, material culture and genetics that kind of track with each other till a bunch of gauls decide up sticks and go live in Anatolia or somesuch.

          • Le Maistre Chat says:


            North Germany (the 2nd best half of Germany) was Germanic by the 1st century BCE. I think. All this historical population stuff makes my head hurt.

            Unless I’m misreading Caesar, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Alsace-Lorraine, and the west of modern Germany were Germanic by the 1st century BC, although still mixed with people who self-identified as Celtic/Gaulish/Belgian in some of those areas.
            I don’t know anything about how much the change in archaeological culture and second-hand data on self-identification correlated with genetics.

            All this historical population stuff makes my head hurt.


        • Eric Rall says:

          Alright, Minnesota is the control group for north-central Europe, or for Scandinavia+Germany taken as a whole, not for Sweden in particular. By the data you linked, just under 2/3 of Minnesotans self-report as German, Swedish, or Norwegian, plus probably a few percent from the “below the fold” number of Danes, Finns, Icelanders, etc.

      • Matt M says:

        I’ve certainly heard it stated many times that ethnic Swedes in America outperform ethnic Swedes in Sweden on most metrics, although I’ve never asked for or personally examined the sources on that.

        • Aftagley says:

          America’s a rich country, though.

          I don’t have the data to back this up, but I’d pretty much agree with “Ethnic Xs in America outperform ethnic Xs in Xland on most metrics” for all but maybe like one or two values of X. (Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc).

          • Matt M says:

            America’s a rich country, though.

            Not on the same metrics when you compare “All Americans” to “All Swedes,” as people typically do when they want to advocate that America should adopt a Swedish-style welfare state.

      • AlesZiegler says:

        This strikes me as a weird argument. Do you think that there is something like essential, possibly genetic, “Swedishness”, onto which Swedish government (elected by Swedes) imposed one set of policies, and US government (elected overwhelmingly by nonSwedes) another set of policies, with results proving that Swedes are really resourceful people, but should be governed by Americans?

        Of course this is somewhat complicated by the fact that Sweden has been since 1995 partly governed by the European Union, so perhaps the real takeaway is that Americans are better at running their federation than Europeans.

        • Eric Rall says:

          Do you think that there is something like essential, possibly genetic, “Swedishness”, onto which Swedish government (elected by Swedes) imposed one set of policies, and US government (elected overwhelmingly by nonSwedes) another set of policies, with results proving that Swedes are really resourceful people, but should be governed by Americans?

          Probably cultural more than genetic, but yes. While culture changes a lot over generations and drifts apart in separated subpopulations, there are also significant threads of continuity over a span of centuries. See Albion’s Seed for some examples of arguments along these lines.

          • AlesZiegler says:

            Ok, I do not dispute that long running cultural continuity is important, but my prior is that Minnesota Swedes do not tell us much about Swedish socialism. They might perhaps tell us something about European “socialism”, if that is a thing.

            What I find specifically implausible is that since Swedes under US government are outperforming largely self governing Swedes in Sweden, they apparently need American paternalism to thrive.

            Instead I think that differences in outcomes might be explained by positive selection among immigrants and partly by general context (Europe vs US). That second point gets us back to differences in governance, but whatever problems in this area Sweden has, they are not exclusively that of Swedish socialism, but European.

          • Matt M says:

            What I find specifically implausible is that since Swedes under US government are outperforming largely self governing Swedes in Sweden, they apparently need American paternalism to thrive.

            I don’t think this is really the argument. I’m not aware of many people who are going around insisting that Sweden needs to change its government to be more like the US.

            I am aware of a lot of people who go around insisting that the US needs to change its government to be more like Sweden. And it’s appropriate to inform them that all the metrics they point to where the “average Swede” has it better than the “average American” flip around entirely if you control for ethnicity.

            If you want the US to look more like Sweden on whatever statistics you’re quoting, the way to actually achieve that is not to implement the policies of the Swedish government, but to increase the relative population of Swedish people.

          • AlesZiegler says:

            @Matt M

            I mean, yeah, I agree with that. US government has in a sense much more difficult tasks than Swedish government and it is unreasonable to expect that it could be just as efficient. But the message of shared video (which I didn’t watch) according to OP is supposed to be “Swedish socialist government bad”, which is a whole different debate.

    • A Definite Beta Guy says:

      I’m not sure how one can argue Sweden is economically successfully “because of” socialism. Sweden had one of the world’s highest standards of living prior to socialism really being a thing there. Plus, other nations have tried socialism harder, and failed entirely, and the US is fabulously wealthy despite not being anywhere close to “socialist.”
      At best you can say the social welfare state is compatible with a high income, democratic market state.

      Sweden fared relatively poorly in the 70s and 80s. In 1970, Sweden was basically the richest planet in the world besides the US and Monaco. It is not anymore, and it’s not even in the top 10. The US is. So is Switzerland. So is Norway, because Norway has a massive amount of oil wealth. I guess you could still put Denmark in there.

      Of course, these Nordic nations are all insanely expensive, so as soon as you start adjusting for living standards, they fall.

      Is it sustainable? Well, we’ll see. Sweden is going to get pressured to join the Euro and the next time a recession hits, “lol.”

      • Aapje says:

        Sweden was basically the richest planet in the world


      • TheAncientGeeksTAG says:

        Plus, other nations have tried socialism harder, and failed entirely,

        Moderate lefties have taken that on board.

        the US is fabulously wealthy ..

        But happy, healthy, equal, peaceful…? The left-right debate isn’t exactly about how to maximise GDP.

    • The version of Sweden and socialism I’m familiar with is that, starting (I think) in the late 19th century, Sweden was one of the most free market countries in Europe and during that period went from being one of the poorer to one of richest countries. It eventually switched to a more nearly socialist policy, with lots of income redistribution and a significant restraint on free enterprise, coasted for a while on its past gains, eventually ran into difficulties and is now mildly backing off on the redistribution and more on the restrictions of free enterprise.

      I don’t know if that story is correct, but it is the pro-market explanation of the relevant history I have heard.

      • Thomas Jorgensen says:

        This is wrong. Sweden hit its richest comparative status basically off the back of being the first nation to go in for mass female labor mobilization. They got on that train before anyone else, and to this day still have a far higher percentage of its total population in the formal labor market than just about everyone else – a full nine percent higher than the US, for example (the Swiss have also reached this level recently, but that is the result of a multi-decade stretch of very tight labor markets in Switzerland, not something the Swiss deliberately set out to achieve.)

        This was deliberate dristigste policy from the governments side, and included a bunch of Taylorist research into making homes more labor efficient.

        Sweden also had a saner response to the oil crisis than most nations – it transitioned its entire grid to hydro and nuclear, and that base of cheap low-externalities power has been a comparative advantage ever since, and its higher education system is also very well thought out.

        • Lambert says:

          I’d not necessarily call the hydro ‘saner’ so much as ‘luckier’, what with sweden containing lots of mountain rivers and not many people. But not giving in to fears about nuclear is smart.

        • and that base of cheap low-externalities power has been a comparative advantage

          “Comparative advantage” is a technical term in economics, and I don’t think that’s what it means.

          • Thomas Jorgensen says:

            ..To be more explicit: Sweden has cheap electricity for heavy industrial uses, and this is not a hidden cost / subsidy offloaded onto the Swedish health care system by not accounting for the air-pollution from coal, but a genuine competitive edge, even if not as big a one as, for example, Icelandic geothermal. Not really seeing how this fails to be a comparative advantage – it shows up in Sweden being a leading producer of a lot of steel alloys for example.

          • So what you meant was “this explains why Sweden has comparative advantage in heavy industry over (say) farming”?

            That would be a legitimate use of the term. The way you put it, “that base of cheap low-externalities power has been a comparative advantage,” sounded to me as though it meant that it gave Sweden an advantage in competing with other countries.

      • TheAncientGeeksTAG says:


        It eventually switched to a more nearly socialist policy, with lots of income redistribution and a significant restraint on free enterprise,

        The version I heard was that there was lots of income redistribution but not much restraint on free enterprise.

        eventually ran into difficulties and is now mildly backing off on the redistribution and more on the restrictions of free enterprise.

        The version I heard was that that happened a couple of decades ago. And it demonstrates that democratic socialism can be walked back from, contrary to some conservative arguments that socialism always locks in.

        • Clutzy says:

          My understanding is they walked back during a crisis similar to, but quieter than the Greek 2008 crisis.

  3. johan_larson says:

    So, the Mad God/Executive Producer demands that we develop a film titled “Sean Bean Must Die”, which is to be a collection of a dozen or so death scenes, all featuring Sean Bean, where each scene could plausibly be from a completely different (non-existent) film.

    You are invited to propose such scenes.

    • B_Epstein says:

      He is run over by a car driven by Mr. Bean, with Sean Penn in the shotgun seat. Brandishing a shotgun.

    • Bobobob says:

      He is dispatched, in consecutive scenes, by Fay Wray, Sam Hamm and Cheri Oteri.

    • Paul Zrimsek says:

      Are live-action versions of cartoons still a thing? Bean would make a fine Kenny.

    • rumham says:

      He’s the dictator of a small European country. He narrowly survives an assassination attempt, then goes out like Elvis with a heart attack on the crapper a few minutes later.

    • moonfirestorm says:

      Make the movie about finding Sean Bean in every scene. The very first scene stars him as a primary character who dies front and center, and after that he gets progressively harder to find: at some point he’s the guy that dove away from a car chase and fell off a bridge. Or the climber in the distant background of an establishing shot whose harness snaps. Or the man choking on his food in a restaurant action scene.

      After every scene ends, do a fast-rewind to the point where Sean Bean dies, and show the last few seconds in slow motion.

    • Le Maistre Chat says:

      How many times has Sean Bean died not in medieval fantasy?
      Assuming that’s his schtick, I’m going to propose:

      1) Sean Bean as King Arthur and Sean Penn as Mordred at Camlann, the latter already surrounded by corpses of his warriors. After an exchange of meaningful dialogue, Arthur charges Mordred with Excalibur, but Mordred impales him by setting his spear. Mordred removes his helmet to taunt that he was mightier than the magic sword, to which the mortally-wounded Arthur finds the strength to fatally cut his throat.

    • johan_larson says:

      We start with Sean Bean climbing a steep cliff face. It’s a huge cliff, at least a couple of hundred meters tall. Sean is free-climbing, so he has no safety gear. He is about two-thirds of the way up and checks the sun, which right on the horizon; he’ll have to work fast. As he makes his way up, grunting and sweating, it gets steadily darker. Finally he’s a dozen meters from the top; now we can only hear his breath and the sounds of his hands and feet on the rock. Then there’s an abrupt sliding sound, an “Oh shit!”, a few seconds of silence, and we roll credits.

    • Make it like Groundhog Day. He starts in a random scene, dies and then he moves on to the next scene. No matter what he does, he always dies and moves on to the next one. Every death scene is something different. Sean Bean is trying to figure out how to escape until he learns to accept himself and not fight his destiny. The last scene is him rolling a boulder up a hill and then it flattens him.

    • Aapje says:

      The movie ‘Sean of the Dead’ where Sean Bean plays the role of Bill Nighy.

      ‘Sean the sheep:’ Sean Bean plays a sheep who is slaughtered for meat.

      ‘Beanstalk’: Sean Bean finds a magical bean and plants it. It grows into a enormous plant that he climbs. It starts raining and he loses his grip and falls to his death.

      ‘The Peanuts Movie’: Sean Bean plays Charlie Brown who flies his kite during a thunderstorm. Lightning strikes and he is killed. The rest of the movie is about Snoopy.

    • Kuiperdolin says:

      A battle royale kind of thing where all the roles are played by Sean Bean. They are also, diegetically, clones of Sean Bean. Last one standing kills the second-to-last but gets mortally wounded in the process and dies.

  4. Nick says:

    SSC, what are you giving up for Lent?

    I haven’t decided yet. Soda is tempting, since I’ve been having some success cutting it back lately, and I’m better off cutting it out entirely, but I’d like to do something more meaningful. Giving up gossip, maybe, since workplace gossip has really gotten to me lately.

    • DragonMilk says:

      Some day, I will try the Jesus fast.

      Today is not that day

      • Lambert says:

        You can always do the John the Baptist fast of honey and locusts.

      • broblawsky says:

        Is that different from the Daniel Fast?

      • HarmlessFrog says:

        40 days and nights? I would like to do it this Lent. I may or may not have enough body fat for that, so I just resolved to do 4+ days, extended as far as I feel relatively well.

        • Nick says:

          I may or may not have enough body fat for that

          Someone clearly didn’t get the memo on Mardi Gras. 🙂

          • HarmlessFrog says:


            I definitely did fatten myself up in preparation, to the tune of 10 kilograms extra, but I’m still not sure. I’m projecting about 15 kg of weight loss by the end of Lent. Will see how it goes – the worst part is the first few days, thereafter it becomes routine, and hunger goes away.

        • DragonMilk says:

          I just hope by the end of it rocks don’t start looking like bread to me

          • HarmlessFrog says:

            This is a possibility. Both Scripture and the medical literature suggest that hunger disappears after the first few days and then reappears when you really need to eat again.

    • SamChevre says:

      Meat except on Sundays and for dinner with family on weekdays
      Alcohol, except with friends who I see rarely
      Trying: eating before noon everyday
      Planning: no breakfast and a small lunch on Fridays

      (Catholic, with Orthodox friends, so I always feel like a wimp.)

    • hls2003 says:

      Political discussions and news, especially partisan news sites.

      I’m allowing SSC for now, on the grounds that it’s not primarily a political platform. No political topic engagement though.

    • Plumber says:

      Giving up beer and any other alcohol till April 10ths.

    • Tenacious D says:

      Alcohol (with a couple of pre-planned cheat days for hospitality/celebration purposes) and Twitter.

    • BlazingGuy says:

      Reddit, Twitter, and my Facebook feed (it’s not really practical for me to leave FB entirely right now, but I’m restricting it to communicating/organizing with people I know IRL.)

    • Le Maistre Chat says:

      I support soda. Hopefully if you give it up for Lent when you’re already having success, you can stop drinking it permanently, like I have.

      • SamChevre says:

        Isn’t that contrary to the point of Lenten fasting–which is giving up something good and right for a greater good?

        • Le Maistre Chat says:

          I mean, that might be official Roman Catholic doctrine. But the big feature of the fast is giving up meat, which is permitted but seems less that great morally (Adam and Eve were vegetarians).

        • Nick says:

          Yeah. The same goes even more so for gossip, which is actually sinful. I don’t know how to get away from it otherwise, though.

          If you have more appropriate suggestions I am happy to hear it, but I won’t be giving up food of any kind.

    • Conrad Honcho says:

      Booze. I’m also going to do the “adopt a positive habit” thing and go back to the gym. I’ve put on like 20 pounds in the last 5 years or so and would like to get that off.

      Also, further evidence Francis is an anti-pope: he wants us to give up trolling for Lent. Umm, pretty sure screaming at ignorant sinners on the internet is a spiritual work of mercy.

      • Protagoras says:

        Doesn’t there have to be a pope in order for there to be an antipope, or is it just a historical accident that it’s normally been that way? Or are you suggesting that Benedict should still be regarded as pope, since he’s still alive. In which case, is it safe to have both the pope and antipope living in the same place? What if they meet? How much damage would their mutual annihilation produce? My Fermi estimate is in the range of a few gigatons for a blast involving masses of that size mutually annihilating.

        • Tenacious D says:

          Ah, but popes only spend part of their time conducting mass…

        • Nick says:

          Antipopehood requires a rival claimant, yes. I’m not sure Benedict qualifies as a rival claimant, since he abdicated, of course, but perhaps it could be argued his abdication was invalid. In that case Benedict has a claim so long as he doesn’t validly abdicate, and Francis is the antipope, and their meeting would obliterate Rome.

          • Evan Þ says:

            There is also, of course, Pope Michael of Kansas.

          • Lambert says:

            >Antipopehood requires a rival claimant

            What if the legitimate papacy is sede vacante?

          • Le Maistre Chat says:

            Pope Michael of Kansas.

            This makes it sound like his spiritual authority only holds until you’re not in Kansas anymore.
            So Dorothy was conveying important information to Toto, who’s Catholic. Indeed he probably had to be an ordained priest, since he blessed the rains down in Africa.

    • JonathanD says:


      For taking something on, which is encouraged in my church: going to try to do evening prayer twice a week.

    • Steven J says:

      Video games (PC and console)

  5. addastra says:

    Turning to SSC for advice. Has anyone experienced a combination of very mild ADD and bipolar symptoms that was hard to diagnose?

    From the outside, I look like I am a reasonably high-performance researcher who is very absent-minded and disorganized. Recently, my family and friends have told me that I seem depressed: I’m not getting stuff done on time, I have executive function issues, I have subdued and insecure speech patterns.

    From the inside, I feel stressed but generally happy, though my inability to focus and get stuff done lately scares me. And since forever, I feel like I have some aspects of mild bipolar and ADD: I alternate between getting worked up by random ideas and phases of being very low-energy, though usually without strong emotional issues, since I’m generally pretty upbeat and mellow.

    I’ve tried therapy for a couple of years. One therapist especially was helpful. She agreed with my the above summary, but said that this doesn’t clearly qualify as a diagnosis of either ADD or bipolar. I’m now at a point where I want to try psychopharmacology: maybe antidepressants or something for ADHD, but I want to gather data before trying to get a prescription. Do you guys have experiences similar to mine, and have medications helped you get over them?

    • baconbits9 says:

      I got a dog and that relieved some of my issues with low level depression, it both gave me an anchor and a basic structure to my life and also the companionship/serotonin boost that helped smooth things out.

      • Anteros says:

        Do you take the dog for a walk? If so, it seems to me that the dog facilitates the walks, and the walks treat the low level depression, give structure etc.

        I was going to suggest to addastra, before pharmacology, try any kind of regular exercise that you can conceive of enjoying – even in a small way. Getting a dog that requires daily walking can get you over the feeling of not really wanting to do the exercise.

        Funnily enough, I’ve just started watching the Netflix series ‘After Life’ with Ricky Gervais. His dog manages to prevent him topping himself numerous times…

      • addastra says:

        Thanks! That sounds like good general advice. What were your symptoms/experience of low-grade depression?

    • Akrasian says:

      >maybe antidepressants or something for ADHD, but I want to gather data before trying to get a prescription.

      I think stimulants would be a much better path to explore, since you say you don’t have strong emotional issues even when you’re down, and most of your problems are with getting stuff done.

  6. salvorhardin says:

    Hey, it’s a fractional thread, time for speculation on hot-button issues!

    So the following contradictory theories are both intuitively plausible to me:

    1. Coronavirus will hurt Trump’s reelection chances. It’s a bad thing happening on his watch, and Presidents get blame/credit for bad/good things happening on their watch regardless of whether they’re actually responsible. This is especially true of economic shocks, which the coronavirus will probably cause, if the last few days of market drops are anything to go by. Also, his visible neglect of many traditional federal agency maintenance functions– acting officials in charge of things, career civil servants pushed out in favor of political loyalists– will make him all the more vulnerable to attacks for negligence/incompetence if and as the federal response fails (again, even if it would have failed anyway under a different President).

    2. Coronavirus will help Trump’s reelection chances. Fear of external threats will make voters less willing to take a chance on someone new, and the border-crossing nature of the threat will make his border-restrictions schtick more appealing. Also, insert all the psychological research here about the correlation between fear of disease/contagion and conservatism.

    Which effect do you think is likely to be stronger? Or will the two just cancel each other out? And how would we know?

    • Nick says:

      A lot of media takes I’ve been seeing have been of the form, “Our real enemy isn’t plague but racism!” and conservative pundits seem to be deriding coronavirus as no worse than the flu or common cold, which… geez, that seriously seems crazy to me. As usual, I am baffled by what our society chooses to be bipartisan about.

      So on that front Trump just doesn’t have much to worry about, at least at the moment. Media response could shift fast when bodies start dropping, but so far Trump seems happy to play this off as nothing, and Dems seem happy to let him.

      On a related point, I keep waiting for Trump to announce that the coming crisis is excellent evidence we need to return certain key supply chains to the US, and so far he has declined. Really, what better scenario could he ask for to bolster his case for economic protectionism??? Is he holding out for evidence it was bioengineered to target Appalachian coal miners? You’re a populist, act like one!

      So all in all I think my take is that the Trump administration’s incompetence hasn’t yet, but could, screw his chances.

      • Matt M says:

        Yeah, there’s definitely a case to be made that these events could be good arguments for some combination of closed borders and higher tariffs (both policy positions strongly associated with Trump). But so far, while I’ve heard a lot of people predicting that Trump would make that case, he… uh… hasn’t. Like not even a little bit.

        • The Nybbler says:

          But so far, while I’ve heard a lot of people predicting that Trump would make that case, he… uh… hasn’t. Like not even a little bit.

          I think his instincts are good here. Making that case now looks like beating on the Chinese because they’re sick. Once shortages actually start to happen, he can make that case.

          • Nick says:

            Maybe, but I worry all this “we are just fine, nothing to worry about” stuff is going to backfire pretty soon. Can we count on not having an outbreak before we start feeling the shortages?

      • eightieshair says:

        A lot of media takes I’ve been seeing have been of the form, “Our real enemy isn’t plague but racism!”

        Has anyone tried to float “Frequent hand washing in response to the coronavirus outbreak is racist” as the official woke position on the subject? If I had a twitter account I’d be tempted to try, just to see if it would catch on.

      • salvorhardin says:

        The globalist take, of course, is that what’s needed here is not autarky but worldwide resilience and redundancy. Which may well require some government intervention, if markets tend to produce region/country monopolies on fragile critical infrastructure.

        • I keep seeing all these takes about how Coronavirus is inevitable and there’s nothing we can do to stop it, we can only treat it. The way they keep pronouncing it like a mantra makes me thinks its based more on ideology than any other reason. They think that if they keep telling us that it’s inevitable, we won’t try to put up walls to stop the spread until it is too late.

          It’s also suspicious how quickly the Narrative went from “racism is the real problem” to “We can’t do anything to stop it.” Anytime I see a narrative whiplash like that, it suggests to me that something is going on.

          • beleester says:

            I don’t see how those two narratives are inconsistent? The first one is saying “Stopping travel from China would be pandering to xenophobia and is unlikely to help” and the second one is saying “Stopping travel from China is unlikely to help because it’s already spread too far.”

            And while you may not have seen them, there are plausible reasons why it will be hard to stop – it has a pretty long incubation period where it can spread undetected, a low mortality rate so it won’t burn itself out, and a pretty good chance of being mistaken for ordinary flu. All these factors make it hard to tell where you need to draw your quarantine lines. And imposing a quarantine has its own economic costs, so you want to get it right.

          • “Stopping travel from China would be pandering to xenophobia and is unlikely to help”

            No, as Nick pointed out above, the Coronavirus was dismissed as not a problem. It was the racist “overreaction” that was the real issue. Then overnight, a Coronavirus pandemic became inevitable and we shouldn’t bother trying to keep it from coming here because of that. We just need to focus on what to do when it gets here. They did a 180 on what to think of the disease and yet the message stayed the same: don’t do anything to keep out foreigners.

            Also, can we talk about the claim that banning travel from a plague-infested country wouldn’t work? If you think about that for a minute, it’s pretty obvious how stupid that statement is. If someone wants to claim banning the Chinese is racist, maybe, but don’t feed me some bullshit about how quarantines don’t work.

          • Aapje says:

            Also, can we talk about the claim that banning travel from a plague-infested country wouldn’t work?

            Is that the claim or do they believe that you can’t actually ban travel without causing more harm than the pandemic could cause?

          • John Schilling says:

            I don’t see how those two narratives are inconsistent? The first one is saying “Stopping travel from China would be pandering to xenophobia and is unlikely to help” and the second one is saying “Stopping travel from China is unlikely to help because it’s already spread too far.”

            The second implies that there was a time when stopping travel from China would have helped, and yet we somehow didn’t. Why did the people who are saying a travel ban won’t help now, not shout it from the rooftops then? If the answer is that they were too busy accusing anyone who proposed such a thing of xenophobic racism, then a charge of hypocrisy is merited.

            Possibly virtuous hypocrisy, or at least understandable one. COVID-19 threatens far more people in East Asia than it does in North America, if only because of the raw number of people. If Americans have two choices, intense vaccine research that will eventually reduce casualties by 50% everywhere, or a travel ban that will confine all the casualties to East Asia, then the sort of bleeding-heart liberal or ordinary consequentialist who values a couple billion Asians more than a couple hundred million Americans, might find it desirable to use any argument necessary to take the travel ban off the table. Possibly even to the point of burning their own credibility over it, given the worst-case stakes.

          • albatross11 says:

            Wrong Species:

            I think the main argument that it won’t work is that any such blockade will be too leaky to work–that is, by the time we realize we need to stop travel from China, the virus has already gotten into circulation in Japan and Korea and Singapore and Indonesia and India and Iran, and by the time we know we need to stop travel from those countries, it’s already gotten into the US. This would imply either accepting that quarantine won’t help because it won’t be effective, or shutting down all international travel into the US. (And even then, if it’s already here and spreading, we lose.)

            The second plausible argument would be that the actual costs of COVID-19 spreading in the US would be lower than closing the borders to a bunch of countries or maybe everyone.

            A third plausible argument would be that these measures will only delay COVID-19 getting into the US, not prevent it–if that combines with extremely high costs for doing them, then it may not make sense.

            I don’t know if any of these are correct, but they’re not crazy arguments to make.

          • albatross11 says:

            I recall hearing of some research (simulations) that said that closing schools and daycares could be decisive in stopping pandemic flu, and it seems plausible that might work for COVID-19, too. Basically, you want to find a way to drive the average number of new infections that each sick person causes down below 1, and I think schools are a really good place for one sick person to spread their infection to like 10-20 people.

          • @ albatross11

            There’s plenty of space between absolutely no restrictions and shutting down all international traffic. Saying that travel restrictions wouldn’t have any effect on the spread of an infectious disease is certainly an insane thing to say.

      • zzzzort says:

        All of the “racism it the real enemy” I’ve seen is not about banning travel from China (which would be fine if it was recommended by the CDC, but suspicious if it was initiated from the WH). It was about how people of east asian ancestry in the US were being treated as potentially infected and chinese restaurants were losing business, as in

        • Nick says:

          is not about banning travel

          From the article:

          Not only has his restaurant lost business because fewer Chinese tourists visit the USA, he says, but Chinese students at colleges who used to crowd the eatery’s tables are also missing.
          “The airlines all canceled the flights,” Ip says. “During the Chinese New Year, (the students) go back to China, and now they can’t come back to school.”

          So it’s about banning travel.


          “There are false rumors going around on social media,” Chen says. “There was one rumor talking about one of the local grocery stores, that they’d discovered (the virus) there and … business went down almost 80% immediately.”

          So a rumor went around about a grocery store, and the explanation must be bigotry? Which must therefore be a national crisis rather than, uh, the horrible disease that could kill millions?

        • albatross11 says:

          I’d like to propose that we keep track of *who* is saying these things. Lots of mainstream media outlets saying dumb things about a science or culture-war story is just stuff that happens on days when the sun rises in the East. But specific people or organizations can and should lose credibility if they’re wrong, and lose lots of credibility if they’re acting in bad faith.

          • rumham says:


            Most of the health organizations have already lost credibility due to their uncritical acceptance of all things coming from the idealog Stanton Glantz.

          • Statismagician says:

            Have you got something against Dr. Glantz in particular, or is this a broader anti-anti-tobacco thing?

          • rumham says:


            He is one of the worst. Repeatedly caught using shoddy methodology, making claims that the research doesn’t support, etc. I was reminded of him when I noticed he was still at it.

            I remember an episode of Bullshit when he was interviewed. He straight up said that if you have to bend the truth to get people to stop smoking it’s worth it. Admitted that he does this shit in a fucking taped interview. The fact that his studies keep getting pimped by so many prestigious health organizations is proof that they shouldn’t be considered prestigious any longer.

            And by the way, Dr. Glantz’s phd is in applied mechanics. Strange how that’s never mentioned.

          • Statismagician says:


            Well, today I’ve learned a thing, thanks.

    • jermo sapiens says:

      It depends how bad it gets in the United States and how much the US economy is affected by the disruption in other parts of the world. If things stay pretty much how they are now, it’ll be good for Trump. If things get pretty bad and Trump messes things up somehow, he’ll be in big trouble. I think it also depends on who his Democratic opponent is. At a time of global crisis, I have a hard time seeing alot of moderates voting for an avowed socialist like Sanders, but if he’s up against someone like Bloomberg, then he could lose.

      Another thing to consider, is the effect the virus will have on Chinese manufacturing and what effect that will have on American manufacturing.

      • At a time of global crisis, I have a hard time seeing alot of moderates voting for an avowed socialist like Sanders

        If we get a pandemic, his Medicare-for-all plan will shoot up in popularity.

      • Loriot says:

        > At a time of global crisis, I have a hard time seeing alot of moderates voting for an avowed socialist like Sanders,

        Sander’s whole shtick is “the system is broken” which requires people to actually think the system is broken, so the worse things seem to be going, the better he’ll likely do.

        • viVI_IViv says:


          However, if there is a bad outbreak in the US, I wouldn’t be too surprised if Trump or whoever the Democrat candidate is, or both, catch the virus and require intensive medical care or even drop dead: Trump, Sanders, Biden, Warren and Bloomberg are all in their 70s (the virus has a 8% fatality rate in the 70-79 age group), and they have to travel all over the country and attend lots of rallies for the presidential campaign.

    • RalMirrorAd says:

      Judging by his tweets, #1 seems more likely. It seems like he feels the state of the economy is more relevant to his electoral chances then whether he was known to have been banging the drums on getting quarantine measures carried out.

      • salvorhardin says:

        I can well believe that Trump *thinks* it’ll hurt him. It’s not clear that his judgment on what hurts him and what doesn’t will hold up here, though.

        • RalMirrorAd says:

          The rhetoric matters because if world-wide infection is inevitable his prior optimism can be used against him.

    • baconbits9 says:

      I think the big questions are going to be relative to the rest of the world. If the US avoids major outbreaks and and takes a lesser economic hit than other countries then it should strengthen Trump. It certainly should strengthen his ‘secure the borders/control who comes in and out’ position.

    • Athos says:

      It’s also quite possible that coronavirus fizzles out, at least in terms of being a media centerpiece, due to the traditional flu season ending well before the election campaigns hit full swing. “Coronavirus on the decline” in the headlines isn’t a particularly useful weapon for either side to use.

    • Matt M says:

      I’m not confident in predicting what will or won’t happen with the virus, or whether or not a recession will happen prior to the election.

      I am very confident in predicting that if there is a recession prior to the election, the dominant media narrative will be “this recession happened because of Trump’s economic policies, not because of the virus.”

      If true, Trump has little to gain, but a lot to lose.

    • Bobobob says:

      Even I wouldn’t blame Trump for coronavirus (though I wouldn’t be surprised if he was involved in the Kennedy assassination).

    • The Nybbler says:

      Coronavirus has had little impact in the US so far. So I think at the present time it doesn’t much affect his election chances. Trump isn’t going to be blamed or praised for what’s going on in China, Japan, South Korea, or even Italy. In as much as it hurts the economy, it hurts him as the incumbent. But probably less so than if the economy was hurt without such an obvious external cause.

      There are several things which could change. If the epidemic gets worse and the virus is spreading wildly in the rest of the world (in particular Europe), Trump initiates travel restrictions and such which his opponents attack him for, and it remains contained to isolated cases in the US, that’s a win for Trump. If the virus becomes an epidemic in the US, that’s a big negative for Trump, almost no matter what he did or does.

    • broblawsky says:

      I’m confident that it’s #1, and if Trump tries to spread oil on troubled water rather than sound an alarm later today, he believes it’s #1 as well.

    • John Schilling says:

      Coronavirus will hurt Trump’s reelection chances. It’s a bad thing happening on his watch, and Presidents get blame/credit for bad/good things happening on their watch regardless of whether they’re actually responsible.

      Counterpoint: Presidents almost never get blamed for wars that happen on their watch, despite most of them being bad things and most of them being readily avoidable with Presidential power. Bush II and the Iraq war is the major exception here, but I’m pretty sure it is exceptional rather than normal in that regard.

      I think Presidents get credit/blame for good/bad things the public believes the President has great power over, and I think at least 80% of your observation boils down to the general public vastly overestimating the amount of power the President has over the domestic economy. But an economic downturn that is clearly linked to a virus outbreak in a foreign country is probably not going to fall into that category.

      An economic downturn caused by the US economy being dependent on the Chinese manufacturing industry plausibly could, but I think Trump is effectively innoculated against being stuck with responsibility for that.

      • cassander says:

        I think Presidents get credit/blame for good/bad things the public believes the President has great power over,

        I think it’s more that presidents get blamed for things that people care about that are plausibly his fault, and wars are just usually pretty far down the list of things the average person cares about.

        • baconbits9 says:

          I think that generally people are conservative. If things are going well don’t make a change is generally the rule of thumb, if things aren’t going well that is when you make a change.

    • It will probably hurt Trump. Part of it is because he relaxed the Obamacare rules around “junk plans.” One of the main arguments against them was that they might lead insurance to actually function as insurance rather than a dressed-up redistribution scheme:

      However, people with health problems who need comprehensive coverage would end up paying more because insurers know the “only people who’d buy (the more expensive policies) will be people who think they’re going to need it,” Jost said.

      Washington Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler called that “the worst scenario you could ever have in insurance” because premiums would rise and insurers would exit the market because “the only people you’re insuring are the people that are using it.”

      The problem is that many voters lack a sense of responsibility and many have bought low-premium high-deductible plans and will act shocked, shocked, when reminded how high the deductibles really are. Even though many of these plans predate Trump, he’ll get the blame for them.

      • DinoNerd says:

        IIRC, the big problem with Trump’s relaxing the rules wasn’t high deductible plans – those were brought in well before he was even a candidate. (Also before Obama.) It’s reallowing deceptive plans that in effect cover only low expenses, not the kinds of things insurance was made for, due to limits on total amount they’ll pay. Basically, we’ll cover your hangnail, but better not get cancer ;-(

    • Loriot says:

      I’m not exactly a reluctant Trump voter, and very far removed from those communities, but my understanding is that there is a sizeable contingent out there who don’t like Trump and his policies personally all that much but are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt due to the strong economy. Take that away, and I think a lot of marginal voters will desert him. Not a lot numerically, but elections are won and lost at the margin.

    • Purplehermann says:

      I’ve heard that an incumbent pres. with a strong economy is unbeatable… if this tanks the economy trump loses that strong position.
      Making sure people don’t freak out and the economy doesn’t take a hit should be priority.

    • BBA says:

      Judging from the last four and a half years, it will have no impact whatsoever and we’ll have forgotten about it by the summer.

      Yes, this time feels qualitatively different from all the other “crises” we’ve had, but many of those crises felt different at the time too, and they weren’t.

      [Epistemic status: ignoring all my instincts, because I’m like George Costanza. All my instincts are wrong.]

  7. Bobobob says:

    I would like to propose E.C. Segar’s “Thimble Theater,” featuring Popeye, as the single greatest pop-culture artifact of the first half of the twentieth century. (OK, I feel like talking about Popeye and this is the best way I can think how.)

    • FLWAB says:

      First half? Hmmm….

      I think you’ve got something there. In the comics world it certainly outlived Barney Google and Mutt and Jeff, and while Blondie and Gasoline Alley are still going they have little or no pop culture influence left in them. Dick Tracy and Little Orphan Annie make stronger cases: in fact, considering that Little Orphan Annie recently got a live action movie (Annie, 2014) while Popeye’s last theatrical release was thirty years ago (Popeye, 1980) you could argue that Little Orphan Annie had much more staying power. On the other hand, Popeye had the cartoon and that was really popular…

      On the other hand pop-culture is really big: you’re going against a lot of jazz songs, some of the most famous movies ever (Citizen Kane, Casablanca, Gone With the Wind), all kinds of famous books (Grapes of Wrath, other books I haven’t thought of), etc. It would be hard to say Popeye ends up on top in that fight.

      Still if I’m wrong I’d gladly treat you to a duck dinner. You bring the ducks!

      • littskad says:

        Even for just theatrical animated shorts, the first half of the 20th century is also the time of the creation of Warner Brothers’ Looney Tunes/Merrie Melodies (Porky Pig, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, etc.); Walt Disney’s major early characters (Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, etc.); Walter Lantz Studio’s characters (Woody Woodpecker, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, Andy Panda, etc.); Pat Sullivan/Otto Messmer studios (Felix the Cat); Terrytoons (Mighty Mouse, Dinky Duck, Heckle and Jeckle, etc.); MGM cartoon studios (Barney Bear, Droopy, Tom and Jerry, etc.). Popeye has some stiff competition.

      • Doctor Mist says:

        It would be a tough call whether “I’m Popeye the Sailor Man” is more widely known than “The Sun’ll Come Out Tomorrow”.

        Or maybe I’m living in the past. When I was young every schoolkid knew the former, as well as several parodies of it, but of course the musical of Annie didn’t even exist then. Do kids still know “I’m strong to the finish ’cause I eats me spinach”?

        My real question is, “Okay, you feel like talking about Popeye, so please continue.” But that’s not really a question.

        I still write Olive Oyl on the shopping list.

  8. Matt M says:

    Here’s a media thing that annoys me. When the stock market has a particularly bad day, a lot of reports will say things like “Today, eleventy-billion dollars of value/wealth was WIPED OUT as the market finished down X%.” Now, in a certain sense this is maybe “technically correct” insofar as it’s true that a share of stock in a major corporation is a real asset, and that it’s also true that the best estimate of the “value” of those shares is their actual trading price in a liquid market.

    But there’s another sense in which it’s not at all true, because most stock market movements have little to nothing to do with any real events that may or may not be happening to any particular company in any particular moment in time.

    Consider the following analogy: Your great uncle passes away. In his will, he leaves to you his old antique tractor.

    In time period 1, you arrive at his farm to inspect your inheritance, and it appears to you that it’s an old, rusted, hunk of junk. You immediately conclude that it is probably worthless, in fact, you may have to pay someone to come haul it away. Your estimate of its value in period 1: $0 (or possibly negative).

    In time period 2, you’re watching TV and you see a report on some crazy guy who collects old, antique tractors. They show his prize possession, a tractor he claims is worth $10,000 and it… looks a lot like yours. It’s cleaned up and you’re not a tractor expert, so you can’t be sure, but it’s intriguing enough for you to update your priors regarding your own tractor’s worth. You guess there’s a 5% chance your tractor is worth something similar to the one shown on TV. Your estimate of its value in period 2: $500 (5% of $10,000)

    In time period 3, you contact your local tractor appraiser. Before he wastes his time coming out to physically inspect your tractor, he asks you to describe it and send him some pictures. He replies to your e-mail and tells you that he thinks there’s a pretty good chance you have the real deal! He can’t be totally sure until he inspects it in person, but he thinks there’s an 80% chance your tractor is just as valuable as the one on TV. Your estimate of its value in period 3: $8,000 (80% of $10,000)

    In time period 4, the appraiser shows up to inspect your tractor in person. Alas, bad news. While your tractor appeared to be the rare and valuable model, it’s actually a much more common one, and some of the rust damage is irreparable. As a result, your tractor is of virtually no value to the tractor collector market. You ask the appraiser what you should do, and he tells you that these things actually have a decent amount of scrap metal value. He estimates that if you call up your local scrap metal dealer, they’d probably pay about $100 to come take it off your hands. Your estimate of its value in period 4: $100.

    In time period 5, you contact the scrap metal dealer. After some back and forth, they ultimately agree to come pick up the tractor, but they will only pay you $50, not $100. You agree, they come, they pay, and the transaction is concluded. The final realized value in period 5: $50.

    So, what was the real value of the tractor? The answer would seem to be $50. At any point in this story, that was the tractor’s real and actual value. At various points you had good reason to estimate that the value was different, but ultimately those estimates were incorrect and did not, in any way, influence the final value. The tractor was worth $50 in scrap metal when you first observed it in period 1 (even though you didn’t know this), and it was worth exactly that the whole time (even when your estimates changed.) Zooming in on period 4 specifically, would it be reasonable for you to be upset with the appraiser, and to accuse him of “destroying $7,900 worth of value” of your tractor? No. The inspector didn’t change anything about your tractor. Furthermore, the only reason its pre-appraisal value was $8,000 was because he’s the one who told you that in period 3. If you wanted to blame him for that “value destruction”, you’d then have to credit him for somehow “creating” $7,500 of value in your tractor in period 3 when he told you there was an 80% chance it was valuable.

    I feel like this is how the news treats the stock market. They almost never say “the market created $100 billion of value today” when stocks go up, but they’re always eager to announce rampant destruction of economic value whenever estimates change for the negative. I suspect that the reasons behind this are largely political, but I won’t get into this now.

    Am I way off-base here? Is it reasonable for them to talk this way?

    • JayT says:

      I don’t have a strong opinion about the larger question, but I often see headlines that are something like “Jeff Bezos made $15 billion today!” when, in reality, what happened is that Amazon’s stock when up a few percent. So, I don’t think they only do this when talking about bad days for the market.

      • Matt M says:

        Ahhh, true! That sort of reporting does sometimes happen. But I would argue that’s serving the same larger political purpose!

        When the markets go up, the story is that specific fantastically wealthy people got even more fantastically wealthy without having to perform any labor or make any sacrifice.

        When the markets go down, the story is that “the American economy” somehow lost vital resources because that’s just what capitalism does!

        • JayT says:

          That’s fair. It does seem to always be presented as a negative. Though, I’d have to look at a lot of headlines to be sure.

    • Jon S says:

      For not-huge stakes in liquid, publicly traded companies, the market price is more than an estimate of value. It’s the price where you can actually sell your shares (well, the bid is anyway, but bid-ask spreads are small in liquid stocks). If you decide to sell stocks today, you’ll get less cash than if you’d sold them last week (for most stocks).

      I agree that the phrasing you’re describing leaves something to be desired when talking about the market as a whole, or even about Elon Musk’s wealth (if he wanted to sell all of his stock, he’d have a massive impact on the price, and would sell it much lower than the current market price).

      • Matt M says:

        It’s the price where you can actually sell your shares

        Probably nitpicking here, but from the time you read “TSLA $450” on the CSPAN ticker to the time you actually execute the trade, it’s entirely possible the price has moved. Probably not a ton, but moved nonetheless. The “TSLA $450” ticker is not, itself, an offer to sell you or buy your shares at $450. It is an estimate of the offer you will likely receive if you attempt to sell/buy immediately. The final price, as always, may differ.

        • Eric Rall says:

          More specifically, there are three “market prices” for any given stock: the Bid price (the highest price anyone trading the stock directly on the exchange is offering to buy it for right now), the Ask price (the highest price anyone trading the stock directly on the exchange is offering sell it for right now), and the trading price (the price of the last transaction on the exchange). If you look up a stock quote from your broker’s website, they’ll tell you all three. The three prices are usually very close to each other, but not always.

          The CSPAN ticker is probably telling you the last trading price, with whatever delay it takes for the information to get from the exchange’s computers to CSPAN’s ticker. And you’re correct that the stock quote’s delay, plus the delay involved in placing the order and waiting for it to execute, gives the price time to move substantially from the quoted price you saw.

    • Loriot says:

      I always assumed that it just sounded cooler/more attention grabbing to talk about X billion being destroyed. Plus there’s the general negativity bias in the news – stock market gains are rarely remarked on in general. It never occurred to me that there could be a political motivation behind it, and I suspect that there largely isn’t.

    • Anatid says:

      If something new happens that changes the actual value of companies, and therefore moves their stock price, I think it’s accurate to say that wealth has been created or destroyed. For example if the government announces new tariffs, and the stock market drops 1%, then it means the professional traders think the new tariffs make the set of publicly traded companies 1% less valuable, so it seems reasonable to say that wealth has been destroyed.

      If the world learns something that was already true, and that moves stock prices, I agree it’s weird to talk about wealth being created or destroyed. For example if the government releases some quarterly economic statistics, and people realize the economy is doing worse than expected, so the stock market goes down 1%, it’s a bit weird to say that wealth was destroyed. It just turns out the companies weren’t as valuable as people thought they were before the announcement.

      • Matt M says:

        Right. I guess the relevant maxim would be something like “Don’t count your unrealized gains before they hatch?”

        Your Tesla stock isn’t really worth anything at all until you actually sell it. Prior to that, everything is just an estimate.

  9. Douglas Knight says:

    Graffiti on potholes.

    Wanksy of Manchester draws obscene images on potholes to prod the government to repair them.

    A couple months later, potholes in Saratov, Russia were decorated with portraits of politicians. This was equally efficient in fixing the potholes, but that’s not why I heard about it. I heard about it as a political tactic. I am quite conflicted.

    • Matt M says:

      It’s bizarre to me that this sort of thing even works.

      If the explanation for the government not filling potholes is that they are some combination of callous/lazy, then wouldn’t it be cheaper/easier to just spray paint over the graffiti rather than fill in the hole?

      It almost seems like what’s going on here is a successful, (very) low-level form of terrorism. The state is filling in the holes not because that’s the cheapest way to remove the graffiti, but because they believe the graffiti will continually re-appear until the pothole is filled. The citizenry is threatening the state “fill in these holes, or else” and the state is complying rather than risk further escalation.

      • Aftagley says:

        It’s just attention, right?

        Potholes are easy for governments to ignore, so they ignore them. Then people take action that makes them hard to ignore, so fixing them becomes a priority.

      • AlexOfUrals says:

        wouldn’t it be cheaper/easier to just spray paint over the graffiti rather than fill in the hole?

        That’s what they did in Ryazan for example (it’s is in Russian but everything’s obvious from the photos. The text only says they started an investigation against the activists who did it which you could guess anyway) And in fact in Saratov they first painted the graffiti over and only then fixed the pothole. Aaand it was broken again by the next year so apparently they didn’t spend that much money on the fix.

        • Lambert says:

          >broken again by the next year so apparently they didn’t spend that much money on the fix.

          British councils tend to have the same philosophy. Fill it up with some molten tarmac but don’t bother getting good fusion with the base material. Come winter the expanding ice every evening pops it right out.

      • toastengineer says:

        I think it makes more sense if you assume incompetence instead of malevolent laziness. Less “meh, I don’t feel like doing my job as pothole-filler today” and more “I want to help the people of my district out but I have no idea how to actually do that so I’m just going to do what everyone else seems to be doing,” which will inevitably not be well aligned with what the people actually want, like fixing potholes.

        It’s like how you think your apartment is clean and tidy, and then someone comes in and says “it looks like a bomb went off in here” and points to all the things you stopped seeing because you got used to them.

      • Garrett says:

        > low-level form of terrorism

        That’s an interesting way to look at it. Possible flip-side: government priorities do not match the priorities of the people.

        I’m guessing that pothole filling works like much bureaucracy. They likely collect reports of potholes and then process them in geographically co-located groups. This allows the maximum number of potholes to be filled given the available budget. So taking this approach to pothole filling probably results in overall fewer potholes being filled. Concurrently, it provides a serious form of feedback about which potholes are most important, and that’s pretty difficult to gauge from a central bureaucracy.

    • Kuiperdolin says:

      Slightly cuter : pothole birthday cake

      At my place of work there was a bug that never got fixed, so inspired by this and similar anecdotes I brought a cake for its first birthday (it’s pretty clear what version of the software introduced it) and invited everyone for a slice. Everyone thought it was funny, and it did get the bug into the conversations for awhile, but it’s still not fixed.

  10. Aftagley says:

    Yesterday The Atlantic published a piece about online dating. If you’re even remotely aware of online dating, you can pretty much mouth along most of the arguments they made against it; it’s dehumanizing, it promotes hookup culture, it turn people into commodities, etc. Their biggest argument centers around the idea that it’s turned dating from a spontaneous process of finding love into an economics-driven numbers game. All of these arguments are true, but you know, should have been made before we dismantled the other institutions that used to result in potential paramours meeting.

    The one part of the article that stuck out to me was the following: (emphasis mine)

    A 2016 literature review also found that men are more active users of these apps—both in the amount of time they spend on them and the number of interactions they attempt. Their experience of not getting as many matches or messages, the numbers say, is real.

    But data sets made available by the apps can themselves be wielded in unsettling ways by people who believe the numbers are working against them. A since-deleted 2017 blog post on the dating app Hinge’s official website explained an experiment conducted by a Hinge engineer, Aviv Goldgeier. Using the Gini coefficient, a common measure of income inequality within a country, and counting “likes” as income, Goldgeier determined that men had a much higher (that is, worse) Gini coefficient than women. With these results, Goldgeier compared the “female dating economy” to Western Europe and the “male dating economy” to South Africa. This is, obviously, an absurd thing to publish on a company blog, but not just because its analysis is so plainly accusatory and weakly reasoned. It’s also a bald-faced admission that the author—and possibly the company he speaks for—is thinking about people as sets of numbers.

    In a since-deleted 2009 official blog post, an OkCupid employee’s data analysis showed women rating men as “worse-looking than medium” 80 percent of the time, and concluded, “Females of OkCupid, we site founders say to you: ouch! Paradoxically, it seems it’s women, not men, who have unrealistic standards for the opposite sex.” …

    Even without these creepy blog posts, dating apps can amplify a feeling of frustration with dating by making it seem as if it should be much easier.

    For reference, the hinge aritcle referenced can be found here and the OKC blog post can be found here.

    I get that the authors don’t like the outcomes outlined in these two articles, but it seems like their largest complaint is the very idea that these companies that process large amounts of data have conducted and published analysis on this data. This strikes me as a really weird stand to make; can anyone steelman their position?

    • Lambert says:

      It’s Copenhagen Ethics.

      So long as the thing you’re doing is kind of indirect and at arms’ length, you’re fine.
      But the moment you get involved, even if you’re making things somewhat but not completely better, you’re culpable.

    • rumham says:

      Not sure if I can steelman it, but they make their logic clear earlier in the article:

      The logic is upsetting but clear: The (shaky) foundational idea of capitalism is that the market is unfailingly impartial and correct, and that its mechanisms of supply and demand and value exchange guarantee that everything is fair. It’s a dangerous metaphor to apply to human relationships, because introducing the idea that dating should be “fair” subsequently introduces the idea that there is someone who is responsible when it is unfair. When the market’s logic breaks down, it must mean someone is overriding the laws. And in online spaces populated by heterosexual men, heterosexual women have been charged with the bulk of these crimes.

      It’s basically the race and IQ argument against doing studies.

      • Aftagley says:

        Is that their same logic argument that leads them to finding the studies creepy? It seems directly opposite.

        Neither of the two articles hold or reflect the belief that the dating market is impartial or correct. In fact, they both seemingly agree that dating is inherently unfair and not driven by laws.

        • AlexOfUrals says:

          I think the problem is that if the market (or whatever) is unfair, it must be unfair to someone, and here from the studies it looks like it’s males who get to be treated unfairly, and females who are being unfair, which are both crimethink obviously impossible and absurd.

        • rumham says:

          I think so.

          Using the Gini coefficient, a common measure of income inequality within a country, and counting “likes” as income,

          Seems that anything involving economic-style analysis triggers them.

          • Aftagley says:

            Oooohhh, yeah. That’s probably it. Good call. I was too wrapped around the results of this analysis to see they’re likely just pissed off at the concept of analysis in general.


            Follow up statement: What a weird thing to be triggered by.

          • rumham says:

            Follow up statement: What a weird thing to be triggered by.

            I think jermo is more right than you think. They object to it in this area because of what it indicates, because of ideological reasons.

            Hell, they straight up admitted it in the first quote I quoted.

          • jermo sapiens says:

            Hell, they straight up admitted it in the first quote I quoted.

            Ah yes. Good catch. I am now reverting to my original position.

          • RalMirrorAd says:

            I disagree. How many people besides Austrian economists get upset at people for the use of methodologies as such. Intelligent but partisan individuals can detect immediately whether a particular research methodology generates conclusions and implications that make them uncomfortable.

            I think most people who know *anything* about online dating are already well aware of what the data says. They, understandably, find the idea of heaping any kind of sympathy on unattractive heterosexual men repulsive so they’d rather keep those stones upturned.

            It’s the idea that there’s something unfair about the distribution of likes that irritates the author not the idea of plugging a dataset into a distribution commonly associated with economics.

          • jermo sapiens says:

            They, understandably, find the idea of heaping any kind of sympathy on unattractive heterosexual men repulsive so they’d rather keep those stones upturned.

            Why is it understandable to not want to be sympathetic towards unattractive guys? Read this if you havent already.

          • RalMirrorAd says:

            I think the instinct is not to be sympathetic to weak or generally undesirable men is natural.

            It’s a natural bias, a pernicious one perhaps, but natural.

          • Aapje says:


            Seems that anything involving economic-style analysis triggers them.

            I don’t believe this for a second and think that they reasoned back from an undesired outcome (calling the wrong group privileged), to find a reason to dismiss it.

            @jermo sapiens

            Why is it understandable to not want to be sympathetic towards unattractive guys?

            It’s understandable if you recognize that The Atlantic, like most of society, believes in gender roles where men are responsible for whatever happens to them, unless the cause is the actions of other men.

            So the reason(s) why women turn down men must then be things that they can change, rather than a trait that they were born with and cannot change enough to be top tier, so men who fail at dating can be blamed, with women having desires that are consistent with achieving equality.

            Note that ‘understandable’ is not the same as ‘just.’

          • rumham says:


            I don’t believe this for a second and think that they reasoned back from an undesired outcome (calling the wrong group privileged), to find a reason to dismiss it.

            Agreed, see my subsequent comments.

      • jermo sapiens says:

        On this point though, I think the author is clearly wrong. I’m not sure where they got the idea that unless everyone is happy, a market is not fair. Markets are good at a lot of things, but they’re definitely not good at creating fairness.

        Also, the idea that straight women being charged with “crimes” is also over the top. My view is that the dating apps and the data they generate have exposed the natural behavior of women and thereby exposed the lie behind feminism: in general, women think very differently from men specially in the dating market, because as Chateau Heartiste put it, “sperm is cheap, eggs are expensive”.

        We developed social technology to overcome the problems caused by a completely unregulated dating market: marriage, monogamy, abstinence, etc… but since these have been completely dismantled in the last 50 years, it’s not surprising that these same problems now reappear (mostly, women having sex with alphas, not getting the commitment they want from alphas, and betas not getting anything). Feminism was correct that the previous social technology imposed a higher cost on women than on men. But it’s not clear at all that removing this very imperfect technology is an improvement (I would argue it’s clear that things are worse now for both sexes), and we dont really have any substitutes for them.

        • Hoopyfreud says:

          women having sex with alphas, not getting the commitment they want from alphas, and betas not getting anything

          If this is the issue, why are the dating apps so heavily imbalanced towards men? The female hypergamy hypothesis makes some sense in the context of an environment where men literally outnumber women two-to-one, but women aren’t actually flocking to this environment in the first place. For some context, if you think Chinese men have it rough, China is around 52% male, and the proportion of men is projected to peak at around 54%, with 1.15 men for each woman. Tinder is, again, 2 to 1. Dating apps aren’t the norm, at least not for women, and men who use them are putting themselves at a massive disadvantage.

          If women actually liked the dynamics of hookup apps, you’d think they’d use them more.

          (E: apparently the divide has gotten much bigger since 2016)

          • Wency says:

            Yep, I’ve posted before that I think the “women having sex with alphas” line is overplayed. There’s certainly a dedicated core of women doing this, at certain life stages, but I don’t think it describes the whole of it.

            I mostly think that these sites have an imbalance because men are more inclined to pursue women than the reverse. Partly out of innate differences, and partly because women are instructed from childhood that they don’t need a man to be happy, while men aren’t really instructed one way or the other so go with their gut, which tells them they want a woman.

            I met my wife online, and basically all of my male friends did the same. In my experience most men who have anything going on, if they signal they’re looking for a wife, can use online dating to fill their schedules with dates without much difficulty. Filling your schedule with one-night stands is mostly impossible for all but a few men, and a certain kind of man appears to get especially frustrated over this.

          • rumham says:


            You realize that nothing you typed there conflicts with the theory that more younger men are having trouble getting dates and more older women are having trouble getting married due to technology and social mores opening up people to more choice, right? In fact, it seems to support it.

          • Aapje says:


            If this is the issue, why are the dating apps so heavily imbalanced towards men?

            This is easily explained within the context of women seeking alphas, by noticing that dating apps are poor ways to filter for them:
            – High quality is properly signaled subtly, not bluntly, because the ability to do so is itself an important quality, yet this is hard to do on dating apps
            – High status is often interpreted by how others react to a person and/or by reputation, but dating apps isolates two people (this is also why in meatspace dating, it is helpful to have a wingman) and doesn’t show people’s reputation
            – They don’t allow women to publicly shame low quality men into not approaching women like them and shame men into approaching them more subtly.

            If you look at female dating complaints, it is typically that they get bothered by men who are beneath them, that they get approached too bluntly, and/or that men turn out to be different than they presented them at (or how the woman judged them initially).


            Yet the statistics are that the men on Twitter actually tend to go on very few dates.

          • jermo sapiens says:

            If this is the issue, why are the dating apps so heavily imbalanced towards men?

            Because men are very horny 24/7. (yes, that’s a generalization, and it’s generally true, there are exceptions obviously)

            The female hypergamy hypothesis makes some sense in the context of an environment where men literally outnumber women two-to-one, but women aren’t actually flocking to this environment in the first place.

            The female hypergamy hypothesis makes sense in a species where men can impregnate any number of women but women can only be pregnant by one man at a time, and where the gestational period is long. A guy can have sex with any girl, it doesnt biologically prevent him from impregnating others, so he doesnt have to be very choosy. A girl needs to be choosy: carrying a loser’s baby is a huge cost for little benefit. Carrying the tribe’s best hunter’s baby (or other high status male) is still a huge cost but the benefit is much higher.

          • Wency says:

            I don’t think I was trying to dispute it. Dating is tough as a man in his early 20s unless he either has a way with women or is prepared to shamelessly play the numbers game. This has often been the norm, in many times and places. The circumstances have changed somewhat, though being unprepared or unwilling to marry has long been a component. And likewise, I noted on an earlier thread how many women I see in their 30s who can’t find a husband, and that they seem a lot more qualified than the men I know who are left over.

            I think this aligns with rumham’s point that the issue is young men. Men in their late 20s or older who have some things going for them and signal a desire to get married should be able to fill their schedules with dates. At least in the South, and from what I’ve seen, the Midwest. Also, a lot of guys don’t have much going on. That demographic is heavily overrepresented in the group that stays on Tinder/Bumble forever, thus presenting the image that male Tinder users are hopeless. There should be a name for this phenomenon — it also applies to job seekers, for example.

          • Hoopyfreud says:


            This is easily explained within the context of women seeking alphas, by noticing that dating apps are poor ways to filter for them:

            This is explicable within the framework, but it’s certainly not evidence for it. And insofar as the complaint is, “women only want to fuck attractive guys who flirt well” (which is, I think what people mean by “alphas”), it certainly doesn’t support that. And insofar as your model is that dating apps offer insufficient opportunity to publicly humiliate people, I’ll note that not even people on dating apps are actually usually that cartoonishly cruel. Most approaches get ghosted, not berated.

            @jermo sapiens
            Going over evo-psych talking points entirely divorced from people’s actual behavior is a boring waste of time, so I’ll reiterate: if women are meant to be motivated to ruthlessly select for a few men at the pinnacle of attractiveness and value, why are they repelled by the environment in which that’s easiest to do?

          • JayT says:

            if women are meant to be motivated to ruthlessly select for a few men at the pinnacle of attractiveness and value, why are they repelled by the environment in which that’s easiest to do?

            I think there is still a stigma of online dating where you resort to that because you don’t have any luck finding a partner in other ways. So, women avoiding online dating could be seen as evidence that they are only looking for the alphas, and they see everyone online as not that.

          • jermo sapiens says:

            Going over evo-psych talking points entirely divorced from people’s actual behavior is a boring waste of time

            I understand that evo-psych is not everyone’s cup of tea, but from my perspective it’s not divorced from people’s actual behavior, instead I find it the most satisfying and parsimonious explanation for people’s behavior. If you have reasons for why that’s wrong, I would love to hear them, but “boring waste of time” is not going to convince anyone.

            so I’ll reiterate: if women are meant to be motivated to ruthlessly select for a few men at the pinnacle of attractiveness and value, why are they repelled by the environment in which that’s easiest to do?

            I would submit that your premise is wrong: dating apps are not the best environment for selecting alphas. Also, an alpha male is not necessarily the best looking guy. An alpha male is a high status male, and that can be on any number of hierarchies. Excellent musicians attract women, whether good looking or not. Excellent athletes attract women, whether good looking or not. Successful businessmen attract women, whether good looking or not.

            But (evo-psych warning) men are mostly attracted to looks, and because of how dating apps work, they convey reasonably well how a person looks, less so how they play guitar or that they were quarter back on their high school football team (and any guy who puts that in his bio ends up looking douchy). So guys obviously like dating apps: it lets them rate women quite easily on the one metric they care most about: physical appearance. Women, not so much. It’s much harder to figure out the status of a guy from his profile, much easier in meat space.

            So evo-psych would predict that men like the idea of dating apps more than women, even if women have an “easier” time getting attention on them.

            Also, the women that do end up going on dating apps end up behaving as evo-psych would predict: the top 80% of women match with the top 20% of men, and vice-versa. And women rate guys at the 80th percentile as average.

            I would add that women are not “repelled” by dating apps. They do not like them as much as men do for the reasons I discussed above.

            Consider also the texting phase. If you’ve ever been on a dating app, you’ll know that “matching” with someone is only the first step. If you want to get anywhere, you need to go through that dreadful texting phase with someone you dont know at all. And this is where women apply a second filter, that I dont think men apply at all. As a guy on a dating app, you need your texting game to be on point, convey confidence, be funny, etc…

          • Garrett says:

            > carrying a loser’s baby is a huge cost for little benefit

            Then why do so many choose to do so? There are a significant number of women on dating sites are basically looking for some man to come and pay for the kid(s) she had with other deadbeats.

            > Men in their late 20s or older who have some things going for them and signal a desire to get married should be able to fill their schedules with dates.

            “Should” is not the same thing as “is”.

          • jermo sapiens says:

            Then why do so many choose to do so? There are a significant number of women on dating sites are basically looking for some man to come and pay for the kid(s) she had with other deadbeats.

            Yes, this is called “Alpha Fux, Beta Bux” in the manosphere. The deadbeat in this case is not the “loser”. He’s the jerk alpha that the woman fucked and then was abandoned by. I agree that he is a loser from a moral point of view, but he’s probably high status in some sense and quite capable of seducing women.

            The “loser” in this scenario is the guy who ends up raising the jerk alpha’s kid. I dont mean to judge the poor guy, he is observably a better person than the jerk alpha, who is observably a terrible person. But evolutionarily speaking, he lost.

          • Hoopyfreud says:

            an alpha male is not necessarily the best looking guy. An alpha male is a high status male, and that can be on any number of hierarchies. Excellent musicians attract women, whether good looking or not. Excellent athletes attract women, whether good looking or not. Successful businessmen attract women, whether good looking or not.

            I think this is what they call a motte and bailey. It sounds like you’re saying that people who are good at things get chicks. I don’t disagree with this, but would you want to date someone who wasn’t better than “mediocre” at everything? Would someone who was only mediocre at everything stand a much better chance in ye olde victorian times?

            Keep in mind, the number you quoted was the 80th percentile. I think it’s pretty easy to rise to the 80th percentile of the population in something just by virtue or practicing regularly.

          • jermo sapiens says:

            I think this is what they call a motte and bailey.

            If I am doing a motte and bailey it’s unintentional. Either I’ve expressed myself poorly, or we have different assumptions/definitions around certain concepts that cause miscommunications.

            It sounds like you’re saying that people who are good at things get chicks. I don’t disagree with this, but would you want to date someone who wasn’t better than “mediocre” at everything?

            I wouldnt. But if I dont find the girl physically attractive, she can be a billionaire super athlete with an IQ of 180, it’s not happening. This is not true in general for women. On the other hand if the girl is super hot, and she’s not very smart, I would forgive her for that.

            Would someone who was only mediocre at everything stand a much better chance in ye olde victorian times?

            If we’re talking about a guy, I believe he would. He wouldnt get the cutest girl probably, but he’d end up with someone. To be crude, he would end up with someone with a sexual market value similar to his. Nowadays, there is no more 1-1 matching, because of the sexual revolution and all that jazz. That’s not the complete picture obviously, there is more or less 1-1 matching eventually (our old social technology is not completely dead yet). But in terms of sex and specially pre-marital sex, it’s not even close to 1-1.

            When the market is unregulated (ie no social sanctions for out-of-wedlock sex), this is what happens naturally, because men are different from women. How can we not be? If we were the same as women, it would almost be enough to falsify Darwin’s theory of natural selection.

          • jermo sapiens says:

            Keep in mind, the number you quoted was the 80th percentile. I think it’s pretty easy to rise to the 80th percentile of the population in something just by virtue or practicing regularly.

            Yes. You’re correct. But here I was specifically mentioning the 80th percentile in general attractiveness (i.e. how many likes you get on your tinder profile). Still, for incels, this is EXACTLY what they should be doing: practice at something. Make yourself worthy of dating. Dont try to find girls. Work on yourself and girls will find you. Learn music. Read books. Work out. Make money. Do something with your life that will attract women.

          • Hoopyfreud says:

            @jermo sapiens

            If I am doing a motte and bailey it’s unintentional. Either I’ve expressed myself poorly, or we have different assumptions/definitions around certain concepts that cause miscommunications.

            When I’m talking about the female hypergamy hypothesis, I’m talking about viewpoints like this one that argue that

            the top 10% of men get 90% of the women

            Or, as an alternative formulation,

            90% of women are holding out for a man in the top 10%

            Note that this isn’t “the top 10% in [something],” just “the top 10% of men in general.” The idea that women are actually this selective strikes me as ridiculous. I think it looks a lot like this on dating apps, because women simply by virtue of being outnumbered 2 to 1 by men cannot match with those men 1-to-1, and the fact that men are competing with each other for something that scarce exaggerates the arms race. In real life, I see what I’d estimate as the ~70% of men who are in the top 20% at something being at least decently successful. I don’t think that’s down to the remnants of dying social attitudes; I think women are actually just not that hyper-selective. But the reason that I think retreading evopsych ground is boring is that neither of our positions are realistically falsifiable. All the evidence we have can be more or less torturously explained within either framework.

          • jermo sapiens says:

            Note that this isn’t “the top 10% in [something],” just “the top 10% of men in general.” The idea that women are actually this selective strikes me as ridiculous.

            The figure I’ve seen is 20%, but the point remains. In any event, I would probably agree that this phenomenon is exaggerated by dating apps, but it reflects a real difference between the sexes.

            I don’t think that’s down to the remnants of dying social attitudes; I think women are actually just not that hyper-selective.

            Right, probably not to that extent. But they are more selective than men. Everybody alive today has twice the number of female ancestors as male ancestors. That’s because a good chunk of cave men didnt get to have sex with cave women. Part of that is probably that the big cave man in your clan was a jerk and he controlled access to the women. But also part of that is probably that the women preferred sharing the big cave man jerk than have sex with the cave nerds.

          • Hoopyfreud says:

            But they are more selective than men.

            I think there are some fuzzy definitions here. I would agree that the number of men who are unacceptable to a given random sample of women is probably larger than the number of women who are unacceptable to a similar random sample of men. So sure, generally I agree with the statement that women are more selective than men, but a good chunk of women actually seem to prefer to be alone than to chase the “top 10%” or settle for men who they find uninteresting. I think that there’s an extent to which considerations of protection and station have become less relevant as people have gotten wealthier, and I think that women have been contending with those needs and balancing them against their own desires for a long time. Women don’t need men as much as they used to, but that’s not the same as saying that “90% of women chase the top 10% of men.”

          • Conrad Honcho says:

            I don’t think the “top 20% get 80%” thing is about settling. It’s about sex.

          • Matt M says:

            Still, for incels, this is EXACTLY what they should be doing: practice at something. Make yourself worthy of dating. Dont try to find girls. Work on yourself and girls will find you.

            Putanumonit recently wrote a post arguing basically the exact opposite of this. FWIW I tend to agree with him. Practice makes perfect. The best way to get better at convincing women to date you is to try convincing women to date you. The best way to get better at dating is to go on dates. Etc.

            Get in the game. Be active. Practice. That’s how you get better.

          • The Nybbler says:

            The best way to get better at convincing women to date you is to try convincing women to date you. The best way to get better at dating is to go on dates. Etc.

            There’s a bit of a bootstrapping problem here. If a low status guy has to go through 1000 interactions of the sort “Hi.” “Eww, get away from me you creep” before he can get to the next step, then he blows the next step immediately (for lack of practice) and has to do 1000 more… well, it’s not likely he’s going to going to have a successful date within his lifetime. The numbers game might work for swiping right, but for something which requires more investment of time and effort, not so much.

          • Aapje says:


            The more defensible hypergamy theory I’ve seen (the website you linked sells a PUA method, so the link you gave is marketing) argues that women are primarily sexually excited by status/dominance. This doesn’t mean that they don’t want other things from the guy, like money or a good dad, but that the latter doesn’t make her horny.

            So then the theory goes that women can try to ‘lock down’ a guy who exudes high status and who can provide many of the other things. However, these men tend to want pretty, young, low-maintenance women, of which there are far more than ’rounded’ men. So these men have so much market value that they don’t have to give these woman what they want, even though they could give it. Instead, they can have sex with lots of pretty, young, low-maintenance women or have sex with one without marrying her or having a child with her or without substantial money transfers to the woman, etc. So basically, the high demand ‘ruins’ these men who could give women all they want, because they have no incentive to give that.

            So (pretty, young) women can then have sex/relationships with these men who could give her all that she wants, in the hope that he will. However, he has no incentive to do so, so many don’t.

            Then as these women get older and cannot get a high status/dominant man to commit to them, they make different choices, favoring relationships with (beta) men that have money, make good dads, want to marry them, want a child now, etc. However, the theory then goes that this is a rational decision, but not an emotional one. Basically, if she does have sex with the beta, it’s to get something else from him, not because she thinks that he is the best sex partner around.

            So this means that there is a high risk that she stops wanting to have sex with the beta if he has committed to her (by impregnating her, marrying her, buying a house with her, etc), that she will cheat and/or will break up with him after having raised the child(ren).

            So then from the male perspective, being a beta means not having much sex with women or only with ugly women as long as he lacks money and/or until women start losing their fertility, while high status/dominance men get to have sex with lots of pretty, young women. Then even if they end up with one of these women at a later age (now less pretty/young), these women consider them sexually uninteresting, prone to defect from the ‘deal’ (man gets sex, woman gets child/money/house).

            So then a common PUA strategy is to fake status/dominance and/or to develop it, so the guy gets the good deal, instead of the bad deal.

            but a good chunk of women actually seem to prefer to be alone than to chase the “top 10%” or settle for men who they find uninteresting.

            Women opting out seems fully consistent with the claim that women strongly prefer the top tier of men, while men are far less selective. After all, just because they want them, doesn’t mean that they can get them.

            Women don’t need men as much as they used to, but that’s not the same as saying that “90% of women chase the top 10% of men.”

            That former would logically cause something more like the latter, actually.

            Imagine that I’m hungry and you put mediocre food in front of me. I’m going to eat it.

            Now imagine that I’m not hungry and you put mediocre food in front of me. I’ll leave it. Yet if you put my favorite food in front of me, I will probably eat it.

          • Hoopyfreud says:


            The more defensible hypergamy theory I’ve seen (the website you linked sells a PUA method, so the link you gave is marketing) argues that women are primarily sexually excited by status/dominance.

            I mean, fine, but you still have to reckon with the fact that status is highly multidimensional and IMO seems to be growing more that way. It’s also seems very hard to actually be dominant, simply because it’s never been easier for the average dude to tell other people to get fucked. Like I said, if the motte of the female hypergamy hypothesis is, “women want men who are in the top 20% along some axis,” I don’t really disagree with it, but I also think most men who aren’t boring (not even romantically, just as people) fit that criterion. But where you make the jump to

            […] men tend to want pretty, young, low-maintenance women, of which there are far more than ’rounded’ men. So these men have so much market value that they don’t have to give these woman what they want, even though they could give it. Instead, they can have sex with lots of pretty, young, low-maintenance women or have sex with one without marrying her or having a child with her or without substantial money transfers to the woman, etc. So basically, the high demand ‘ruins’ these men who could give women all they want, because they have no incentive to give that.

            is where I disagree. The disagreement we’re having is not about the nature of female preferences, but about the degree of selectivity. Mostly, I think what I see is that most women aren’t happy to have a sliver of peak male specimen attention; they’d rather have a deeper relationship with a man who is in the top 20% of [something they also enjoy] than a man in the “top 20%” of men. This is part of why I find this model so frustrating; the evidence that the majority of women are content to fuck high-status dudes on a rotating schedule is extremely sparse, and IME women are not, by and large, willing to give up a real relationship for it. There are definitely women who do this, but I don’t think that it holds much predictive power regarding women as a whole. It probably does hold significantly more predictive power about women on dating apps, but most women are not on dating apps.

            As far as I can tell, it is just as easy for women to fall in love as it is for men. That makes the whole dynamic you outline, where

            (pretty, young) women can then have sex/relationships with these men who could give her all that she wants, in the hope that he will. However, he has no incentive to do so, so many don’t

            for their entire youths, never learning not to fuck with people who keep them dangling, and then when they get older, suddenly

            they make different choices, favoring relationships with (beta) men that have money, make good dads, want to marry them, want a child now, etc. However, the theory then goes that this is a rational decision, but not an emotional one.

            implausible in my eyes. Why are women expected to go from irrational starry-eyed groupie to sociopathic leech, never actually having a fulfilling relationship? The lede that’s buried deep in there is, I think, the idea that women simply can’t have a happy, fulfilling relationship with men who aren’t “alphas,” but as far as I can tell that’s simply not true. I think the people women can’t have a happy fulfilling relationship with comprise a much smaller group of no more than ~30% of men (and yes, I think there are about 30% of women for whom the same applies).

          • A Definite Beta Guy says:

            No one would say that the majority of women are content to screw the same group of High Status men on a continuing basis, in fact the ‘sphere says this phenomenon is what causes so much misery among young women.

            The correct model is also not to envision women partying and screwing different guys every single weekend for 14 years and then suddenly deciding to go all Black Widow on some poor unsuspecting shmuck at 30. Only the die-hards and the Black Pills and the incels are going to sell you crap like that.

            A better model is that there are looser standards regarding promiscuity, a more fluid dating market, and an obvious preference for high-status men (which are in short supply), which is going to lead some to some pretty obvious results. The ‘sphere is quite familiar with “NAWALT” (Not all Women are Like that), and it’s not convincing, because it’s not describing a club rat. Yeah, if you compare yourself to a club rat, you’re going to feel mighty good about yourself, but that doesn’t mean you haven’t exhibited some of the same behaviors in the past, and that some of your past misery was entirely self-inflicted.

          • Hoopyfreud says:

            The ‘sphere is quite familiar with “NAWALT” (Not all Women are Like that), and it’s not convincing, because it’s not describing a club rat.

            NAWALT is, as far as I can tell, a defensive meme deployed to sidestep the idea that these models apply only to a subset of women. The point I am arguing is that Only Some Women Are Like That, and that because of that it’s a stupid model for women in general.

            A better model is that there are looser standards regarding promiscuity, a more fluid dating market, and an obvious preference for high-status men (which are in short supply), which is going to lead some to some pretty obvious results.

            All of these things are true, but I don’t see anything obvious about the results you’re implying, because you’re not taking into account the degree to which women desire promiscuity in the first place. The idea that monogamy (or “a relationship” as a general idea) is an imposition on women is not something I get. Women, in my experience, generally want to be in relationships. Club rats maybe don’t, but I honestly couldn’t care less. Club rats gonna club rat, they were never going to fuck you anyway (not “you” you, but generally, to the men who don’t measure up to what they chase), and if they did they were probably going to cheat on you. I would like to avoid this sort of person as much as possible.

            if you compare yourself to a club rat, you’re going to feel mighty good about yourself, but that doesn’t mean you haven’t exhibited some of the same behaviors in the past, and that some of your past misery was entirely self-inflicted

            I mean fair enough, but “don’t stick your dick in crazy” is presumably the male equivalent of the wisdom that grows from this misery. Women chasing Chads who pump and dump them harder than biotech stocks are probably making just as much of a mistake as men chasing women who simulate sex with Winnie the Pooh dolls in front of high schools, and on smaller scales these mistakes are still mistakes. But that doesn’t mean that people don’t learn from them. Women who give up chasing “alphas” who use and dump them aren’t “settling” for “beta males.” They’re finding love. They’re generally happy. If you start out with an unrealistic idea of love, you will either end up bitter and angry (like “black widows” and incels), or you will adjust your expectations to better reflect the world. The fact that not one of the women I’ve met has sprung full-formed from a wet dream does not mean that my relationships with 3-D girls involve “settling.”

          • Aapje says:


            It also seems very hard to actually be dominant, simply because it’s never been easier for the average dude to tell other people to get fucked.

            The PUA form of dominance/status seems to be in large part a kind of security/safety. It’s about demonstrating that you are not insecure about things. Being very aggressive is actually a sign of insecurity.

            See the focus on ‘shit testing,’ where women supposedly try to trigger male insecurity and check whether he bites or not.

            This is part of why I find this model so frustrating; the evidence that the majority of women are content to fuck high-status dudes on a rotating schedule is extremely sparse, and IME women are not, by and large, willing to give up a real relationship for it.

            As Beta Guy notes, PUA theory doesn’t argue that it makes women happy, but that women are often driven to it, because they are deceived up by feminism.

            I’ve seen the claim that women are always on the lookout to move up if they have ‘settled’ and that top tier ‘players’ can deceive women to think that they are seriously contemplating committing to her, while not doing so. Alternatively, I’ve seen the claim that women who ‘settle’ are prone to have weak moments where they cheat with a high status/dominant guy.

            The lede that’s buried deep in there is, I think, the idea that women simply can’t have a happy, fulfilling relationship with men who aren’t “alphas,” but as far as I can tell that’s simply not true.

            Yeah, the basic premise of the theory is that most (top tier) women can’t/won’t truly be content with what they can reasonably get. So one solution for a man is then to either not get locked into a bad relationship like that or to learn to permanently fake if not actually become more alpha, to make the woman sufficiently content.

            Also, a common part of the theory seems to be that the longer the woman has played the field, the more unrealistic her expectations will become, so I’ve seen the advice to find a young, inexperienced woman to marry.

            because you’re not taking into account the degree to which women desire promiscuity in the first place. The idea that monogamy (or “a relationship” as a general idea) is an imposition on women is not something I get.

            AFAIK, the claim is not that woman have stopped desiring relationships, but rather, that feminism has convinced women to liberally ‘sample’ the field, which is actually harmful to them, because it removes incentives for top tier men to settle and causes choice overload and buyer’s remorse in women.

          • In all of this discussion, is it assumed that what defines an alpha is mainly sexual attractiveness?

            I’ve known quite a lot of successful marriages, and although the husbands were successful and admirable people, I wouldn’t have described them as unusually attractive. Does a top academic or lawyer who isn’t tall, muscular, … count?

          • The Nybbler says:

            No, what defines an alpha is dominance. Being 6′ 2″ with a muscular build and a square jaw makes you look the part, but it isn’t the essence of the thing. Even without the physical cues, most people can distinguish the alphas from everyone else (and similarly the omegas) in a very short time. A top academic might be an alpha but not necessarily; I imagine a top lawyer almost certainly is.

          • Hoopyfreud says:


            The PUA form of dominance/status seems to be in large part a kind of security/safety. It’s about demonstrating that you are not insecure about things. Being very aggressive is actually a sign of insecurity.

            I don’t see how that parses as dominance. Confidence, maybe, but dominance has both an object and a subject. Regardless, not giving a fuck is probably the easiest way to demonstrate a lack of insecurity, and my point is that there are very few material consequences to not giving a fuck. Social enforcement of any kind of dominance hierarchy seems near a nadir, unless your job is public-facing or you invest yourself into those hierarchies. You can just choose not to. The people at the top have only the power over you that you give them.

            Yeah, the basic premise of the theory is that most (top tier) women can’t/won’t truly be content with what they can reasonably get. So one solution for a man is then to either not get locked into a bad relationship like that or to learn to permanently fake if not actually become more alpha, to make the woman sufficiently content.

            Also, a common part of the theory seems to be that the longer the woman has played the field, the more unrealistic her expectations will become, so I’ve seen the advice to find a young, inexperienced woman to marry.

            And, to repeat myself, this is part of what strikes me as insane. Not to mention, ironically enough, extremely insecure. Women could be fucking random dudes in club bathrooms or Mexican resorts, but instead they choose to be with you. How does that not feel good? Her father isn’t marrying her off; no nuns are planning on reaching up in there to check her maidenhead at any point in her life; she isn’t capitulating to shame or fear or castigation. She’s choosing you of her own free will, recognizing the alternatives. I think that’s fantastic, incredibly romantic, and significantly more secure than the counterfactual. The only men I imagine disagreeing are those with an incredibly low opinion of women and those who are convinced, deep down, that they need an external mechanism to bind women to them because they’re inadequate as objects or providers of love.

            AFAIK, the claim is not that woman have stopped desiring relationships, but rather, that feminism has convinced women to liberally ‘sample’ the field, which is actually harmful to them, because it removes incentives for top tier men to settle and causes choice overload and buyer’s remorse in women.

            Women aren’t idiot children. Feminism has certainly opened the door for them to sample the field, but I fully expect women, by and large, to learn what kind of commitment they can expect to find by doing so in the long term, and to learn that lesson better the longer they do so. Men generally seem capable of learning an analogous lesson perfectly well, so I see no reason to expect that women, now having a greater degree of autonomy, will not.

          • Conrad Honcho says:

            Women could be fucking random dudes in club bathrooms or Mexican resorts, but instead they choose to be with you. How does that not feel good? Her father isn’t marrying her off; no nuns are planning on reaching up in there to check her maidenhead at any point in her life; she isn’t capitulating to shame or fear or castigation. She’s choosing you of her own free will, recognizing the alternatives.

            If we’re talking about marrying a woman in her 30s who was a party girl in her 20s, then no, she’s not choosing you over the alternatives: she did both. She was fucking random dudes in club bathrooms and Mexican resorts at 25 while future hubby was crying into his Star Wars pillow because girls like future wife wouldn’t give him the time of day. Now that she’s older and the random club dudes are passing her over for the newer models she discarded all those naughty nights for niceness.

            This is not romantic. This is sad. Hubby didn’t get to bang 25 year old girls in club bathrooms. And if one of those dudes who was banging her in club bathrooms would have married her, she wouldn’t be with hubby now. If she’d married hubby at 25 of her own free will, recognizing the alternatives, that would be romantic. Instead she recognized the alternative at 25 (banging dudes in club bathrooms) and said “I’d rather do that.”

          • Aapje says:


            The only men I imagine disagreeing are those with an incredibly low opinion of women and those who are convinced, deep down, that they need an external mechanism to bind women to them because they’re inadequate as objects or providers of love.

            No, they have a low opinion of themselves.

            They think that if the woman settled for them to have a child, father, provider, etc, but she isn’t actually sufficiently sexually attracted to the man, the woman won’t enjoy having sex with them once she has enough children.

            They think that a woman with little sexual experience is not going to be as disappointed, because she doesn’t know better.

            This part of the theory doesn’t seem entirely unreasonable, if we accept the premise that women can get better sex partners than long term partners, for which there is substantial evidence. Then the average woman will have had sex with more attractive men than she will end up with, in hookup culture.

      • baconbits9 says:

        The (shaky) foundational idea of capitalism is that the market is unfailingly impartial and correct, and that its mechanisms of supply and demand and value exchange guarantee that everything is fair.

        Oh my.

        • Similarly, the foundational idea of government regulation of capitalism is that regulators are unfailingly impartial and correct and that the mechanisms of the political process guarantee that everything is fair.


      • albatross11 says:

        Just FWIW, I don’t think anyone outside of 14-year-olds who’ve just finished reading _Atlas Shrugged_ believe that

        The (shaky) foundational idea of capitalism is that the market is unfailingly impartial and correct, and that its mechanisms of supply and demand and value exchange guarantee that everything is fair.

        [Ninja’d by the whole damn world.]

    • jermo sapiens says:

      This strikes me as a really weird stand to make; can anyone steelman their position?

      I dont think I can steelman it very well. But this type of stuff is quite common and weird is not the right adjective for it. It’s dishonest and stupid, but not weird. This is just what happens when some people are faced with information that contradicts fundamental beliefs.

      In this case I would submit that the fundamental belief being contradicted is that women are oppressed and that men are oppressors. The data is rather clear, and therefore it’s more effective to just call it creepy, accusatory, and weakly reasoned without going into any details. I mean, it’s clearly weakly reasoned because he didnt reach the conclusions that are predicted by feminist ideology.

      So instead of being weird, it’s exactly what you would expect when an ideology becomes so entrenched that its tenets are taken as gospel. In this case it’s feminism, but it could be any ideology and people would react similarly.

      • Aftagley says:

        I don’t think this is true, or at least I don’t think it’s the primary driving factor.

        They reference that 2016 study without being obviously angry about it, and most of the rest of the article treats men and women as equal sufferers under the new dating dystopia. It seems weird that they’d slide in a stanning of feminism just for the fun of it.

        • jermo sapiens says:

          You are correct, upon reading the full article I’m not so sure. But the section about data analysis is more a sidebar than part of the article itself.

          I’m having a hard time coming up with a reason for calling the analysis creepy. The author is obviously perturbed by the notion of a dating market. But dating has always been a market, it’s just the apps make it more explicit. Maybe runham above is correct and the author was triggered by the analysis which made the reality of a dating market even more explicit.

          In any event, those blog posts provided useful information to people in the dating market. They should be promoted not derided.

          • Beans says:

            In my experience “creepy” when not literally meaning “scary” pretty much always is in reference to something that a woman finds off-putting, so I have a hard time believing that you aren’t at least partially right with your initial intuition: there’s barely any other way for that adjective to make sense, given what it means in colloquial English.

          • jermo sapiens says:

            I have a hard time believing that you aren’t at least partially right with your initial intuition

            Yeah I think so. I reverted back to my initial intuition after As @runham noted, the article says:

            And in online spaces populated by heterosexual men, heterosexual women have been charged with the bulk of these crimes.

            I dont think it’s a crime for heterosexual women to follow their natural inclination obviously, but I think the author believes it’s a crime to notice that women’s natural inclination creates winners and losers.

          • Aapje says:

            I don’t think they would mind if the losers are rapists or such.

            The issue is that these men are selected for natural gifts that have nothing to do with whether they are good people…

    • hash872 says:

      My theory is that when meeting a potential partner in-person or in a social setting, men are obviously very looks-driven, whereas women use a more diverse, holistic set of criteria that includes physical appearance, social status, relative wealth, etc. Women are judging men on a whole host of categories. (Source, am a straight male). However, in online dating where it’s much tougher for a man to convey wealth, confidence, social status etc., women are sort of forced to use the default male perspective which is mostly appearance. This, plus the fact that women are much pickier and have higher standards for a potential mate, means online dating actually doesn’t serve women particularly well

      • AlexOfUrals says:

        in online dating where it’s much tougher for a man to convey wealth, confidence, social status etc

        How’s so? Wealth is conveyed just fine via photos, and many people mention they job/business at their profile page (or again have a photo in front of some big name company office). Social status and confidence, or luck of thereof, are evident from conversation, just like in a 1-on-1 meeting. Plus to some degree from the profile page – on the apps where it’s more than few sentences, such as OKC.

    • AlexOfUrals says:

      It’s also a bald-faced admission that the author—and possibly the company he speaks for—is thinking about people as sets of numbers.

      A rhetorical question – do they get equally outraged when studies reporting income inequality or wage gap are treating people like numbers?

      • Matt M says:

        Wait until they learn about the insurance industry!

      • Aftagley says:

        A rhetorical question – do they get equally outraged when studies reporting income inequality or wage gap are treating people like numbers?

        Right? That’s the logical conclusion of this weird viewpoint.

    • Conrad Honcho says:

      I read it. The tagline is:

      The old but newly popular notion that one’s love life can be analyzed like an economy is flawed—and it’s ruining romance.

      But I don’t think they ever explained how this notion is flawed. They just stated it.

      • rumham says:

        They did explain.

        But, Ury went on, there’s a fatal flaw in this logic: No one knows what they want so much as they believe they know what they want. Actual romantic chemistry is volatile and hard to predict; it can crackle between two people with nothing in common and fail to materialize in what looks on paper like a perfect match. Ury often finds herself coaching her clients to broaden their searches and detach themselves from their meticulously crafted “checklists.”

        The fact that human-to-human matches are less predictable than consumer-to-good matches is just one problem with the market metaphor; another is that dating is not a one-time transaction. Let’s say you’re on the market for a vacuum cleaner—another endeavor in which you might invest considerable time learning about and weighing your options, in search of the best fit for your needs. You shop around a bit, then you choose one, buy it, and, unless it breaks, that’s your vacuum cleaner for the foreseeable future. You likely will not continue trying out new vacuums, or acquire a second and third as your “non-primary” vacuums. In dating, especially in recent years, the point isn’t always exclusivity, permanence, or even the sort of long-term relationship one might have with a vacuum. With the rise of “hookup culture” and the normalization of polyamory and open relationships, it’s perfectly common for people to seek partnerships that won’t necessarily preclude them from seeking other partnerships, later on or in addition. This makes supply and demand a bit harder to parse. Given that marriage is much more commonly understood to mean a relationship involving one-to-one exclusivity and permanence, the idea of a marketplace or economy maps much more cleanly onto matrimony than dating.

        • A Definite Beta Guy says:

          My wife is not a vacuum cleaner, but a short-term “non-primary” partner definitely sounds pretty dehumanizing.
          There are definitely markets for short-term rentals. Like hotel rooms. That you rent by the hour. With your “non-primary” “Lady of the Night”

          • rumham says:

            I wouldn’t go all “get off my lawn” about it. I’m not convinced of their reasoning on why economics don’t apply, but there’s nothing wrong with picking up a third on occasion.

        • LesHapablap says:

          This author has never heard of super-markets and their promiscuous goodies, or maybe they don’t count

        • DeWitt says:

          Just how normalised is polyamory, anyway? My impression is that anyone not a Bay Aryan or otherwise deep off the Grey/Blue tribe end still views it as something they want no part of. The people writing the article are likely to be part of the former demographic lacking in self-awareness, but I have no idea if this has been quantified.

    • johan_larson says:

      Maybe dating isn’t too much like a market. Maybe it isn’t enough like a market. We need financialization, securities, puts, gets, swaps, tranches, leverage, dark markets, self-interested ratings agencies, regulatory capture, and then a gold rush turned boom turned devil-take-the-hindmost, until the inevitable crash leaves everyone with too many dance-cards and not enough blondes.

      • Nick says:

        You forgot monopolies, surely.

        • sharper13 says:

          Isn’t that what marriage is supposed to be? A government-encouraged monopoly?

          • CaptainCrutch says:

            No, monopoly is when one man has bought penises from all the other men in town.

            Marriage is more like long-term contract. Something close to renting a room and not allowing it to be rented to anyone else while you are still a tenant.

      • The Nybbler says:

        Just a small increase in the default rate on the Incel tranche ends up collapsing the whole thing, not just the Incel investors but the Beta, Alpha, and Alpha+ (Chad) investors. When the Incel default rate hit 20.0 percent, mark-to-market kicked in and everyone without a partner at the moment got marked to 0, triggering the swaps. Obviously with not nearly enough underlying assets to cover, the swaps were worthless also, and down the whole thing came. At the end, the government had to come through with offers of hot Russian brides… only catch was, you couldn’t actually exercise them.

    • sksnsvbanap says:


      Tech companies are the fastest-growing capitalist power center in the world today. The top six publicly traded companies my market capitalization are tech companies – including four trillion-dollar companies. These companies became this valuable by amassing data about us, their customers. We are the authors and rightful owners of our data. If that data is worth trillions of dollars, that wealth should accrue to each of us, not just those who are lucky enough to be tech company shareholders.

      In other times and places, people who desire power over others might become warlords or oil barons. Today, they start tech companies in the hopes of striking it rich by collecting and aggregating our data. Every day we are faced by constant use of psychological hacks to trick us into handing over pieces of data.

      OK Cupid asks us questions with the promise of providing individual human connections, then turns around and exploits the aggregate data to make politically-charged claims about our genders and races. Creepy!

    • Matt M says:

      It’s weird how the people who seemingly harbor the most fear and/or hatred for “incels” are also the ones most violently opposed to literally anything that might help low status men secure dates, sex, and meaningful relationships.

      (and yes, this is personal for me, as without online dating sites, I would almost certainly still be an “incel” today)

      • Hoopyfreud says:

        As a matter of curiosity, when did you find your relationship, and via which online matchmaking service? I ask because (see my above post for the demographic breakdowns of dating apps specifically in the current year). As of right now, I would not suggest that a lonely incel-ish guy put himself anywhere near Tinder (for his own sake, not out of some concern for the female userbase). OKCupid is, as I understand, still mostly OK, but the app ecosystem seems absolutely garbage for (straight) men right now.

        • Matt M says:

          I was able to get some dates/hookups playing the numbers game on POF as well as Tinder. Ultimately found my fiance on Coffee Meets Bagel, which seemed pretty intelligently designed to avoid a lot of the pitfalls of online dating (mainly by treating male and female profiles differently and acknowledging the different behavior/expectations of both genders).

          • Hoopyfreud says:

            The freemium phonegame monetization is pretty off-putting, but the magic number seems favorable; the male/female ratio looks to be 40/60. If it gets popular enough to get flooded with dudes I bet it’ll immediately turn to shit. I don’t think tweaks they made to the tinder model matter much at all.

          • baconbits9 says:

            The big issue that the large sites have is that there is no cost for men to send out 1,000 messages at a time and play the numbers game and that looks are about the only thing that is easy to verify in real life quickly. How is CmB different?

          • Matt M says:

            How is CmB different?

            The simple answer is that they greatly limit the amount of messages you can send. I forget the exact specifics as to how.

            The freemium phonegame monetization is pretty off-putting

            Likely intentionally so. I remember being greatly annoyed by the amount of various hoops you had to jump through to actually get going and accomplish anything. But once I did jump through them, the quality of matches (as well as response rates) were much better than other sites I had tried.

            I guess it sort of functions like a pre-existing shit test that the app itself gives to you before the woman even has to become aware of your existence. And that’s how they keep it from being “flooded with guys.” They count on a lot of guys to say “hell this isn’t worth it” and not bother trying.

        • At a slight tangent, someone I was talking with a while back mentioned that he met his wife via Tinder. I commented that I thought Tinder was mainly for hook ups, finding someone for casual sex.

          His response, not in those words, was that of course that was the normal first step in courtship.

          It seemed an odd attitude to me, and I am curious how widely it is shared. My assumption is that if you are looking for a long term relationship, you are not expecting sexual intercourse on the first date — maybe an erotic kiss at the end of it, if you are lucky — and probably not the second or third either.

          Which makes me wonder how out of date I am, not having been part of that market for a very long time.

          • Hoopyfreud says:

            My assumption is that if you are looking for a long term relationship, you are not expecting sexual intercourse on the first date — maybe an erotic kiss at the end of it, if you are lucky — and probably not the second or third either.

            I would rather say that if you’re expecting sex on the first date, you’re probably not prioritizing a long-term relationship. That doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not open to it, though, “it” referring to either sex on the first date if you’re looking for a relationship or to a relationship if you’re looking for sex on the first date.

          • rumham says:

            Second or third date usually. If you’re not sexually compatible with someone, best to know early before you’re too emotionally invested.

          • jermo sapiens says:

            I’m recently divorced and I have been on dates with 4 different women so far, all of whom I met through either Tinder or Bumble. Im 43 and the women I dated were all about the same age. All my first dates except one went very well, and there was no hint or possibility of sex on the first date (unless I’m really bad at reading hints).

          • Matt M says:

            My general impression of Tinder is that they market themselves to men as a casual sex/hookup app, but they market themselves to women as a dating/relationships app. Most matches/couples tend to meet somewhere in the middle.

            I also get the impression (not just from my own experience, but from what I’ve heard from guys who are better looking and higher status than me) that the vast majority of first dates on Tinder do not end in sex, although your odds of that happening there are probably better than they are among the general dating pool.

          • Pink-Nazbol says:

            It’s generally expected that an attractive man will have spent age 15-25 at least shtupping a lot of girls, particularly if he was ever single during that time. Most guys haven’t done this. In the job market they talk about gaps in the resume. In the relationship market for men there are gaps in one’s relationship status. What were they doing during those times? The answer is often…nothing. So they want to give the impression that they were indeed shtupping a lot of girls and the way they do it is to act like it’s just their normal operating procedure to escalate to sex on the first date. They don’t think they’re likely to get it.

      • CaptainCrutch says:

        Everyone is a social darwinist when time comes to pay the bills. To admit that inceldom is anything but moral failing is to invite sexual redistribution.

      • Aapje says:

        @Matt M

        It’s weird how the people who seemingly harbor the most fear and/or hatred for “incels” are also the ones most violently opposed to literally anything that might help low status men

        How is this weird? This suggests that they see these people as irredeemable or otherwise not worth saving.

        Jews were also not put in re-education camps, but in the ovens.

      • Jack Lecter says:

        @Matt M:

        Can you expand? I’m currently one (with the quote marks), I’m not particularly rich or high-status, and I’ve been trying to decide if online dating would be worth the emotional hit.

        (If it helps, I would be looking for a relationship rather than casual sex, so a lot of the PUA stuff intended to help people get the latter doesn’t really help.)

        • rumham says:

          (If it helps, I would be looking for a relationship rather than casual sex, so a lot of the PUA stuff intended to help people get the latter doesn’t really help.)

          The PUA stuff is useful for both. Can’t have a relationship if you don’t get your foot in the door.

        • Matt M says:

          the emotional hit.

          Uh, you’re just going to have to get over that. Unless you’re a very high status man, you’re going to get rejected. A lot. IMO, the “pain” of being rejected online (that you send a lot of messages that go wholly ignored) is a lot less than the pain of being rejected in person (that you literally have to tell a girl you’re interested and she has to actually tell you that she’s not), but YMMV on that I guess.

          Online dating is a numbers game. My estimates for myself were something like this: About 5% of the women I “matched” with would match with me back. About 10% of those who matched with me back would reply to my first message. About 10% of those would then go on to regularly talking to me. About 10% of those would be willing to date me once. About 50% of those would be willing to date me more than once. About 25% of those would be willing to have some sort of relationship.

          The math on that isn’t pretty. It basically means that you need to swipe right on approximately 200,000 women to get a single relationship. Maybe you’re higher status than me and it’ll be easier. Maybe you’re lower and it’ll be harder. My general advice is something like:

          1. Lower your standards
          2. Swipe right, “match” with, and send a first message to literally every woman possible
          3. Do not bother scrutinizing photos or reading profiles, at all, until you’re in the “she messaged back” stage
          4. Save time by developing a standard form letter style intro message
          5. Diversify onto different sites/apps (it’s all the same women on all of them, but use different photos, profiles, and approaches – someone who ignored you on Site A may respond to a different approach Site B)
          6. Do not become emotionally invested in anyone you haven’t met in person yet
          7. If you do get there and obtain a relationship, never tell them you took this approach

          • acymetric says:

            @Matt M

            6. Do not become emotionally invested in anyone you haven’t met twice in person yet

          • JayT says:

            It basically means that you need to swipe right on approximately 200,000 women to get a single relationship.

            That can’t be right, can it? I have no experience with online dating, but are there even 200,000 women on dating sites in more than a couple of the biggest cities? It would seem that online dating wouldn’t work if the numbers were that low.

          • B says:

            These all seem to the obvious approach, and the exact thing that people say is so terrible about the apps.

            Probably not a coincidence.

          • Matt M says:

            That can’t be right, can it? I have no experience with online dating, but are there even 200,000 women on dating sites in more than a couple of the biggest cities? It would seem that online dating wouldn’t work if the numbers were that low.

            It took me like 10 years across 4 different cities to eventually get there. I’m not sure if I actually swiped 200K times or not, but it’s not impossible!

          • Matt M says:

            These all seem to the obvious approach, and the exact thing that people say is so terrible about the apps.

            Dating apps are the worst ways for low status men to get dates, except all the other ways that have ever been tried.

            The alternative to this is basically the same concept, only you have to do it in person in a bar or in school or at church or whatever, where the rejection is much more painful and the social consequences more severe.

          • JayT says:

            So in ten years you only had 9 dates and 4 second dates? Again, it doesn’t seem like dating apps would continue to be popular if odds were that low.

          • HowardHolmes says:

            @acymetric and @Matt M

            6. Do not become emotionally invested in anyone ever

          • Jack Lecter says:

            @Matt M:

            I just wanted to say thanks a lot for replying. Think it helped.

            I realize this isn’t substantive, but I have this problem where I stop to think of something substantive to say and then the thread dies while I’m thinking, so I wanted to get the sentiment out there before that happened.

          • Deiseach says:

            Swipe right, “match” with, and send a first message to literally every woman possible

            I think this is part of the problem with dating apps, though. Every woman gets many, many more responses from men than men do from women, partly because I think most men do have that attitude of “might as well try, if you’re not in you can’t win” and partly because of this kind of advice.

            This means that women on the app get flooded with thousands of responses, many of which don’t fit or match with them. So of course they’re going to reject or ignore an awful lot of them. But this just makes the problem worse – that’s how you’re deriving your “to get a relationship you need to message 200,000 women”. On the other side, the woman is getting 200,000 messages from guys who haven’t even read profiles or looked at photos, just swiped swiped swiped on every woman on the site.

            Think of it like junkmail – how many of you read and sift through every piece of junkmail you receive, versus simply throwing it straight in the bin?

          • Aapje says:

            @Matt M

            The alternative to this is basically the same concept, only you have to do it in person in a bar or in school or at church or whatever, where the rejection is much more painful and the social consequences more severe.

            Sure, but the odds are much better, because the competition is less in those spaces and you get more of a chance to show your potential.

          • Aftagley says:

            This is awkward, because I feel like offering a different perspective than the one Matt’s putting forward is going to make it seem like I’m trying to claim to be higher status than he, and that just seems shitty.

            Take this as a competing perspective, not necessarily a more accurate or more reliable one.

            1. Lower your standards

            Kind of. Lower your standards on the initial swiping and talking, but raise them during the texting phase and especially once you’re on the date itself. Don’t just go with the flow for somoene you’re not connecting with just because you matched on Tinder.

            2. Swipe right, “match” with, and send a first message to literally every woman possible

            Don’t do this, you’ll kill your elo on most of the apps and end up in the world of bots, scammers and the truly unfortunate. Match with people you could handle sitting across a table from.

            3. Do not bother scrutinizing photos or reading profiles, at all, until you’re in the “she messaged back” stage

            I disagree.

            4. Save time by developing a standard form letter style intro message

            No, don’t do this. It’s obvious, it looks bad/cheesy and it’s not likely to get you any kind of positive response. Try to find something unique about their profile then comment on it, ending with a question.

            This isn’t hard and doesn’t take any time. They have a dog in the picture? “Aww, cute doggo! What’s his/her name?”

            They seem to be somewhere unique in a picture? “Oh wow, that (insert place) looks awesome. Is that?”

            Give them something to respond to, not just a form letter.

            5. Diversify onto different sites/apps (it’s all the same women on all of them, but use different photos, profiles, and approaches – someone who ignored you on Site A may respond to a different approach Site B)

            Yes, good advice. The different apps have different vibes, some will work better for your style.

            6. Do not become emotionally invested in anyone you haven’t met in person yet

            This point has already been investigated above.

          • Matt M says:

            So in ten years you only had 9 dates and 4 second dates? Again, it doesn’t seem like dating apps would continue to be popular if odds were that low.

            Something like that, yeah.

            Of course, on the other hand, literally every woman I’ve ever asked out that I didn’t meet online has said no. And those rejections were much more emotionally painful.

            As I’ve said, I’m not here to tell you that dating apps are great. I’m here to tell you that they’re better than the alternatives (asking out women you meet in person, or dying alone)

          • Aapje says:


            An issue is that women are often looking for ‘a spark,’ yet this can’t really be filtered for online.

            It’s like Google initially filtering potential programmers by how well they can write poems. Then lots of the people they interview will be great at writing poems, but shit at programming, while lots of people they refuse to interview will be good programmers, but shit at writing poems.

          • Matt M says:

            I think this is part of the problem with dating apps, though.

            Well, this devolves into something of a chicken/egg debate, I think. I don’t know whether men message every woman because women don’t respond, or whether women don’t respond because men always message them.

            I know that, for myself, I tried to take the much more “natural” approach that Aftagley described below for the first several years. It got me basically nowhere. It was almost totally ineffective. When I switched to “message everyone with form letter” mode, I got a lot more matches, a lot more responses, and a lot more dates, and I started feeling a lot better about myself and my prospects.

            I’m not here to tell you what’s philosophically the best or what produces the optimal equilibrium on the sites or dating markets. I’m here to tell you what worked for me. Other approaches may work for other people, I can’t speak to that.

          • Conrad Honcho says:


            I could be wrong as I’ve never used any of these apps (after my time) but:

            On the other side, the woman is getting 200,000 messages from guys who haven’t even read profiles or looked at photos, just swiped swiped swiped on every woman on the site.

            I think you only get messages if you match. So if 200,000 men swipe right on her and she only swipes right on one of those 200,000 men, she gets one message.

          • Matt M says:


            That depends on the site/app. In the early days, “sites” like POF and OKC and Match had basically an “open messaging” model. Once you made a profile, anyone could message you. Most of them had some sort of system wherein you could come up with specific criteria to restrict this ability (basically, “no messages from guys over 40”) but most people never bothered with that. Most sites were also smart enough to basically say “Don’t show people any profiles of people who they wouldn’t be allowed to message” so even if someone did “restrict” you it was transparent, you never even knew they were there in the first place.

            Most modern apps (Tinder was the one to make this most famous) have the “dual-matching” system you describe. In which case yeah, if she’s getting “too many” messages, she has nobody to blame but herself…

          • Edward Scizorhands says:

            15 years ago I was using paid dating apps. I got 0.00 dates from them. I can’t deny it was extremely depressing.

            Simultaneous to using them, I met my now-wife in a separate forum.

      • Bergil says:

        I think it simply represents a strong belief that-
        a) People have true natures
        b) A persons true nature cannot be changed
        c) “Creepiness” or lack of it is a feature of one’s true nature.
        By these terms, it is not possible to make someone more beddable, only to make them appear more beddable, which would entail deceiving their potential lovers (which everyone can agree would be bad). It makes no sense to the likes of me (and perhaps you, but I don’t want to assume something unfavorable) because I want to believe that the factors that make me unbeddable are not part of any sort of true nature but rather due to deficiancies in some trainable social skill, so it is possible to change reality, destroy the things that make me unbeddable, and present a more attractive face that is not a lie. Stated like this it sounds like motivated reasoning, but the opposite position could also be motivated reasoning to make a woman’s aesthetic preferences seem to represent moral truths, and I tend to hold other views that minimize the importance of true natures, so at least I’m consistent.

    • eigenmoon says:

      I’ll try to explain my understanding of what the Left don’t like about the market.

      Let’s say the King invites pairs (of a man and a woman – that’s a medieval King after all) to dance at his festival. Every pair gets paid 100 gp and can distribute it among themselves as they see fit. So the people made a matching service for those willing to dance for a 50-50 split. However there was an excess of women (perhaps because 50 gp meant more to them due to their lower wages). So people made another matching service for those willing to dance for a 67-33 split, then another one for 75-25.

      The Left treats this situation as horribly unfair, and I agree: there’s nothing inherently fair or kind about the market. Also the Left might claim that doing anything else than 50-50 is immoral and try to shame male dancers who agreed to it.

      Here’s where economic analysis strikes. It says: if the market tells you that you’re screwed, then you’re screwed. Sucks to be you in that case. But you can’t just cancel the market. If men aren’t willing to dance for 50 gp, then you’ll have to sweeten the deal for them somehow.

      And the Left don’t like that at all. They think that maybe those analysts who tell them “sucks to be you” are somehow incentivized to say that, or maybe some other sinister plot is in motion, and if sufficiently many Leftists will practice being insufferable, maybe the world would be a fairer and happier place.

      This is why economic analysis can come off as creepy for the Left. It tells them the world isn’t going to treat them kindly and there’s no hope to change that.

      • Aapje says:


        Your explanation suggests that people would do the opposite than what they actually do.

        Woke people are not objecting to economic analyses (or scientific studies) that show their favored groups having it worse, but those that show that the ‘oppressors’ have it worse in various ways.

        I think that woke people hate those analyses/studies because of how they themselves use them, to attack their outgroup. So they logically believe that studies that show their outgroup having it worse on some measures will be used to attack their ingroup, because that’s what they themselves would do, if they favored that outgroup, rather than their ingroup.

        PS. The word ‘creepy’ is often used in a sexist way, where behavior that is consider acceptable when women do it, is not allowed for men. Creepy is to men what uppity is to blacks.

        • eigenmoon says:

          I did not suggest that the Left hates economics so much that they wouldn’t use it for attacks. (Also, the Right would also get happy about any study that’s in their favor.)

          Here’s an example from “No Borders” (a Leftist book) of Leftists failing to grasp the basics of arithmetic. Left anarchists in Athens decided that the government is evil because it coerces the refugees into some stupid bureaucracy instead of just helping them. So they decided to help the refugees by giving them access to their place (they had a house). But they could realistically service a hundred but there were thousands in need, so they started to check the refugees’ papers to figure out who needs the most, and they also posted guards to kick out the wrong people. So those anarchists pretty much recreated the state with its bureaucracy and coercion. And they were very distressed by it.

          I’ve brought up this example because it’s pure action, those guys weren’t attacking the outgroup, they were volunteering to do some good in the world. And yet there’s clearly a failure to look the reality in the face somewhere in there.

          Back to feminism: we know that men experience “red pill rage” – a period of painful psychological adjustment caused by the realization that the female biological programming isn’t complementary to the male one, it’s completely different from what men are programmed to expect. But there must also be a female equivalent of that, namely, a painful realization that men are completely different from what women are programmed to expect. And that is the problem, because neither the manosphere nor feminists (nor I) have any useful advice for women who go through that pain. The feminists’ plan to deal with this is simply deep denial, which is visible in the article.

          You can certainly treat the Woke as an evil Scientology-like cult trying to lie and swindle its way to power. But women who ignore the market realities of dating unwillingly condemn themselves to 40+ years of loneliness. Again, there’s a failure to look the reality in the face somewhere in there, and thus an explanation that doesn’t involve merely CW strategic maneuvers would be better.

          • Conrad Honcho says:

            And that is the problem, because neither the manosphere nor feminists (nor I) have any useful advice for women who go through that pain.

            I do not think the purpose of the manosphere is to give advice to women.

          • jaimeastorga2000 says:

            There’s some red pill stuff aimed a women. Sunshine Mary and The Lady of Grerp were both prominent bloggers back in the day, and r/RedPillWomen is an active community 40,000 subscribers strong.

          • Lambert says:

            If there’s any kind of coherent (weaker condition than sound) model underlying the advice given to men, it ought to be able to advise women too.

          • Aapje says:


            Feminism’s solution is to oppress men so they forgo their own desires…which is never going to work. Note that quite a few prominent feminists are lesbian and for them feminism works a lot better.

            As for advice: I think that the realization that women’s value as sex partners is higher than their relationship value is key. Of course, accepting this typically means accepting that they are not as high value as they thought they were and their actual male equivalents are less impressive than they thought.

            Secondly, the recognition that men value young and pretty means that it’s a bad strategy for women to wait. Better to lock a man down early and take a gamble on a man who is still developing himself and/or reduce their standards, than keep waiting until reduced fertility forces the issue.

          • A Definite Beta Guy says:

            If there’s any kind of coherent (weaker condition than sound) model underlying the advice given to men, it ought to be able to advise women too.

            The advice to women isn’t complicated because men aren’t complicated, but the ‘sphere has really no incentive or desire to soft-pedal the advice.

            It’s basically:
            1. Lower your Standards
            2. Don’t get fat
            3. Lower your standards
            4. Be a Nice Person
            5. Lower your standards
            6. Be feminine: wear your hair long, put on a dress, etc.
            7. Lower your standards

            Note that “lower your standards” doesn’t mean “sleep with every hot guy on Tinder immediately, even if he’s a jerk.” It means going on dates with less attractive men and stopping paying attention to hot men, who you aren’t ever going to land.

            Also, it depends on what you want and what you realistically can achieve. I remember a woman posting on one mixed-gender “red pill” blog asking for advice, and the men basically telling her that she should just sleep around for a few years. Why? Because she was totally immature, clearly had no interest in an actual relationship no matter how much she actually professed a want for one, and greatly valued superficial attractive attributes. Why recommend something for her that she clearly doesn’t want?

            The advice would be different for a young woman who appears to have a great deal of maturity and appears to greatly value the traits that underpin an actual loving relationship, and professes the desire to have one.

          • Faza (TCM) says:

            the recognition that men value young and pretty means that it’s a bad strategy for women to wait. Better to lock a man down early and take a gamble on a man who is still developing himself and/or reduce their standards, than keep waiting until reduced fertility forces the issue

            ‘s got a catchy tune to it, too.

          • Nick says:

            @Faza (TCM)
            I thought you were going to link this!

          • baconbits9 says:

            Secondly, the recognition that men value young and pretty means that it’s a bad strategy for women to wait. Better to lock a man down early and take a gamble on a man who is still developing himself and/or reduce their standards, than keep waiting until reduced fertility forces the issue.

            Locking yourself into someone who values young and pretty is a bad bet if you know you wont’ be young and pretty for long.

          • eigenmoon says:

            I agree with your advice. But I meant something different: an advice to psychologically cope with the red pill rage, not an advice to optimize your relationships. There are some psychological pitfalls, for example, the tendency to perceive people acting according to their own programming rather than your own programming to be evil. And those are tricky to navigate for men too.

            There’s a supply and demand problem. There’s a simple evolutionary reason to value young and pretty, do I even have to point it out? Men who do not value young and pretty are maybe what, 5%? 10%? But 100% women want them, which means that 90-95% of them have to settle for somebody who does indeed value young and pretty. (I just did exactly what was described in the article as “treating people as numbers”.)

            This is why the society had this whole marriage thing going. The husband enjoys the youth of his wife at her 20-35 and endures her, um, non-youth at her 35+. The wife gets a claim to half his stuff as a protection of her investment (her young years). That’s how it always worked.

            Now women have decided that they can spend their young years having fun and then marry in their 30s without suffering a significant loss in husband quality. Everybody here have already commented on how unrealistic that is.

          • baconbits9 says:

            There’s a supply and demand problem. There’s a simple evolutionary reason to value young and pretty, do I even have to point it out? Men who do not value young and pretty are maybe what, 5%? 10%? But 100% women want them, which means that 90-95% of them have to settle for somebody who does indeed value young and pretty. (I just did exactly what was described in the article as “treating people as numbers”.)

            I value young and pretty, but I also value a ton of other traits which are anti correlated with young and pretty. The evolutionary arguments for valuing young and pretty are very weak when you look at life expectancy and childhood mortality through human history.

          • Le Maistre Chat says:

            The evolutionary arguments for valuing young and pretty are very weak when you look at life expectancy and childhood mortality through human history.

            … though if men are programmed to find 20-year-old women with the widest hips pretty, that’s not weak.

          • baconbits9 says:

            … though if men are programmed to find 20-year-old women with the widest hips pretty, that’s not weak.

            That is very weak when women were already into their childbearing years. You can’t wait until they hit 20 in most situations and still have your pick and you are giving up a huge edge to anyone who is taking 14-16 year olds first.

          • Le Maistre Chat says:

            @baconbits9: What about evolutionary pressure re: 14-year-olds dying in childbirth?

          • jermo sapiens says:

            The evolutionary arguments for valuing young and pretty are very weak when you look at life expectancy and childhood mortality through human history.

            Carrying a baby to term and delivering it is very hard. Younger women are much better at it. They’re more fertile, and they handle pregnancy better, with fewer health risks for the child.

            “pretty” is mostly just a proxy for health and good genes.

            If anything, the high amount of childhood mortality in the past made it even more important to value youth and beauty back then.

          • baconbits9 says:

            Carrying a baby to term and delivering it is very hard. Younger women are much better at it. They’re more fertile, and they handle pregnancy better, with fewer health risks for the child.

            Childhood mortality in HG societies dominates infant mortality. A 5 year old child dying is far worse for your reproductive success than a child dying during birth, arguably 5-10 times worse. It is only relatively recently that surviving labor + a few weeks meant a high likelihood of making it to reproductive age.

          • baconbits9 says:

            What about evolutionary pressure re: 14-year-olds dying in childbirth?

            That’s a disaster for the girl, much less so for the father.

          • jermo sapiens says:

            It is only relatively recently that surviving labor + a few weeks meant a high likelihood of making it to reproductive age.

            Yes, agreed. But you were suggesting that “the evolutionary arguments for valuing young and pretty are very weak”. I dont think that’s true. I think men are preprogrammed for valuing young and pretty, we’re not conditioned by it by society. And the evolutionary mechanism for that is pretty straightforward: a young and pretty mother means more children surviving to adulthood. Even though you have plenty of roadblocks to adulthood, what happens at birth matters too.

          • John Schilling says:

            Note that “evolution says men should want to marry a 16-year-old”, does not mean that evolution wants children to be borne and raised by teenaged girls. If we’re assuming five children at three-year intervals (nursing suppresses fertility), the average newborn child in that scenario has a 23-year-old mother.

            That may be close to the optimum for maternal health in a hunter-gatherer or early agrarian society.

          • baconbits9 says:

            Yes, agreed. But you were suggesting that “the evolutionary arguments for valuing young and pretty are very weak”. I dont think that’s true

            They are weak because they only look at a fraction of the equation, and things that are highly valuable in child rearing are often anti correlated with youth and attractiveness, experience being a big one and probably THE big one.

          • baconbits9 says:

            Note that “evolution says men should want to marry a 16-year-old”, does not mean that evolution wants children to be borne and raised by teenaged girls. If we’re assuming five children at three-year intervals (nursing suppresses fertility), the average newborn child in that scenario has a 23-year-old mother.

            For most of their pre adolescent years the oldest child will have more resources put into them in most societies and you can’t assume 5 children at every 3 years with infant and childhood mortality like that, plus you have the danger of the mother dying during child birth with one of the later kids.

            nursing suppresses fertility

            Nursing only diminishes fertility and not to zero, and not to near zero. Irish Twins is a saying for a reason, if you aren’t actively avoiding pregnancy while nursing you have a high chance of getting pregnant while nursing.

          • jermo sapiens says:

            things that are highly valuable in child rearing are often anti correlated with youth and attractiveness, experience being a big one and probably THE big one

            yeah but experience was provided by older members of the clan I would expect. which is also why humans live way past reproduction age, which is a rare thing among animals. what is your explanation for men’s preference for young and pretty, if not evolutionary pressures?

          • lvlln says:

            They are weak because they only look at a fraction of the equation, and things that are highly valuable in child rearing are often anti correlated with youth and attractiveness, experience being a big one and probably THE big one.

            I don’t think I understand. If experience is THE big one – i.e. that men are evolutionarily incentivized to partner with women who are not only young and attractive but also have experience that makes them better at child rearing – then wouldn’t this imply that they’d be even more particularly attracted to young women/girls? It seems to me that one of the more reliable ways to partner with an experienced 25 year old woman and have her mother and rear your child is to partner with an inexperienced 22 year old woman and get her to mother your child and gain that valuable experience in childrearing over the next 3 years. Or if you want to partner with an experienced 22 year old woman, then you can partner with an inexperienced 19 year old woman to mother and rear your child.

            One could try to partner with an experienced 25 year old woman anew, without partnering with her earlier when she wasn’t experienced, but a 25 year old woman being experienced in child rearing seems likely to be anti-correlated with that woman being available.

            And obviously you can’t just reduce the age lower and lower since you run into other biological/social/legal constraints.

          • baconbits9 says:

            yeah but experience was provided by older members of the clan I would expect. which is also why humans live way past reproduction age, which is a rare thing among animals. what is your explanation for men’s preference for young and pretty, if not evolutionary pressures?

            Young and pretty are just the easiest metrics to judge on in the short term. The larger the accessible population the more you have to rely on basic rules to whittle it down. If you tribe was 100 people and half male, and half of the females are above 40 or under 12 there are 25ish total potential mates, with most of those potential mates already taken and pregnant/already with kids. Drop out your close relatives like sisters and there really isn’t a whole lot of choice. If you are going for a wife in another clan the sister thing isn’t an issue but everything else is and also probably some seasonal stuff where you only have a specific window each year to get a wife. The amount of choices that most males had is generally grossly exaggerated, and the youngest of those girls doesn’t correlate well with what modern men generally find attractive. Very few men express a preference for just on the cusp of woman hood physical traits, and I would say that most men express a preference for women who are more developed than they are early on (girls develop earlier than boys so most teenagers attracted to teenagers fit this mold, and the hot teacher that half the school has a crush on is an old trope).

          • jermo sapiens says:

            The amount of choices that most males had is generally grossly exaggerated

            That’s true. Yet men have evolved preferences. Or do you dispute that our preferences have evolutionary origins?

          • baconbits9 says:

            I don’t think I understand. If experience is THE big one – i.e. that men are evolutionarily incentivized to partner with women who are not only young and attractive but also have experience that makes them better at child rearing – then wouldn’t this imply that they’d be even more particularly attracted to young women/girls? It seems to me that one of the more reliable ways to partner with an experienced 25 year old woman and have her mother and rear your child is to partner with an inexperienced 22 year old woman and get her to mother your child and gain that valuable experience in childrearing over the next 3 years. Or if you want to partner with an experienced 22 year old woman, then you can partner with an inexperienced 19 year old woman to mother and rear your child.

            So how do you get a 22 year old woman in most Hunter Gatherer societies? Are you waiting for her to go from 15 to 22 before you approach her? Is every other eligible male also waiting?

          • baconbits9 says:

            yeah but experience was provided by older members of the clan I would expect. which

            Another reason not to go after the very young. The ideal grandmother for your kids is probably the 50-55 range when you start having yours. Younger and they should still have kids of their own taking their time and attention and older and their physical decline will be an important factor.

          • lvlln says:

            So how do you get a 22 year old woman in most Hunter Gatherer societies? Are you waiting for her to go from 15 to 22 before you approach her? Is every other eligible male also waiting?

            Well, I presume one can just approach the 15 year old girl, or her parents depending on the case, and stay with her until she turns 22. Of course, that just raises the question of how do you get a 15 year old girl – are you waiting for her to go from 8 to 15 before you approach her, and is every other eligible male also waiting?

            This is where I think you run into other biological/social constraints (guessing “legal” wouldn’t be one in a hunter/gatherer society). This would tend to have the effect of putting some limits on just how young “young” can be in the “young and attractive” criterion.

          • John Schilling says:

            Nursing only diminishes fertility and not to zero, and not to near zero.

            Natural breastfeeding is ~98% effective at preventing pregnancy during the first six months following birth, and ~95% in the following six months. I can’t readily find information for longer periods, but breastfeeding for 2-3 years is common in surviving hunter-gatherer and preindustrial agrarian populations.

            Feel free to run a Monte Carlo simulation with realistic values for whatever details you think are relevant; I’m pretty sure it isn’t going to change the results very much.

          • eigenmoon says:

            I feel the evolution has been discussed already, so I’ll just reply to this:

            I value young and pretty, but I also value a ton of other traits which are anti correlated with young and pretty.

            You might easily find a 30+ yo woman who’d be delighted to hear that. However, as she ages, her value in your eyes would fall in some ways and raise in some other ways, and you may assure her that it will sum up into a raise, but can she trust you on that? Maybe you absolutely believe right now that her age won’t be a problem but once you look at her wrinkly face you’ll reconsider. So the woman will demand marriage for the sake of security.

            You however can not trust her ton of other traits to stay put after the marriage. Her intelligence and wisdom might remain, but will she continue to treat you nicely after the marriage? Nobody knows that.

            So we have the typical problem of modern relationships: a woman is only secure if married, a man is only secure if not married. And if that conundrum results in no marriage, then it can be described as the woman having priced herself out of the market.

          • Aapje says:


            Locking yourself into someone who values young and pretty is a bad bet if you know you wont’ be young and pretty for long.

            Looks usually go gradually, rather than suddenly.

            Also, the good looks gives her leverage to condition the husband into certain behavior & make him dependent on her, as well as making him feel indebted, which she can draw on later.

            It’s quite common for long relationships to become so symbiotic that the price of breaking that up is high.

            Ultimately, older women being generally less attractive to men simply means that men are less motivated to sacrifice for older women, all else being equal.

            Women who wait are like prospective tenants who have a fixed budget, which becomes less valuable due to inflation over time. It’s better to rent a house quickly, because it’s costly and risky for the renter to kick out someone and find a new person to rent to. You are more valuable as someone who already rents and has proven to be a good tenant, than as a random person that still has to be vetted and even then, may turn out to be a menace.

          • baconbits9 says:

            Natural breastfeeding is ~98% effective at preventing pregnancy during the first six months following birth, and ~95% in the following six months

            Those numbers are conditional on the woman’s menstrual cycle not returning, so that is the risk of getting your menstrual cycle back and getting pregnant on the first cycle. It is also the risk for exclusive breastfeeding, women who pump and feed their babies 100% pumped milk saw their pregnancy rates double.

            HG societies are likely to have shared feedings and shared caring with young girls in groups often observed providing care for new mothers while the breastfeeding studies highlight that the profilatic response is driven by continued proximity to the child plus basically zero other foods being introduced.

        • baconbits9 says:

          Well, I presume one can just approach the 15 year old girl, or her parents depending on the case, and stay with her until she turns 22. Of course, that just raises the question of how do you get a 15 year old girl – are you waiting for her to go from 8 to 15 before you approach her, and is every other eligible male also waiting?

          No it doesn’t, a 15 year old is likely capable of reproduction, an 8 year old isn’t which is a clear delineation.

      • TheAncientGeeksTAG says:

        . It tells them the world isn’t going to treat them kindly and there’s no hope to change that.

        Yet some markets are kinder than others.

        The problem this leftie has with economics: it should be a tool that tells you how to fulfil some goal that you bring to it, but it is often instead something that maximises its own default values, which aren’t ones I like.

        I once had a weird conversation with an economics student who told me “economics is value-neutral, we are just taught to find and remove inefficiencies..”.
        Dude, you are being taught to value efficiency ..but without any explicit discussion of values.

        • eigenmoon says:

          it should be a tool that tells you how to fulfil some goal that you bring to it

          I agree, but I think that economics actually accomplishes that, unless it’s of Keynesian variety, which is only useful to praise the government. That economics student surely sounds like a Keynesian to me.

        • Aapje says:


          I think that his point was that you can use economics to most efficiently extract labor from people, but also to make labor more pleasant, with a minimal reduction in incomes as a price for that. Or to do redistribution in a way that discourages finding work the least.

          • Economics qua economics is a value-free science, a way of understanding behavior. The problem is that people want economists to tell them not only what will happen but what should happen.

            We have solved that by coming up with a criterion, economic efficiency, that has the following features:

            1. It comes reasonably close to what most people value, although it isn’t identical.

            2. Economics can often be used to figure out how to maximize it.

            3. There is no other criterion that satisfies condition 2 and does better on condition 1.

            A sloppy description of economic efficiency is the size of the pie. A more precise description is that it is total utility, calculated on the assumption that individuals correctly recognize their own interest and that everyone has the same marginal utility of income.

          • eigenmoon says:

            I feel uneasy about the notion of economic efficiency when you put it like this, as neither of the two assumptions is realistic. Let’s call the degree to which people correctly recognize their own interest (and what’s going on in general) “epistemic efficiency” (yes, I don’t know the proper term). I fear that maximizing total utility by proxy fails by Goodhart’s law, namely, that the proxy (economic efficiency) is maximized but epistemic efficiency and equality are minimized, so we don’t get what we actually want.

            Equality has been discussed to death so I’ll concentrate on epistemic efficiency. One of the weirdest (to me) Keynesian notions is that the natural equilibrium point of the boom-bust cycle is at its peak, since that’s where economic efficiency is maximized. But this is also the point at which epistemic efficiency is minimized.

            To give a concrete example of an epistemic failure, a company that owns $1 and 99% of its own stock is clearly just $1 and a bunch of paper, but the public has been trained to value it at $100 (x = 0.99x + $1, thus x = $100).

            So I think that at this point the economic efficiency should not be encouraged any further because of Goodhart’s law.

          • Thomas Jorgensen says:

            economics has not been value neutral as actually practiced… ever.

            It is most certainly not so now, in an environment where a scary proportion of all work in the field is funded by extremely explicitly political think tanks and endowments.
            The proclamation that it is so is just an attempt to sneak extremely political questions past people as mere “technocracy”. Consider, for example, just how much ink is spent arguing against inheritance taxes in the name of economics.

          • namely, that the proxy (economic efficiency) is maximized but epistemic efficiency and equality are minimized, so we don’t get what we actually want.

            You don’t mean minimized — that would mean that the most economically efficient system was the most unequal and the one with the most self-deception, which is implausible. Simply not maximized—ignored in the decision of what is or is not economically efficient.

            And economists don’t ignore the fact that economic efficiency is an imperfect proxy, they routinely talk about it. The person who, I think, invented the concept (although not the label) was Alfred Marshall, who was a utilitarian. He discusses, in his Principles, why he thinks it is a good proxy for most of the issues we use it for — because the effects, positive and negative, are usually spread over a sufficiently diverse population so that differences in marginal utility of income average out. For my discussion of efficiency, see this chapter in my webbed Price Theory.

    • What struck me as most significant was that both of the “creepy” blog posts have since been deleted. Belief that lots of straight men are getting a raw deal on dating sites has not only been declared heresy, but the inquisitors appear to possess hegemonic power over the discourse. (Of course, the sites that don’t care about the inquisition are well-known for their high witch population.)

      I wonder how many future readers will reconstruct the heresy from the inquisition’s publications?

      • Aftagley says:

        The OKC stuff was’t deleted due to content; they were forced to delete their whole backlog of content after being taken over by the Match Group, largely because the thrust of OKC’s research mostly pointed towards “Paying for a dating app is 100% a waste of money” and The Match Group didn’t like it.

        I’m not saying the content wouldn’t be objectionable now, just that these posts weren’t deleted due to this content.

        • Garrett says:

          The problem is that dating websites can’t guarantee objective results. Sure, they can put you “in contact” with people you are interested in. But they can’t guarantee the outcome you are looking for, such as sex/relationship/marriage/whatever.

          Given that notwithstanding explicit gambling, people prefer to pay for specific results. And they can’t be delivered. So every element of the matchmaking industry is an attempt to hide that in hopes that you’ll pay money.

    • albatross11 says:

      Doing statistics in the social sciences is, as far as I can tell, all about thinking of people as numbers. Consider murder statistics.

    • toastengineer says:

      I think the real correct answer here is “why are you reading this in the first place?”

      It doesn’t make sense to you because it was never meant for you, the same way Biblical interpretation probably doesn’t make much sense to atheists. It only works if you already buy all the axioms and unstated assertions it’s based on. If you don’t, it looks like insanity – just like everything WE say would probably look bizarre and evil to the author of that piece.

      They have a very well-defined and rigid sense of who the Good People are and who the Bad People are – a thing’s goodness is a function of how much it helps the Good People minus how much it helps the Bad People. They don’t think in total/average utilitarian terms like we do. See I See Trad People.

      • toastengineer says:

        Actually, even that’s over-complicating it. The real answer is that what that blog is saying smells vaguely like MRA, and people the author respects and trusts have told him MRA is evil, so this must be evil.

        Everything else is just rationalization of the knee-jerk reaction, which don’t forget is how normal people make arguments, I’m sure each of us remembers a time when that was how we engaged in internet discourse.

      • Aftagley says:

        I think the real correct answer here is “why are you reading this in the first place?”

        Because I have a vested interest in Dating Apps. I’m the primary market for them, over the course of my life have spent somewhere between $100-$150 on them and have met at least 80% of romantic interests through them. I’m the exact market for content about dating apps and hold strong impacts about their effect on society.

        Everything else is just rationalization of the knee-jerk reaction

        I actually tested this theory in my office. I picked 5 fellow millennials (4 female, 1 male) who would agree with the MRA = always bad statement. I then showed them the two blog posts first, had them read it. They had no negative reaction to them. I then showed them the Atlantic article, they were also confused why the Atlantic was pissed about this.

        Now, i’m sure I poisoned the well here by leaking that I don’t think these articles are offensive, but still: if they were as obviously heretical as the atlantic makes it looks, you would expect at least one of them to have had the kneejerk reaction.

        • Loriot says:

          It’s also possible that people’s actual beliefs are not as extreme as the beliefs they signal in public.

        • toastengineer says:

          I then showed them the two blog posts first, had them read it. They had no negative reaction to them. I then showed them the Atlantic article, they were also confused why the Atlantic was pissed about this.

          Good work, wish people actually tested statements here more often. I stand contradicted-by-evidence if not corrected.

          If you don’t mind me asking – 80% of what? I sent out a few hundred messages over the course of a couple years trying online dating and all I got back were a couple “please kill yourself”s, one “thanks for the compliment” and one short conversation about religion. I was 18, 19, and 20 at the time though, maybe people start taking it seriously later in life.

    • Purplehermann says:

      60% of the time ‘creepy’ is an attack, 39.9 percent of the time it’s used to describe someone or an action by someone whom the speaker has a low opinion of.

      I think discounting people’s opinions if they use the word creepy (unless it is a really accurate fit for the case) is legitimate, they probably aren’t saying anything worthwhile

    • J Mann says:

      it seems like their largest complaint is the very idea that these companies that process large amounts of data have conducted and published analysis on this data. This strikes me as a really weird stand to make; can anyone steelman their position?

      I probably won’t do a very good job, but I understand the implicit argument to be:

      1) You can often infer the intent behind a facially true statement by its effect, and some facially true statements are harmful unless protectively packaged.

      2) It may well be true that men have a lot more variance in the number of likes they receive than women, and that women are more likely to rate the opposite gender as below average in looks, but:

      a) phrasing the analysis in economic terms suggests that the distributions above are unjust, since we believe economic inequality to be unjust. The writers are therefore either deliberately misleading by using metaphors that suggest injustice, or they are harmfully insensitive (i.e., “creepy”).

      b) phrasing romantic analysis in economic terms suggests that romance is a commodity instead of some post-economic gift relationship that rises above the cold calculus of benefit and exchange.

      3) Since we can be reasonably confident in our prior that women are not as a group unjust to men, any analysis that implies so is likely to be flawed.


      As I said, I didn’t do a very good job steel manning. My general analysis is usually that people criticizing economics often don’t understand it well enough to make a meaningful criticism, and I frankly suspect that to be the case here. (But the alternative is always possible – that the critics are right in this case and my attitudes towards economics have blinded me to the merits of their arguments).

    • Deiseach says:

      In a since-deleted 2009 official blog post, an OkCupid employee’s data analysis showed women rating men as “worse-looking than medium” 80 percent of the time

      To be fair, some of the sample photos I’ve seen referenced online have done the guys in them no favours – there have been ones where I’ve gone *sharp intake of breath* “are you trying to look like a potential axe-murderer?” and others where if the guy had just tidied his hair, worn a different shirt, and practiced smiling until it didn’t look goofy, he would have been much much more attractive-looking in the photo.

  11. salvorhardin says:

    When we hear that a single person has tested positive for coronavirus, how confident should we be that it wasn’t a false positive? What are the false positive rates for these sorts of tests generally like?

  12. kimchiwillow says:

    Whenever I hear the terms “public” and “private” to refer to governmental/nongovernmental entities or actions, respectively, it always feels backwards to me. I get that the terms are meant as something along the lines of “public: the collective actions of everyone, enacted through the democratic government”, and “private: individual actors doing their own thing independent of the wants of others” but the way it strikes me, it ends up feeling more like it should be “public: the freely chosen actions of members of the public” and “private: the actions that are dictated by the particular institution of the government, in contrast to those actions which people freely choose for themselves”.

    Overall, it’s a somewhat similar feeling as encountering the term “economically liberal”, which (at least in US political discourse) generally tends to be paired with political views about the economy which are decidedly illiberal. Does anyone else also get this feeling about these terms, or know of other terms that cause them to feel this way?

    • sksnsvbanap says:

      I agree that the usage of “public” could go either way, but I don’t feel that way about “private” at all. It seems like the word “private” has some connotation of “non-consensual” for you, and I don’t share that connotation.

      • kimchiwillow says:

        I’m sorry that my wording on that was a bit unclear. I also don’t think that non-consensuality needs to be implicated. It’s more that, if we are thinking of actions being decided by the marketplace vs by the government (or, to reframe it a bit, in the economic market vs the political market), it feels more natural to me to categorize the market as being the more public one. I think that this view comes from viewing the non-governmental activities as being the “default” form of activity. For example, a consumer demand for a product leading to companies producing that product fits more with “public” in my mind than that same demand leading to the government providing that same product.

        I guess this comes from viewing government as a “particular institution”, where government does not have intrinsic goodness or badness, but is just judged by what outcomes it brings about. This relates a bit to the discussion in the Just Giving review, where I think many people would view the government solving a particular problem/need would be the “natural” / “public” course of action, with the actions of individual members of society solving the problem fitting to “private”, whereas in my view, the latter is framed as the public solving that problem, while the former is framed as government (as opposed to “the people”) stepping in (as opposed to the problem being dealt with “naturally”).

        I guess one way to put this in (somewhat overstated) examples would be: the (I think) more common view goes something like: “private: wealthy people forcing their will on The People (through the market) using their wealth” vs “public: The People democratically choose (through government) what The People will do”, with my view being more like: “public: individual people can freely choose what they do” vs “private: the institution of government (as opposed to any of the other myriads of institutions) is controlling what those people do, instead of them being able to do so themselves”. Of course, this statement of the second view ignores the concept of people collectively deciding to do things through the government, and also contains the non-consensuality aspect that I don’t think needs to be present, but does (I hope) convey an axis of difference between the two views.

        EDIT: A (maybe) better example: take the question “should we produce more of X or Y?”. To me, saying “let the market decide” sounds much more natural and public than saying “let the government decide”, which comes off more as having the government interpose in that domain, against the natural tendency. Maybe this is in part due to me not viewing the current government as all that democratic. If we somehow had a handwavium-powered total direct democracy, I could see myself reversing my use of the terms. (e.g., should the public (via our magic direct democracy) decide [question], or should private individuals decide?)

        • JayT says:

          Do you think the same distinction should be made between private and public when talking about land? To me, “public park” sounds like something that is open to everyone/the public. A private park sounds like something that is controlled by the park owner.

          Since ownership is so important in a market-based economy, it makes sense to me that you would talk about private being the things citizens control, and public being the things the government controls.

          • kimchiwillow says:

            For that example, my use of the terms seem to cut skew to the various definitions upthread. For instance, I would consider a government-built museum which is freely open to be public, but I would also consider it public if that museum was built by (say) a billionaire instead. On the other hand, I would consider both a military base and a residential mansion to be private in that sense. I think that the terms “private” and “public” are serving somewhat different purposes between these different examples. In the one, it is “is it being done by government / non-government”, while in the other it is “is it open to everyone or not?”.

    • Plumber says:

      I’ve long felt that for most of my lifetime (since about ’74 when I was six years old) “conservatives” have been closer to the dictionary definition of ‘liberals’, and “liberals” have been closer to the dictionary definition of ‘conservatives’ in the U.S.A.

      About the only time recently that “conservatives’ were more conservative, and “liberals” were more liberal that I can recall was ’09 and ’10, otherwise the terms are bogus as used.

      • kimchiwillow says:

        Not directly related, but how would you describe your political views? It struck me that you are one of the most active commenters, but I do not actually have that good of an idea of what your views are. What I’ve seen of your views has struck me as being sort of around 10 o’clock (on John Nerst’s Tilted Political Compass), but I’m not confident in that. Apart from self-description, what would be a few policies that you would most want enacted/repealed? What I have tried to gather about your views has been largely from where you disagree with others in the comments here, but I can’t recall seeing as much of what your views actually are (as opposed to what they aren’t).

        • Anteros says:

          I’m obviously not @Plumber, but I think you’ll find he’s something of a union man, which gives you a fair amount of information. I note he’s also fond of 60’s/70’s motorcycles, which to my mind forgives every political sin he has ever committed..

          • Plumber says:

            @Anteros says:

            “I’m obviously not @Plumber, but I think you’ll find he’s something of a union man, which gives you a fair amount of information. I note he’s also fond of 60’s/70’s motorcycles”

            yes, and YES!

            “which to my mind forgives every political sin he has ever committed”

            Very much appreciated!

        • Plumber says:

          @kimchiwillow says:

          “…how would you describe your political views?…”

          As a guess “Left leaning reactionary”, I’m a registered Democrat with a few views that are heretical for the Democratic Party. 
          If I recall correctly, I voted for: Clinton in ’92, Dole in ’96, I don’t think I voted in 2000 (I was busy being an indentured apprentice) but if I did it was probably for Bush, Kerry in ’04 and for the Democrat since, in ’16 I thought Jim Webb would be the Democratic candidate who could win in the general election but he dropped out early and I pulled the lever for Sanders (which was easier to do knowing the my wife was voting for Mrs. Clinton), and I mailed in my vote for Biden in the ’20 California primary two weeks ago. 

          “…what would be a few policies that you would most want enacted/repealed?”


          Oh that’s hard!


          1) Restart the drug war, I’m weary of discarded needles and the smell of marijuana on city streets, and methamphetamine turns people crazy and evil, ‘sides, while I put most of the blame on rents being bid up, I suspect that de facto legalization contributes to all the tents now on the streets. 
          I’d probably have “treatment centers” (not really, just shelters) where addicts could ingest opioids if they stay there and don’t cause trouble, but man that would be disheartening for the staff!
          No such “treatment centers” for cocaine and especially meth, those substances are Satan’s instruments and distribution and use should be re-criminalized.

          2) Re-start the W.P.A. as an “employer of last resort” for jobs with the dignity of doing something that is useful and/or of lasting beauty (the public library nearest to my house being an example).

          3) Have most Federal labor laws be what they were in 1947.

          4) Re-create the growth of industrial union jobs of the ’40’s and ’50’s for most anyone who can fog a mirror and hold a rivet gun and/or welding torch (maybe declare a cold war against the asteroid belt?).

          5) Re-start the “family wage” so both of so many parents don’t feel compelled to work full-time (both part-time, or have one stay-at-home parent). Exactly how to do that with a lot of the problem being the salaried rather than hourly employees bidding up housing I’m unsure of, maybe subsidized housing and part-time jobs for couples with children?

          6) Repeal Roe v. Wade, leave such matters for counties, municipalities, and small States to decide.

          7) Keep guns out of the hands of unmarried young men who aren’t part of a “well regulated militia” or going duck hunting with their uncle.

          8) Re-instutionalization, get screaming schizophrenics off city streets.

          9) In principle public education seems worthwhile, in practice so very not much, have more parochial schools and earlier apprenticeships, maybe have public colleges just be for nursing students, and then “public college for all” for students that are over 40 years old so older folks may have white collar jobs instead of disability checks, mostly eliminate the last three years of high school, shift “civics” lessons earlier (teach at ten what is now taught at fourteen), have trade schools (nursing, welding, etc.) start at 15 years old, have “Liberal arts for citizenship” be taught at the middle school years, or leave it for the Jesuits to do.

          10) Except maybe for nurses for a while (until the education system is improved), and those who come here to teach Americans their skills, have very little “skills based” and “labor need” immigrantion (sorry Anatoly, Boris, and Mikhail in the boiler room!), have spouses and a limited number of refugees be the bulk of immigrants instead. 

          11) California is too big, have more and smaller States.

          12) Prevent folks from tearing down the pre-war duplexes and town houses of Berkeley, Oakland, and San Francisco and replacing them with skyscraper condos, also prevent the prevention of big lot post war suburban houses in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties being replaced with duplexes and townhouses! 

          I can’t recall seeing as much of what your views actually are (as opposed to what they aren’t)”

          Sorry ’bout that! I’m pro-union, and pro-welfare state, and slowing “growth” and “innovation” sounds good to me!
          Montgomery-Wards and Woolworths, not Targets and Wal-Mart’s! 

  13. Well... says:

    I’ve been listening to Jaybee Lobsterman’s “Dozen Rules for Living” audiobook, read by the author, and…am I mistaken in thinking I’m hearing him crying in the last part of Rule 7??

    (BTW, I always have fun with these anti-search obfuscations of certain names and terms, but I’m unclear on whether they’re still considered etiquette here. I remember Scott asking for them, but I don’t remember him saying “All clear, you can go back to writing it normally.” But I might have just missed it.)

    • Aapje says:

      If you google ’12 rules peterson crying,’ you will see that other people also think that he is crying.

      • Well... says:

        I did that, but on DDG, not Google. Maybe that’s why I didn’t see anything in the first few pages.

        Anyway, I found this extremely awkward. I think I can imagine a couple (possibly mutually exclusive) reasons why he decided to keep that take in, and there are probably many audience members who thought it added positively to the experience, but I guess I’m just not one of them.

        But it raises interesting questions about what is the best way to narrate an audiobook.

        • Aapje says:

          I tried to switch to DDG, but it didn’t give me the results I was looking for.

          I found a lot of threads on Reddit about it. Perhaps DDG disfavors Reddit?

          • Well... says:

            OK, I just read through one of those Reddit threads…looks like I’m the only one who found it awkward. Everyone there thought it was powerful and enriching.

          • The Nybbler says:

            Reddit rate-limits the hell out of crawlers (including Google’s). So reddit coverage tends to be spotty on search engines.

    • Anteros says:

      Jaybee Lobsterman works for me. I think everybody who is interested knows who you mean, and it avoids whatever problems that were caused by using his real name. Which of course I’ve completely forgotten …

    • Conrad Honcho says:

      Peterson was never an asked-for obfuscation. People just did his for fun.

    • Aftagley says:

      Tangential Discussion: What the heck is going on in the world of the Lobsterman. I don’t follow him too closely, but the news that’s filtered into my bubble over the last month or so about him makes me either worried for him or convinced I’m the target of a psy-ops campaign.

      If I’m reading this correctly he:
      1. Had some kind of mental/medical problem.
      2. Tried to combat this problem by eating exclusively meat.
      3. The problem got worse, and he started taking anti-anxiety meds.
      4. Got really, really addicted to anti-anxiety meds.
      5. Couldn’t shake them, kept overdosing his meds and eating meat.
      6. Eventually had a health breakdown.
      7. Flew to Russia where doctors put him in a coma for some reason.
      8. Is still in Russia?

      Is this a meme I’m just not getting, or is his life really this weird?

      • SamChevre says:

        put him in a coma for some reason

        This is the one part that makes sense. Benzo-diazepines are one of the few drug classes where withdrawal can kill you–induced coma during withdrawal could be a fairly valuable risk-reduction mechanism.

        • Aftagley says:

          Is inducing a medical coma to help manage withdrawal a common practice then that I’ve just never heard of?

          Everything in my bubble that described this made it sound like this was the kind of thing that most normal (or, western if you want to parse it like that) doctors wouldn’t deem necessary.

          • albatross11 says:

            I’ve never been quite clear on what “inducing a medical coma” means–is there something more than just sedating the patient so deeply that they don’t respond to stimuli?

          • Lambert says:

            Being under general anaesthetic is far more like a comatose state than just being asleep.

      • rumham says:

        For how I heard it, put #4 between #1 and #2. He was on them long before the carnivore diet. That wasn’t for mental, that was for autoimmune disease(s).

      • jermo sapiens says:

        I think a significant factor is that his wife was diagnosed with (terminal?) cancer. I havent heard anything about how his wife is doing right now. But that’s what got him to go on the anti-anxiety meds. I have no idea if he’s still in Russia.

      • FLWAB says:

        As far as I understand it things went as follows:

        1. Wife got cancer.
        2. JP was having emotional problems re: cancer and saw a psychiatrist who prescribed him anti-anxiety medication.
        3. Cancer situation eventually improved somewhat (to the best of my knowledge) but JP found that he couldn’t stop taking his meds.
        4. JP sensibly sought professional help in getting of anti-anxiety medication and checked into rehab.

        I know nothing about the coma. Naturally JP has many opportunistic enemies, and they were quick to paint all this in the worst brush possible, but I don’t see anywhere where he went wrong. People generally recommend seeing professional help when you have trouble, unless the person seeking it out is famous.

  14. Le Maistre Chat says:

    I need simple but realistic travel rates for an RPG. I’m using cells 6 miles across, so a person’s view even on flat grassland doesn’t include other cells (unless they climb a hill or tree).
    I know fit people can march 24 miles a day, encumbered, over flat terrain. Since hikers can do the 2,653-mile Pacific Crest Trail in as little as 150 days, crossing mountains should only reduce that to 18 miles a day. Horses only let you cover 1 extra cell of flat terrain unless you ride them to death or for some reason use them as “boosters”, riding them 24-30 miles in the first couple hours of daylight then leaving them with hirelings while you walk.
    But how much should distance covered be reduced by snow on the ground? What if you try to cross wetlands or swamp (forest wetlands) without a boat?

    • Eric T says:

      For a long time I ran the Pathfinder RPG “Kingmaker” which uses a Hex based system, though they were 12 Miles across.

      This was the timetable it gave me. Seemed fine, played 2 years without anyone complaining. So just like, halve everything I guess?

    • Lambert says:

      For mountains, you could always give an altitude figure and use Naismith’s Rule (1 hour/2000′ up). But the real issue with mountains is that you’ve got to squiggle around passes and ridges and not fall off cliffs, so you can’t compare travel on a grid system to travel along a trail. Also weather means that sometimes your options are to stay put or die.

      Snow really depends on the amount. 25% penalty sounds reasonable. (note that avalances and walking along cornices can temporarily result in extreme increases in speed, in a downwards direction.)

      Wetlands are bastards. That’s all I’ll say.

      Now I want to find some hikers/tabletop gamers and work out how to play an RPG on an Ordnance Survey map using realistic route planning.

      • theodidactus says:

        I kinda did this. I had a D20 Modern quest set in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wildnerness and used an accurate canoeing map for game map.

        • metacelsus says:

          Ooh cool! As someone who’s canoed in the BWCAW many times, I’d be interested in hearing more.

          • theodidactus says:

            In college I DM-ed a D20 modern campaign where the characters played (slightly) idealized versions of themselves. In one quest, they had to contact a Genus Loci that knew a fact relevant to a larger arc in the campaign. The only way to contact the Genus Loci was to speak to a certain tree on a certain island on a “lost” quetico lake. The ritual could only be done “in the summer months, on a day and in the hour of jupiter, before sunrise” and the party quickly realized that this meant the ritual could only be done on one particular (fast approaching) day, or they’d have to wait a whole nother year…

            so a rapid journey to that particular location begins. most of the quest involved the “shot” from saganaga down to knife lake around the canadian border. Our heroes tangled with militia, and demonic voygeur-ghosts, before arriving at a fictional lake northeast of Birch Lake, just in time to perform the ritual.

      • Le Maistre Chat says:

        For mountains, you could always give an altitude figure and use Naismith’s Rule (1 hour/2000′ up). But the real issue with mountains is that you’ve got to squiggle around passes and ridges and not fall off cliffs, so you can’t compare travel on a grid system to travel along a trail.

        Yeah, definitely, but if I put down Mountain on a map, I want a simple rule for it.

        Also weather means that sometimes your options are to stay put or die.

        And there should be random weather checks to force this.

        Snow really depends on the amount. 25% penalty sounds reasonable. (note that avalances and walking along cornices can temporarily result in extreme increases in speed, in a downwards direction.)

        Thanks. 🙂

    • Hoopyfreud says:

      I would be cautious about basing your numbers on PCT hikers; they tend to be optimizing for speed and encumbrance, which is not the case for most RPG characters. I would put mountains at no more than 12 miles per day.

      Deep snow and marshy ground (that will soak you to your shins but not let you boat through) will probably slow you further, to what I’d peg at no more than 8 miles per day in full gear. You can do a lot better the more lightly equipped you are, of course, and the better-provisioned.

      • Le Maistre Chat says:

        I would be cautious about basing your numbers on PCT hikers; they tend to be optimizing for speed and encumbrance, which is not the case for most RPG characters. I would put mountains at no more than 12 miles per day.

        Hmm, maybe 24 flat-12 mountain for encumbered characters, but 36 flat-18 mountain if you wear no armor and otherwise only as encumbered as PCT hikers?

        Deep snow and marshy ground (that will soak you to your shins but not let you boat through) will probably slow you further, to what I’d peg at no more than 8 miles per day in full gear.

        Cool, thanks.

        • Hoopyfreud says:

          Keep in mind “the PCT schedule” assumes you’re running incredibly light. A typical total carry weight is about 20 pounds. Here’s a video to demonstrate what that looks like.

          • Le Maistre Chat says:

            Yeah… strong, conditioned adventurers would have to be capped at 20 pounds of encumbrance for that pace. I’m open to being convinced that’s a death sentence with pre-modern gear weights.

          • B says:

            Aren’t most RPG adventurers literal superhumans, though?

    • Eric Rall says:

      Sanford’s ORBIS tool for estimating travel times in the Roman world uses the following travel rates over roads, regardless of season or terrain:

      Foot: 30 km/day = 18.6 miles = 3 cells
      Oxcart: 12 km/day = 7.5 miles = 1.2 cell
      Horse: 56 km/day = 36 miles = 5.9 cells
      Fast Carriage: 62 km/day = 39 miles = 6.5 cells
      Horse Relay: 250 km/day = 155 miles = 25.8 cells
      Rapid Military March: 60 km/day = 37 miles = 6.2 cells

      They do let you specify seasons, but it looks like that’s only implemented as far as closing off routes that would be impassible or prohibitively dangerous in a given season.

      The don’t model terrain effects, since they only consider roads and water routes. The main obstacles from terrain going cross-country are probably going to be 1) fatigue from climbing up and down rough terrain, which you’re already modeling, 2) terrain obstacles stopping you from going in a straight line, and 3) the difficulty of slogging through wetlands or dense underbrush. I don’t have any numbers for you, unfortunately, but maybe something I said might jog someone else’s memory.

      • theodidactus says:

        I was going to suggest this. This has been *so* helpful for fantasy writing.

      • Le Maistre Chat says:

        That’s awesome. Everything looks like what I’d expect except 18.6 mile foot, though that’s totally reasonable depending on whose feet. I would also round horse, fast carriage/chariot and “Rapid Military March” all to 36 miles/day for simplicity.

    • Tenacious D says:

      In the War of 1812, there was a long winter march that averaged around 20 km per day.

      • Le Maistre Chat says:

        Very helpful, thanks.

      • DarkTigger says:

        This is true, for large bodies of people, who are forced to form a colloumn, wait for scouting reports, get out of the colloumn etc.
        Also you have to consider that the shear quantity of people horses and wagons deteriorated the roads of the time.

        None of this would be true for the common D&D Fantasy-SpecOp-Team.

    • bean says:

      I’d be extremely skeptical of using minimum-time PCT numbers for two reasons. First, those kind of people are not particularly representative of the general population. I’ve done a couple of 12+ mile days with a pack over rugged (if not quite mountainous) terrain, and it’s not easy. Yes, even at the time I wasn’t in the shape an adventurer would be, but the sort of people who set time records on the PCT are probably more lightly loaded than a typical adventurer and definitely are way more into fitness. Second, as Lambert points out, mountains aren’t going to let you march in a straight line. Exactly how not straight the line is varies (among other things with your navigational skills) but I’d say that’s going to cost you at least 50%, maybe 100% or more. 24 miles/day on the strategic map really only works if your navigation is good and you’re on a very flat area. In terms of overland distance, I’d suggest maybe 18 miles/day as the norm, falling to 12 in serious hills and 6 in mountains.

      • Le Maistre Chat says:

        Second, as Lambert points out, mountains aren’t going to let you march in a straight line. Exactly how not straight the line is varies (among other things with your navigational skills) but I’d say that’s going to cost you at least 50%, maybe 100% or more. 24 miles/day on the strategic map really only works if your navigation is good and you’re on a very flat area. In terms of overland distance, I’d suggest maybe 18 miles/day as the norm, falling to 12 in serious hills and 6 in mountains.

        6 miles seems implausibly harsh. 100% penalty for winding mountain trails seems quite reasonable though.

        • bean says:

          I think that depends heavily on how good your navigation is. If you’re following a road or otherwise have good knowledge of the terrain (like a topographic map), then 12 miles/day for adventurers is quasi-reasonable. If you don’t, and have to judge the terrain based solely on what you can see, then you’re going to have lots of trouble. “It turns out that the saddle between those two mountains we were aiming for lets out over a very steep ravine. We can either try to cross it, which will be hazardous and time-consuming, or backtrack and find another route.”

          • Le Maistre Chat says:

            Oh yeah, for sure.
            Hrm, I suppose 100% penalty (i.e. 12 miles/day) if you can’t reasonably get lost due to being led through a mountain hex a party member (Ranger type, hired guide) has been through before, otherwise a 6-mile cell takes all day. Plus a percentage chance to fail to move in the cardinal direction you attempted if no one has the woodlore to keep the cardinal directions straight?

    • acymetric says:

      I need simple but realistic travel rates for an RPG. I’m using cells 6 miles across, so a person’s view even on flat grassland doesn’t include other cells (unless they climb a hill or tree).

      Or walk to the edge of the cell?

    • Paul Brinkley says:

      A quick note, on the off chance that yours or any other reader’s calculations prove too far from the mark: if travel time plays this critical a role in your upcoming campaign, then unique hazards such as treacherous cliffsides, windy rivers, or toxic swamps can serve as excellent caps to travel rates in case you’ve miscalculated and the party is going too fast, as they also permit the players to roleplay traversing them. Same with opportunities for fast travel in case they’re falling behind – a wandering herd of wild horses, a passing merchant, or more exotic events if the setting permits (giant eagles and Moria being the textbook examples).

      If you’re just handling this with a 30-second paragraph exposition, of course, these precautions won’t be necessary. But they could make the setting more interesting.

      • Deiseach says:

        I’ve always liked Tolkien’s descriptions in The Lord of the Rings of the sheer slogging when traversing all kinds of terrain that the Hobbits have to do; from their shortcut at the start immediately going wrong to the crossing of the Midgewater Marshes, which Strider undertakes in order to cut off a loop of road and get in as straight a line to Weathertop as fast as they can do:

        The ground now became damp, and in places boggy and here and there they came upon pools, and wide stretches of reeds and rushes filled with the warbling of little hidden birds. They had to pick their way carefully to keep both dry-footed and on their proper course. At first they made fair progress, but as they went on, their passage became slower and more dangerous. The marshes were bewildering and treacherous, and there was no permanent trail even for Rangers to find through their shifting quagmires. The flies began to torment them, and the air was full of clouds of tiny midges that crept up their sleeves and breeches and into their hair.

        …They spent a miserable day in this lonely and unpleasant country. Their camping-place was damp, cold, and uncomfortable; and the biting insects would not let them sleep. There were also abominable creatures haunting the reeds and tussocks that from the sound of them were evil relatives of the cricket. There were thousands of them, and they squeaked all round, neek-breek, breek-neek, unceasingly all the night, until the hobbits were nearly frantic.

        It’s not dangerous or even particularly difficult, it’s just tiring and annoying and all the discomforts of camping out in the wild, as well as trying to keep on a straight line when there isn’t any straight line you can keep to – that takes a lot of mental attention and focus which is equally fatiguing as the physical labour.

  15. actinide meta says:

    Do we have any idea how many cases of the novel coronavirus are present in the U.S.?

    The CDC’s current criteria for testing require someone to display symptoms AND either have visited China in the last 2 weeks or have had close contact with a *laboratory confirmed* case. On the face of it, these criteria seem to rule out detection of community transmission of the virus almost by definition: a chain of transmission could only be detected if every single person in the chain displays symptoms and shows up for testing, in order.

    The CDC says that 445 people have been tested, total, in the U.S.

    According to some sources, the CDC would like to change their criteria to “test anyone who has severe flu symptoms and tests negative for flu”. But this would require a massive increase in testing capacity, and the US apparently doesn’t even have the capacity to keep up with the extremely low rate of testing demanded by the current requirements. Apparently there is a backlog of several days.

    Apparently the FDA has used emergency powers to forbid public and private labs from devising their own tests for the virus using the RT-PCR machines they already have. The FDA *has* authorized the use of a specific test kit disseminated by the CDC, but apparently this protocol doesn’t work. (Depending on source, some 3-12 labs besides the CDC’s Atlanta headquarters have validated it, out of 100+ that received it). The CDC hasn’t delivered an updated version of the protocol after 3 weeks. The FDA has also not authorized the importation of commercial test kits from Europe or Asia.

    So on the face of it, the only way to identify an outbreak of the virus in the US would be the Mark I Eyeballs of hospital clinicians. I don’t have a good feel for how difficult this is, but from what I’ve heard a bad case of the new virus looks a lot like a really bad case of influenza and pneumonia – the big difference is in the percentage of severe cases. If so, it might be very difficult to identify an outbreak until the *number* of patients with pneumonia in a community starts to change dramatically, which given that this is flu season might represent a huge number of total infections.

    Other countries, even with orders of magnitude more testing capacity than the US, seem to have missed community transmission until many people have been infected – it seems like the pattern is that one case is detected (a case which the CDC would presumably refuse to test, since their route of infection is initially unknown) and then contact tracing quickly reveals hundreds of other cases.

    I’m very far from an expert in this area, and I feel like I’ve had to put together my understanding of these issues from lots of different sources because this isn’t being reported very aggressively. I have trouble understanding how this is anything less than front page news. Does anyone have any better insight into what is going on, or an explanation of why this situation is less terrible than it sounds?

    Also, if we have incredibly limited testing capacity, is there any reason why you wouldn’t just mix all the flu surveillance network samples from a city together and test the result? At least that would give you one bit of information (“Is the coronavirus at large in this city?”)

    • Purplehermann says:

      What’s worse for a government, 2% of its citizens dying to a worldwide pandemic quietly, or economic shutdown and widespread panic?

      • Tarpitz says:

        Highly doubt it will be even remotely close to 2% of citizens. That assumes literally everyone gets infected and the death rate holds up if they do.

        • metacelsus says:

          The death rate would probably increase if many people were infected at once, due to saturation of hospital resources.

      • viVI_IViv says:

        Trying to cover up the epidemic just to have it blow up in your face is probably much worse for a government than admitting its existence, especially if you are seeking reelection in a few months.

      • Ninety-Three says:

        2% is a lot of people. The idea that the US, for example, could lose six million people quietly and without a panic sounds like it’s postulating a fundamentally different world than the one that exists.

    • Garrett says:

      > the FDA has used emergency powers to forbid public and private labs from devising their own tests for the virus using the RT-PCR machines they already have.

      Wait. What? Is there a citation and rationalization for this? Because this sounds like an incredibly bad idea to me.

      • actinide meta says:

        Citation: Former FDA commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb on Twitter (several weeks ago).

        Rationalization: Your guess is as good as mine, but “false negatives and false positives from inaccurate tests can have serious public health consequences in an emergency, so we need to make good decisions about which tests to use” sounds like the kind of argument that would make sense to the same people that favor every other disastrous government intervention.

        Edit: The FDA’s own words

    • SolipsisticUtilitarian says:

      It should be front page news, but my guess(!) is that journalists feel that “the responsible thing” to do is to not cause a panic in the populace or fail to understand the situation themselves.

      The situation is however not quite as bleak as your post makes it seem:
      It should be noted that the guidelines themselves are the same in Germany and afaik Italy, but at least Germany did more testing than the US, although not by an order of magnitude more.
      The recent new cases in Italy and Germany were discovered when critically ill patients presented themselves in hospitals. They were then tested despite not matching the criteria in the guidelines, which to me suggests that there will not be more than a couple of deaths due to the new virus until somebody would notice, at least in Western states.

      Since death however can take quite a long time for the new virus, the number of infected people might be substantial, to the point that containment measures will probably not work anymore, see the case of Italy where over the course of one week almost a 1000 cases were discovered. But still the chance of one *personally* contracting the virus in the US is probably pretty low for now.

  16. Eric T says:

    In what might become a continuing series of me yelling about space into the void – that Boeing Starliner failure a couple months ago is worse than it initially seemed. Everyone who has a passing interest in spaceflight knows that there are an immense amount of “failed” launches, usually in the testing phase. I remember when every other SpaceX launch seemed to fail — its part of the design process. But Boeing had a much more public failure back in December when it successfully launched, but failed to correctly dock with the ISS. At the time, any number of other things were blamed, but now NASA is basically accusing Boeing of skipping a full end-to-end test. While they are allowed to do this (NASA just has to approve the testing, there isn’t a specific guideline) it’s a pretty standard test. If you code, this is like the equivalent of checking that all the different pieces of your code work in a vacuum, but not checking if it works once you put it all together.

    This was especially bad for Boeing when it happened because this was the uncrewed test that was supposed to demonstrate they could send crew to the ISS. Their main competitor, SpaceX, performed a successful test all the way back in March. With news that they may have cut corners on safety checks for the 737, and the recent crash, it caps off a spectacularly bad year for Boeing, with their stock in a near year-long decline and it wouldn’t surprise me if this news hurts their stock price even more.

    The one thing NASA really cares about is astronaut safety. Whether that’s for altruistic reasons, or because astronauts dying is a bad look is up for you to decide. But there is no world where NASA lets Boeing fly a capsule crewed up to the ISS before demonstrating a successful unmanned test, so they better hope they get it right next time.

    • rumham says:

      In what might become a continuing series of me yelling about space into the void

      Please continue yelling. There is no more interesting field to me, and that includes my own.

    • gbdub says:

      The article says such testing may have caught the error, not that it definitely would have. Given that the primary error was the Starliner’s internal clock being off by 11 hours, it is not clear how more thoroughly testing the interface with Atlas V would have caused that.

      An end-to-end, full duration test between Starliner and Atlas V (two complex machines built by different people in different places) is not trivial. Whether it is worthwhile very much depends on how much actual software interfacing occurs between the two vehicles (for many satellites, the communication between the rocket and payload may consist of only a couple very simple signals easily simulated). Now maybe there are details here that make the failure to test more serious, but I don’t really trust an article in general interest press coverage to capture the nuance.

      Smart people at NASA reviewed Boeing’s plan and said it was reasonable – they didn’t “skip” the test, they made a decision not to do it and had that decision approved. Now obviously there were serious “escapes” from Boeing’s testing, but that likely has more to do with a failure of test cases or data review rather than what major tests they chose to run. Boeing definitely screwed up, but pointing to this one test as indicating they are especially negligent, and the “I’m not going to connect this to the 737 MAX, but did you know that Boeing had a software failure that crashed two planes” is a bit of a leap.

      As you note, failures are fairly common in new space vehicles. Most seem obvious in retrospect. SpaceX blew up a capsule because they clearly didn’t do enough testing with the check valves on their hypergolic lines. They had a rocket fall apart in midair because they “skipped” acceptance testing of important structural members. They lost a payload in a pad fire because they did a wet dress with the payload integrated. All of these seem like bad decisions after the fact – but testing is expensive, time consuming, difficult, and sometimes risky. You always have to make trade offs or you never fly.

      • matthewravery says:

        You don’t do full-up testing because it’s guaranteed to catch every possible failure mode. You do it because it regularly catches failures that all of your component- and subcomponent-level tests missed. Interoperability testing is also critical, since different subsystems that need to interoperate are often built by different contractors or different groups within the same contract, and they don’t always play nice together. All of these tests are expensive and time consuming, so government program managers and contractors alike try to find ways to get out of them at every opportunity. This behavior doesn’t surprise me, and I’m just happy that no one’s life was on the line in this particular case.

      • Eric T says:

        The point about the 737 was more about the public narrative. Obviously these are two separate divisions of Boeing, but you cannot deny it’s a bad look for the public, and therefore at least some investors, to hear this story so soon after hearing the story about them potentially skipping the 737 testing. One story in a vacuum is bad. Both and people may start to see a pattern, regardless of if it is actually there.

        As for the validity of the test, it is true the test wasnt required by NASA. And I never said it would catch every issue, but my understanding is that every previous launch that’s a joint effort with NASA and an independent agency has done some form of full end to end test as a final verification. Its an odd test to not do even if it wasn’t required. The mission clock being wrong may actually have been a blessing in disguise as the safety panel found another issue some weeks ago that could have lead to an in-space collision.

        Look you’re right that you cant test forever. But this launch had a lot more on the line for Boeing than your average rocket test, and the company was already suffering from negative public perception, which makes them not doing a particular, common, safety test weird.

        • Lambert says:

          My comment about the thruster issue with the SM seems to have been eaten.

          But note what Scott Manley pointed out: both these issues were in parts of the code they expect to run every mission. I don’t have high hopes for the code that handles aborts, contingencies and weird edge cases.

  17. theodidactus says:

    This is a random thought that occurs to me now and then, which is probably only worth something in the context of the .25 and .75 open threads. It might be relevant for a novel I’d like to write someday, as its a thought experiment involving truly cartoonish acquisition of wealth on the level of scrooge mcduck, probably not possible now, but maybe someday…

    Bill Gates is worth 90 billion, give or take. Let’s say everyone votes to take Bill Gate’s money, and we find enough loopholes and friendly judges to satisfy due process concerns, and it’s redistributed equally. That’s like…$200-$300 a person, give or take. Hardly worth the effort. An abstract principle, for the average voter, is certainly “worth” less than $200, and there are a lot of legislative and judicial hoops to jump through which supply inefficiencies…

    But what if Bill Gates was worth 90 TRILLION. Now it’s 200,000-300,000 a person. Serious money, worth years upon years of effort to the average voter. What rational argument, political loyalty, or principled belief about politics withstands $200,000? It’s worth taking, and the public *will* find a way to take it.

    There is a belief that concentrated wealth is incompatible with democratic societies because once the elites have enough power, they start running everything…I propose reversing the paradigm: concentrated wealth is incompatible with democratic societies because when the wealth becomes concentrated enough society will find a way to take it.

    Two related questions, mostly again for a fictional scenario: what is the “breakpoint” where it becomes worth talking about literally taking a single person’s money and redistributing it, and what humorous name can be given to the breakpoint?

    • Eric T says:

      What stops this Bill Gates, who possesses more money than the entire country, from hiring an army of goons, bribing politicians, threatening judges, or otherwise taking his money and fucking off to a fleet of aircraft carriers?

      • theodidactus says:

        My thought experiment might actually reveal more about “optimum bribes” or “optimum cronyism” than voter dynamics actually. Like at what point is it better for super-Gates to just accede to a 50% taking rather than pay for all the armed guards, aircraft carriers, laser defenses, etc.

        I mean, it’s kinda ridiculous as a basic premise because super-Gates could literally like, hire the US and Chinese military to protect himself with this kind of money.

        Realistically, this future scenario would look more like “an Amazon-like infrastructure of super-servant-robots” or “an AI that can diagnose and cure all diseases” rather than “literally 90 billion dollars in a scrooge mcDuck vault” but I think the same calculus is involved either way

        • Guy in TN says:

          @Eric T

          What stops this Bill Gates, who possesses more money than the entire country, from hiring an army of goons, bribing politicians, threatening judges, or otherwise taking his money and fucking off to a fleet of aircraft carriers?


          I mean, it’s kinda ridiculous as a basic premise because super-Gates could literally like, hire the US and Chinese military to protect himself with this kind of money.

          Consider this: A single gun, aimed well, can convince a trillionare to part ways with every dollar they have. Even a Bill Gates worth $90 trillion isn’t allowed to have the tanks, missiles, bombs, and fighter jets that the state has. Money alone is not power- the state has purposefully granted itself access to capital that money can’t legally buy.

          Bill Gates, the individual human, is not very powerful. Perhaps even less powerful than the average human. However, Bill Gates + his property is very powerful. So clearly, it is the access to his property that is doing the bulk of the work here in terms of his power.

          But where does the power of his property come from? A good chunk, perhaps nearly all of it, comes from the state, which allows him to utilize that property, under threat of force against others who would wish to use it.

          If the state decided that Gates should have no property, what percentage of the property that he has now do you think he could reasonably get away with illegally controlling? I’m going to guess no more than he can stuff in a suitcase, and maybe not even that.

          In summary: Your analysis assumes that Gates would be able to overthrow/fight the state utilizing the very property that the state is enabling him to have. A Bill Gates worth $90 trillion does not continue to be worth $90 trillion after the state decides it should be otherwise.

          • Eric T says:

            Presumably, with that much money SuperGates could buy from other states? Or bribe individual actors within the state (generals, soldiers, politicians) to act against state interests.

            Or he could leave to a friendlier state the moment he sees the tides moving against him, taking his fabulous wealth and severely damaging the US economy.

            Maybe if the population wakes up one day and all decide to turn on SuperGates at once he wont be able to react. But presuming that it takes some amount of time, SuperGates can throw trillions of dollars to slow, stall out, propagandize, bribe, or flee as he sees fit.

          • abystander says:

            I saw an estimate of the land value of the contiguous 48 states to be $23 trillion. To get to $90 trillion we’re talking LexCorp level of dominance, with the person being the state whether directly or through figure heads

    • rumham says:

      $20k. The Yang Gangway.

    • Well... says:

      Isn’t this kinda a basic reason why totalitarian dictatorships are unstable?

      • theodidactus says:

        I suppose, given the right analysis. I think a lot of the instability comes from the totalitarian part, not necessarily the “unequal” part…lots of people hate the state because their brother got killed because he was protesting that his friend got killed etc.

        …but I suppose the core resentment does still boil down to concentrated resources.

        • fibio says:

          I think you’re looking at it backwards. While there’s a fairly popular conception of brave rebels standing up after a grave insult, most absolutist states fell because of an interplay of economic and social reasons driving the powerful apart.

          For example, the French Revolution is often portrayed as the peoples’ quest for liberty, but it was about bread first. The hunger of the lower classes, the desire for new privileges and status in the urbane classes, and the dissatisfaction the power holders had with the ancien regime, all added up to the overthrow of the government. However, no one was particularly aiming for that goal in the outset. If the state had been able to feed the people then the people would have been fine with the tyranny, as they had been for generations. Same for the middle classes, if they had been granted a political voice commensurate to their new status they’d have gone home. And if the government had been able to organise a piss up in a brewery then the upper classes would have been content to let things continue on as normal.

          Tyranny falls when the regime is no longer able to keep the key stake holders in government content. And even then, usually a new tyranny replaces it rather than anything resembling liberty.

    • A Definite Beta Guy says:

      There probably isn’t a single breakpoint. There is a huge difference in taxation and spending levels across various advanced nations, that are probably based on a whole bunch of different factors. Whatever this “breakpoint” is, it’s gotta be higher in the US than in Sweden, and it’s higher in Sweden than in North Korea (because Kim Jong Un is going to take all your stuff LONG before you get to your first trillion).

      Also, where is this capital located, and in what form is it? Because I am going to hold a significant portion of my assets in things that are not so easily seized, and definitely not so easily seized by one government. And if your government starts signaling that it wants to take me hostage in order to get all my stuff, I can just leave your country and go to a different country more respectful of my innate human rights.

      • theodidactus says:

        It’s interesting to think about the capital/asset literally being encryption-protected, either as some novel cryptocurrency or an automated shipping/recieving/manufacturing infrastructure beholden to a single person with the access codes. How far would consequentialists go in “extracting” the codes

        • Paul Brinkley says:

          This capital is presumably in the form of money, correct? Which is essentially a promise that other people will give SuperGates goods and services. You can’t encrypt goods and services.

          So, what’s to stop any government, or any person, from ignoring all that promise and just refusing to take SuperGates’ money? The only thing I can think of is that they’re afraid of pissing off all the other governments and people. But if SuperGates has managed to look like a threat to that many people, isn’t that defection going to look more attractive?

          • John Schilling says:

            SuperGates can give money to people who are NBt the United States Government, in exchange for goods and services. Since the United States Government tells approximately everyone who is Not MegaBill Supergates, “hey btw you owe us $$$ in taxes, payable only in United States Dollars, or else we will put you in jail”, it seems fairly likely that SuperGates will be able to find people willing to give him goods and services in exchange for his stash of dollars.

            And dollars – money generally – represents only a fraction of his capital anyway.

    • baconbits9 says:

      What is Bill Gates worth if you strip him of all his stock? What is that stock worth now? Its not 90 billion.

      • AG says:

        This. If Amazon Cloud Services buys another server, Jeff Bezos’s worth goes up, in a way that can’t be redistributed without erasing that worth. Selling that same server off will go for less than the value it added to Jeff Bezos’s worth.

        • B says:

          Yeah, you can’t just confiscate businesses and then sell them off for actual money. At least not to anyone you’d be able to confiscate it back from.

    • Garrett says:

      Yes. But the conclusion I draw from this isn’t that billionaires (or trillionaires) are a bad idea. It’s that Democracy is a bad idea.

      • theodidactus says:

        I’m not sure I think it proves either are a “bad idea” in theory. In principle, we have a lot of legal protections that prevent direct takings of the A->B variety (though arguably over the last few decades these have eroded)

        I guess my counterargument would be that current western liberal democracy provides mechanisms to make this taking, which would occur in any system, a bit more nuanced. So if we make the 90 trillion dollars something more realistic: The Meditron 5000, an AI that can instantly diagnose and provide a treatment for a given disease that is certain to work, tailored to the individual in question. If Super-Gates has developed the Meditron through toil and labor over decades, and wants to withhold it to make some profit, I think a democracy is far more likely to simply tax (perhaps a lot) his use of the Meditron, at the worst order some kinda weird price-capping, whereas some kind of king or whatever is just gonna take it and order it made available on his own terms.

        • John Schilling says:

          If Super-Gates lives under the rule of such a king, the Meditron 5000 will be at best a trade secret that bricks itself if it doesn’t get the right code from Super-Gates every month.

  18. Three Year Lurker says:

    For any astronomers within the observable comments, some questions.

    1. What is the magnitude of the effect of gravitational redshift on observed orbits of bodies? Particularly how does it affect how fast we observe galaxies spinning?

    2. Considering a black hole event horizon as the bottom of a gravity well (infinite gravitational redshift, time passes infinitely slowly), would an object outside of any gravitational influence experience time infinitely fast compared to us? In other words, we observe zero time passing for an object at an event horizon, and infinite time passing for an object outside of gravity.

    • Belisaurus Rex says:

      I had a theory that black holes didn’t even have singularities but were just hollow shells (it’d look the same from the outside) but then I remembered that the black hole needs the singularity to form in the first place.

      I’m the same non-physicist that commented on your last post, but I’d enjoy hearing whatever crackpot end-goal these questions are working towards.


      • Belisaurus Rex says:

        Because I’m posting anyway:

        Crackpot level 1: time is slowing down. The reason it looks like galaxies further away are moving faster isn’t because of the metric expansion of space, its because the light hitting us was from before time slowed, back when the universe was faster. The whole universe slows at the same rate, so things further away will always look like they’re moving faster.

        From the inside, on a human level, we wouldn’t even notice time is slowing down because we’re in time. We might not even notice when time stops completely, we’d just stop. Using what we know about how much faster further galaxies are moving, we can calculate exactly when time slows down to zero.

        Crackpot level +5: Quantum effects are acausal and achronal–when the universe slows down, the quantum effects that cause human cognition do not. This is why humans are always getting smarter, and why civilization took so long. As time slows down, we will become incomprehensibly smart. Until we are trapped like flies in amber, but still aware that we can no longer experience stimulus from the universe.

        • fibio says:

          I really want to read a short story based on that second idea.

          • johan_larson says:

            If you’re more than casually interested, you could contact one of the really science-focused SF writers, like Greg Egan, and commission a story. The going rate for short fiction is about 10 cents per word, so a 4000-word story would set you back just $400.

        • Soy Lecithin says:

          If time slowed down, the time between “successive updates” coming from past galaxies would increase by exactly the ratio that time for us slowed down. So the net effect would be that we observe the galaxies the same as if time had not slowed down.

      • Three Year Lurker says:

        I read astronomy wikipedia articles whenever my mind wanders at work. I like thinking of crackpot ideas to pass the time.

        Crackpot question 2 should have been: What is the shape of the graph of escape velocity (X) vs gravitational redshift (Y)? There’s an asymptote to infinite redshift at escape velocity c, but what about 0? If something is completely unaffected by gravity, does time pass infinitely fast for it?

        Crackpot goal is that dark matter isn’t real. Galaxies look like they’re spinning too fast on the edges because time passes faster on the edge of the galaxy due to the lower mass density.
        Time and gravity are interlinked, time cannot meaningfully pass outside of a gravitational field or when the field is too dense.

        • smocc says:

          An explanation for dark matter has to deal with all of the evidence we have for dark matter, which now goes well beyond rotation curves. You also need to explain the lensing evidence for dark matter, where more gravitational lensing happens in a given spot than you can explain given the visible matter in that spot. And you need to explain the cosmological evidence for dark matter, which is that when you put “amount of matter” as a fit parameter in models of cosmological expansion you get significantly more matter than we can see.

          An excellent razor for alternative dark matter theories is the Bullet Cluster, where we see that two galaxies have collided. In the collision we can see that the visible matter has clumped together, but if you look at the amount of lensing you can see that most of the mass is invisible and in two separate chunks outside the collected visible matter. This is really easy to explain with dark matter as weakly interacting matter that simply ignored the collision and kept going. I have no idea how to explain with matter-less theories.

  19. Why are teenagers so anxious? If you Google it, you get a bunch of answers but one hypothesis I didn’t see is this: they’re anxious because they aren’t getting enough exercise. Serious, sweat building exercise is known to relieve stress and is considered good for your mental health. Teens substituted sports for social media and are suffering for it.

    I’m imagining someone is thinking that girls didn’t used to play sports that much and so this doesn’t apply to them. Maybe it just applies to boys, I don’t know.

    • Beans says:

      Tangential pointless grammar observation: “Teens substituted sports for social media” means to me that they replaced social media with sports, which I’m guessing must be the opposite of what you intend. Is this just me?

      • fraza077 says:

        This is something that keeps frustrating me. I don’t know if there’s a correct order for these things. I’m pretty sure for the verb “trade”, it’s the sentence object’s original possession that comes first (“He traded his soul for power”), but for “substitute” it’s the other way round (“You can substitute beans for chickpeas here”). For “swap”, I’m not really sure.

      • j1000000 says:

        Agree with you

    • meh says:

      dont most of them also have to wake up at 6am? and eat sugar non stop?

      • convie says:

        When I was a teenager school started at 9 which meant I woke up at 8:30.

        • acymetric says:

          Before I could drive, I had to be at the bus stop around 6:30 a.m., school started at 7:30 (I lived about 10, maybe 15 minutes away from the school).

          I understand the trend the last decade or so has been moving back start times, I think my old high school now starts at 8:30 or 9:00.

    • A1987dM says:

      IME adults tend to exercise even less, so that’s not just that.

      • Aapje says:

        I assume that the comment is intended to be relative to youths of yesterday, not to adults, because teenagers have always been more anxious than adults, for obvious reasons.

      • acymetric says:

        I’m inclined to believe that adults are more anxious now than before as well.

        • Lambert says:

          I’m inclined to believe reporting rates have changed enough for both adults and teens that that comparison is nontrivial to make.

    • eric23 says:

      Is there evidence that teens exercise less now than in the past?

    • DinoNerd says:

      I think that teen anxiety is normal, and part of developing from sheltered child to independent adult, What we have now may be pathological excesses, but a certain amount of it seems normal.

      With regard to exercise, what I note, aged > 60, is that I walked to school, and walked everywhere else as well. There was one car in the family, and it was at work with my father. The idea of driving children to school – let alone teens – would have been laughed at or presumed something done by idiots with more money than sense. We didn’t drive to the grocery store either. We also didn’t go to gyms, or participate in any sports we could avoid – and while some people were into sports, I’m not sure that “going to a gym to exercise” had even been invented, let alone driving to a gym.

      Modern teens (pre-driving age) aren’t allowed to do most of what I and my peers did for exercise; they seem to be confined to their homes unless/until some adult has time and motivation to take them somewhere. The lack of independence/control of their own lives/choices seems likely to be mega-stressful, even if it’s all they’ve ever known. And the lack of exercise can’t be good for them.

      [Edit: this isn’t completely true. I see teenagers walking to and from the local high school. But it sure seems to be the way that life stage is being described in the media.]

      • You’ve got a point. It isn’t just that people do less of the hard hitting exercise. They do less of what we might call banal exercise. Just walking to the store is good for you.

        Here’s my mental model for how this works: the younger you are, the more energy you have. The more energy you have, the more you need to let it out in some way. People used to, at the very least, walk around and of course, there was sports and physical labor and that sort of thing. But now, it’s much rarer. There are fewer venues to just naturally exercise and all that energy turns inwards and manifests itself as anxiety. Our body is trying to tell us that we need to go do something but we aren’t getting the message. And maybe that’s why we live in a society that is much better in many ways to the past but where teenagers have so much anxiety.

      • Spookykou says:

        My impression is that teen anxiety is up internationally, but I am sure teens in Seoul walk a lot more than teens in the USA. Could other Korean social factors be counter balancing the benefits of more ‘exercise’, probably, but I often hear this, exercise cures anxiety, thing full stop. If it just helps people who actually have nothing to be anxious about, then that is neat and all, but not nearly as helpful.

    • TheAncientGeeksTAG says:

      When I were a lad, we had mandatory PE, and that was the main thing that made me anxious.

  20. Le Maistre Chat says:

    Conan review #13: People of the Black Circle
    This one’s a novella, serialized in the September, October and November 1934 issues of Weird Tales. Margaret Brundage’s cover is main girl Yasmina being menaced by a sorcerer of the Black Circle while surprisingly clothed.

    As the king of Vendhya lies dying in the capital of Ayodhya, nobleman Karim Shah asks a sorcerer, Khemsa “Why now?” He answers that sorecery is subject to cosmic laws (so it’s lower-powered than in Dungeons & Dragons…): the stars had to be right and they needed a lock of the king’s hair. In a moment of weakness, for “the princess of Khosala, who loved Bhunda Chand vainly, he gave her a lock of his long black hair”, which the Black Seers of Yimsha got a thief to steal.
    The dying king begs his sister, the Devi Yasmina, to kill him before the sorcerers of the Himelians cut his silver cord and trap him as a miserable ghost, so his soul will go to a good afterlife. She obeys, and predictably will seek revenge. She then appears in the fortress of Chunder Shan, governor of Peshkhauri (that’s a chokepoint between the plains of Panjab and the mountains), who was just writing a letter that exposits he has seven hostile tribesmen in prison, and their foreign chief (that’s Conan) has threatened to burn Peshkhauri and cover his saddle with my hide rather as his negotiation tactic for their release, rather than parley. She tells him to bring Conan here, because she needs a mountain man who knows the way to Mount Yimsha to aid her Kshatriyas. There’s political trouble with King Yezdigerd of Turan, and they mention needing to vet that Conan’s not his spy during parley.
    As soon as Yasmina leaves, Conan sneaks into this tower room, telling Chunder he’ll pay anything for the release of his henchmen, as each one is a headman and the common henchmen are about to rip him apart like wolves if he can’t get them back. Cue Devi Yasmina’s terms: aid in killing the Black Seers. But oops, the anonymous Devi comes in and is abducted by Conan!
    Her maid runs from the fortress to the city and tells Khemsa what happened. She’ll double-cross the Devi out of love for him, asking him to cast spells in ways not authorized by the Black Seers to steal her from Conan, ransom her, then double-cross the people bringing the ransom by killing her and taking over. The “sleeping” Kerim Shah overheard them and writes a letter to Khosru Khan, one of the king of Turan’s governors. Meanwhile Khemsa goes to the prison and casts Charm Person on the guard, making him unlock the door and then kill himself. For the guard inside, “Khemsa flicked the spear aside with his left hand, as a man might flick a straw, and his right flashed out and back, seeming gently to caress the warrior’s neck in passing. And the guard pitched on his face without a sound, his head lolling on a broken neck.” He then casts Knock or “destroy door” on the next one, letting him and the traitor maid into a courtyard with a grille of bars across from where they enter. He casts some sort of Area of Effect spell that kills the seven men in that barred cell.
    While riding with his captive Conan gets ambushed, leaping from his horse with her as it dies. The ambush turns out to be Yar Afzal, a friend of his. They all retreat to a village ahead of Yasmina’s defenders.
    The next day, an angry mob tells Conan and Yar Afzal that Kshatriyas are violently searching the villages and Kerim Shah has disappeared into the hills. A member of the mob is intimidating into going to the watch-post instead of kicking Conan out, where Khemsa appears and throws him a ball of jade to take to Yar Afzal. He tells his girlfriend it’s “the globe of Yezud”, which will kill Yar Afzal (by turning into a venomous spider), leaving Conan without protectors. Conan kills three angry men in self-defense and flees with Yasmina on a stolen stallion. During the escape, she sees Gitara, her maid, with someone unknown to her and Conan (Khemsa). They discuss how weird these events are:

    That fellow Yar Afzal beat and sent away–he moved like a man walking in his sleep. I’ve seen the priests of Zamora perform their abominable rituals in their forbidden temples, and their victims had a stare like that man. The priests looked into their eyes and muttered incantations, and then the people became the walking dead men, with glassy eyes, doing as they were ordered.”
    “And then I saw what the fellow had in his hand, which Yar Afzal picked up. It was like a big black jade bead, such as the temple girls of Yezud wear when they dance before the black stone spider which is their god. Yar Afzal held it in his hand, and he didn’t pick up anything else. Yet when he fell dead, a spider, like the god at Yezud, only smaller, ran out of his fingers.”

    Conan buys a suit of clothes off a woman’s back for Yasmina, and she’s relieved that he’s not a brute who’s going to kill her for them. In her peasant clothes, Conan calls her more beautiful keepin’ it real than in her unapproachable goddess form and spanks her. One swat, I mean: the narrative doesn’t come to a screeching halt for a Gor interlude.
    They see Mt. Yimsha to the northwest, and she asks how long it would take him to ride there. Further,

    “Would you be afraid to attack them?”
    “I?” The idea seemed a new one to him. “Why, if they imposed upon me, it would be my life or theirs. But I have nothing to do with them. I came to these mountains to raise a following of human beings, not to war with wizards.”

    The stallion is spooked and refuses to continue, and then they see Khemsa. As soon as Conan makes eye contact, he can’t break it: the sorcery is based on hypnotism.

    The way has been prepared for the hypnotist for untold centuries of generations who have lived and died in the firm conviction of the reality and power of hypnotism, building up, by mass thought and practise, a colossal though intangible atmosphere against which the individual, steeped in the traditions of the land, finds himself helpless.
    But Conan was not a son of the East. Its traditions were meaningless to him; he was the product of an utterly alien atmosphere. Hypnotism was not even a myth in Cimmeria.

    In short, his ethnicity gives him a great saving throw against whatever spell Khemsa was attempting. Conan attacks but Khemsa is still able to knock him prone by touching a pressure point on the neck. As he gets up, a crimson cloud comes down among them and changes into four Black Seers. They try to punish him with a mental attack, but he fights four on one to a stalemate… strengthened by his love of Gitara. So they mentally drive her to suicide, weakening him. He switches to charging with a blade, but one of them stomps a foot, creating a crevice that widens instantly. Then they cast the crimson cloud spell again, including Yasmina in it.
    Soon Conan meets 500 of his followers. He’s glad to see them and says he’s riding for Yimsha… and they call him a traitor for not bringing the seven chiefs. He tries to explain, but nearly faints when they tell him those prisoners are dead. A Wazuli escaped through the doors the wizard burst in his entry, and told the tale to scouts of Conan’s tribe. He keeps riding before they can kill him as a traitor. On the way he finds the dying Khemsa, who gives him his magic girdle and warns him to break the crystal globe that has four golden pomegranates. Then he meets Kerim Shah along the pass. He demands the Devi. Conan tells him the Black Seers have her, and don’t kill me, because the 500 men who just rebelled against me would be jealous. Kerim Shah says he’ll go with to fight the Black Seers: “We both want the Devi. You know my reason; King Yezdigerd desires to add her kingdom to his empire, and herself in his seraglio. And I knew you, in the days when you were a hetman of the kozak steppes; so I know your ambition is wholesale plunder.” We know each other well enough to work together with no trust!
    Yasmina awakes in the same room as the Master of Yimsha. Reading her mind, he knows she would turn the wild children of the hills against the Seers. As to why he killed her brother, “My acolytes in the temples of Turan, who are the priests behind the priests of Tarim, urged me to bestir myself in behalf of Yezdigerd. For reasons of my own, I complied.”
    She wants to stab him, but he transmutes her knife into a lotus. He says she’s pretty enough to keep as a slave, and she gasps that he’d dare. “The king dares not trample a worm in the road? Little fool, do you not realize that your royal pride is no more than a straw blown on the wind? I, who have known the kisses of the queens of Hell!”
    He uses Black Lotus to make her dream she’s reliving all her past lives, which is apparently terrifying. Then the black-robed figure in the room grips her, and from that hood looked forth features like rotting parchment on a moldering skull.

    Elsewhere, Conan, Kerim and followers have to fight a guard dog and a steel-winged hawk just to get to the first tower, held by mere acolytes of the Black Seers. They launch Flaming Spheres at the men. They have to make hundreds of them prematurely explode by depleting their arrows. Kerim kills Bards until one falling from the tower also destroys the great horn they share. By the time Conan reaches the door, the defenders try to pour molten metal on him, which makes him feel good: they might have run out of magic. Inside the door, he has to dodge a falling stone trap. Once they seize the tower, Conan’s team realizes that it’s separated from the Seers’ own castle by a great ravine. And their princess is in that other castle.
    They find a way along the bottom of the ravine, and before the castle the acolytes attack Conan with knives, unable to cast more spells on him, perhaps due to Khemsa’s girdle. Conan, Kerim and three henchmen go inside, leaving a guard posted. A Black Seer appears above the guard, who shoots him with an arrow. The Seer laughs and throws it back, whereupon it turns into a venomous snake that kills him. The rest of the party is trapped inside by an transparent door. Conan sees the crystal globe Khemsa mentioned. Four Seers appear, and one casts a spell that means his foes “could not advance, though he felt it in his power to retreat if he wished.” Fear! Another casts Charm Person on one of the henchmen, who kneels and offers his sword… which the Seer decapitates him with. Soon all three henchmen are dead, and the magic girdle ends the Fear spell’s effect on Conan. He attacks. Then he remembers he’s supposed to destroy the crystal sphere. The four golden snakes at the corners of the altar it’s on come alive to attack him, but he succeeds. And destroying the four golden pomegranates inside makes the four Seers drop dead. Then the Master of Yimsha walks in. He casts a spell that makes Kerim’s ribcage explode outward and his heart fly to the Master’s hand. Conan tries to attack, but no sooner does his blade cut the Master’s robe than he vanishes. Then Conan finds Yasmina being menaced by a giant snake. Conan saves her by throwing knives, then unsheaths another to stab it. Bleeding horribly, the snake… is smart enough to push a secret door open with its nose!
    Conan and Yasmina hug and kiss, then begin their escape. The transparent door is shattered and they make it all the way back to where his party left horses, relieved to find the Game Master hasn’t stolen them. She tells him to ride back to her realm, where he’ll be rewarded. He refuses: he wants to keep her, and setting foot there would transmute her into an unapproachable princess. “Hey,” he must be thinking, “your name sounds like Yasmela.”
    She protests that he has no followers now. “There is a chief of the Khurakzai who will keep you safely while I bicker with the Afghulis. If they will have none of me, by Crom! I will ride northward with you to the steppes of the kozaki. I was a hetman among the Free Companions before I rode southward. I’ll make you a queen on the Zaporoska River!”
    She won’t consent. Their debate is interrupted by the sight of a running battle: Conan’s 500 ex-followers heavily outnumbered by mailed horsemen of Turan. Conan is torn between wanting to lead them to safety, which would get him forgiven, and not risking his life since it would leave Yasmina stuck here. Then her Kshatriyas appear, and she tells Conan to give her his horse so she can rally them to join the Afghulis against the Turanians.
    The battle won, a vulture tries to kill Yasmina, but Conan strikes it out of the air. As it dropped, its black wings thrashing the air, it took on the semblance, not of a bird, but of a black-robed human body. The Master of Yimsha?
    She offers Conan 10,000 gold pieces for ransoming her back to her people.

    “I will collect your ransom in my own way, at my own time,” he said. “I will collect it in your palace at Ayodhya, and I will come with fifty thousand men to see that the scales are fair.”
    She laughed, gathering her reins into her hands. “And I will meet you on the shores of the Jhumda with a hundred thousand!”

    Aww, they love dominance!

    I think this was one of the best stories we’ve read so far. Things we’ve seen before seem better developed: the magic system, Conan’s relationship with a princess, etc.

    • Nornagest says:

      in the fortress of Chunder Shan, governor of Peshkhauri (that’s a chokepoint between the plains of Panjab and the mountains)

      Conan/Flashman crossover when?

    • Conrad Honcho says:

      Yes, definitely best story so far. I’m seeing a pattern that when the stories focus on other characters (as this does for the first few chapters), Conan is basically Godzilla: a force of nature with which everyone else must contend.

      Also, I’m disappointed Conan did not continue with his tradition of shagging princesses over the corpses of evil wizards. Apparently Yasmina was able to resist Conan’s bruising ki…wait…fiery ki…wait…

      His wild blood had been stirred to its uttermost by all that had passed. He caught her to him in a grasp that would have made her wince at another time, and crushed her lips with his. She made no resistance; the Devi was drowned in the elemental woman. She closed her eyes and drank in his fierce, hot, lawless kisses with all the abandon of passionate thirst. She was panting with his violence when he ceased for breath, and glared down at her lying limp in his mighty arms.

      …fierce, hot, lawless kisses.

      • Deiseach says:

        Apparently Yasmina was able to resist Conan’s bruising ki…wait…fiery ki…wait……fierce, hot, lawless kisses

        Yes, but this princess is made of sterner stuff than the previous princesses. She euthanised her own brother, for one, which means she is now the ruler in her own right and she seems to be capable of leading and fighting alongside her own army instead of merely being a figurehead like Yasmela who only rode out to watch the battle, not take part.

        • Conrad Honcho says:

          Don’t mean she doesn’t like a good shag now and then, tho…

        • Le Maistre Chat says:

          Yes, but this princess is made of sterner stuff than the previous princesses. She euthanised her own brother, for one, which means she is now the ruler in her own right and she seems to be capable of leading and fighting alongside her own army instead of merely being a figurehead like Yasmela

          As far as love interests in this series, Yasmina is leagues beyond Yasmela and up with Belit and Valeria (who we’ll meet in “Red Nails”) as the best.

    • theodidactus says:

      This was always among my favorite conans simply for how magic is portrayed. It’s a part of the culture as much as the practitioner, and it’s perhaps at bottom all illusion: You either believe in it or you don’t, and if you do, you get all this power but you’re simultaneously weak to its influence in a way simpler folk or outsiders, might not be.

    • broblawsky says:

      Khemsa is kind of fascinating, because he’s almost a protagonist in his own right; his magical feats are more impressive than any other Seer in the story, save the Master himself, and he has an interesting personal conflict (his loyalty to the Black Seers versus his love of Gitara). It’s easy to see a version of this story where he teams up with Conan to get revenge on the Master, or even one where Conan never appears and Khemsa is the star.

      • Le Maistre Chat says:

        Very much this. Khemsa is such a great character that there are at least two other ways things could have gone that would have been good literature.
        One of the first Conan yarns written was the chronologically-later “The Scarlet Citadel”, which demonstrated that he was willing to team up with a sorcerer to defeat another.
        I definitely liked Gitara, whose disloyalty to her mistress and love of Khemsa complicates things in a good way. It would have been better if her background and motivation had been expanded on, but Howard was writing with an admirable brevity absent from later fantasy, so it’s hard to complain.

    • Deiseach says:

      All the political intriguing lifts this up from ordinary “save the kidnapped damsel” storylines, and it’s showing the character arc of growth for Conan; he may still be mainly interested in wine, women and song, but by dint of hiring out with mercenaries/floating around the edges of small wars on the borders between small kingdoms, he’s picking up an education in diplomacy and politics in spite of himself which will stand to him when he comes to ascend the throne himself in time.

      The True Love between the evil sorcerer and the traitorous maid was touching, despite the pair of them being villains. Just because you’re a back-stabber, it doesn’t mean you don’t have a heart, I guess!

      The magic-users are a lot tougher and much better opponents for Conan in this story as well.

      • Le Maistre Chat says:

        All the political intriguing lifts this up from ordinary “save the kidnapped damsel” storylines, and it’s showing the character arc of growth for Conan; he may still be mainly interested in wine, women and song, but by dint of hiring out with mercenaries/floating around the edges of small wars on the borders between small kingdoms, he’s picking up an education in diplomacy and politics in spite of himself which will stand to him when he comes to ascend the throne himself in time.

        This is an excellent standalone story, but it’s also the culmination of one of my favorite parts of Conan’s career. We first see him picking up diplomacy and politics in “Witch”, then in “The Devil in Iron” and here. Howard never explains what motivated him to become a nomad chief again after leaving the Zuagirs and heading to Ophir to exchange a crown jewel for gold pieces, but whatever drove him, it’s a very interesting part of his character development.

        Sadly, this story marks the end of that. After it comes “The Drums of Tombalku” (fragment, not part of the review series), where Conan is a defeated mercenary stranded in an African desert and “The Pool of the Black One”, where he’s a pirate.

        The True Love between the evil sorcerer and the traitorous maid was touching, despite the pair of them being villains. Just because you’re a back-stabber, it doesn’t mean you don’t have a heart, I guess!

        Yes, quite touching.

        The magic-users are a lot tougher and much better opponents for Conan in this story as well.


    • Le Maistre Chat says:

      Conan review #14: The Pool of the Black One
      First published in the October 1933 issue of Weird Tales, where the cover story was “The Vampire Master”.
      From Conan the nomad chief on the Indian frontier, we jump to the Western Ocean where Conan is a pirate.
      In the order we’re reading, this is disappointing. From a leader of 500 men or thousands with henchmen who are leaders in their own right, he goes to being a common tough half a world away. However, this story was published a year earlier.

      Sancha, captured daughter of a Zingaran duke, yawns on the deck of the good ship Wastrel when suddenly a man jumps aboard from the sea.
      “I am Conan,” the other answered imperturbably. Sancha pricked up her ears anew; she had never heard Zingaran spoken with such an accent (Language #9)
      The skeptical captain is named Zaporavo, whom Conan knows of. It seems there are two factions of pirates round these parts, who hate each other: Argives based in the Bacharan Isles and these Zingarans. Conan says he found it prudent to leave a Barachan rendezvous in a dingy, now just give me a job.

      “A ship can always use another good sailor,” answered the other without resentment. Zaporavo scowled, knowing the truth of that assertion. He hesitated, and doing so, lost his ship, his command, his girl, and his life. But of course he could not see into the future,

      Why telegraph the ending, Bob?
      The crew hazes Conan, and when the leader of it spits in his face and puts hand to sword, Conan quickly punches him to death. After this, he makes himself well-liked with appropriate (gigantic?) mirth and doing “the work of three men, and was always first to spring to any heavy or dangerous task.” He hides his motive for coming aboard, letting them think whatever made him run from the bloody Barachans was something nasty and respectable. Oh, and hey, he “roared ribald songs in a dozen languages“.
      Zaporavo takes the ship away from the civilized coast into the west, where there are no towns to pillage unless he finds a lost island or continent like he’s brooding about. After many weary weeks they find an island. While his men eat the local fruit, Zaporavo goes exploring for loot alone. Ordered to stay aboard, Sancha gets naked and swims ashore. She finds the men asleep (don’t eat strange fruit, kids). Going into the trees, she finds Zaporavo dead. Hearing a figure rustling the foliage, she calls Conan’s name, assuming he killed Zaporavo to take over. But someone else grips her.

      Earlier Conan, abstaining from the fruit, was stalking the living captain into the woods. He was indeed planning to kill him in secret and, denying it, hope his popularity would get him voted captain. Zaporavo saw him and drew his sword. The fight ended with Z. falling dead in the position Sancha saw him.
      As Conan cleans his blade, though, he sees a tall naked black man carrying off a struggling naked white figure. The NBA not having been invented yet, Conan is spooked by the man’s size. Following to the island’s high point, he finds green shining walls and towers, camouflaged by the greenery until he got close.

      He realized uneasily that no ordinary human beings could have built them. There was symmetry about their architecture, and system, but it was a mad symmetry, a system alien to human sanity.

      Taking your best modern architecture jokes, readers.
      Inside, he looks over a parapet into another swarded court and sees of beings that squatted about a dark green pool in the midst of the court. They’re all naked, black, and the least of them head-and-shoulders taller than him. And they’re sacrificing the youngest sailor from his ship in that pool. One of them plays a flute Conan can’t hear, yet it makes the youth cringe, quiver and writhe in a compulsive dance of obscenity and lasciviousness: “desire without pleasure, pain mated awfully to lust.” Conan is shocked at “the cosmic obscenity of these beings which could … find pleasure in the brazen flaunting of such things as should not be hinted at,”
      Clean-limbed barbarians are anti-porn.
      When the weird figures quit the court, Conan sneaks in and finds shelves with thousands of tiny figures. Om a high shelf, he sees that the pirate boy was transformed into one of those dolls. Even weirder, the lower shelves exclusively have figures that “either embodied merely the artists’ imagination, or typified racial types long vanished and forgotten.” It seems these creeps have been collecting for untold ages.
      Hearing a feminine scream, Conan bounds high onto the wall to look over. Another of the locals is dragging Sancha toward the pool! Conan hides. Seeing the figure carry Sancha by head and crotch (ew) toward the pool, he charges, killing him with a sword through the groin.
      While he wastes time talking with Sancha, the rest of the uncanny men return, each carrying one or two of the pirates who fell asleep. Conan comes up with a plan to make them chase him, then Sancha will shake the pirates awake so they can grab their swords.
      His plan: make a deadly leap toward the circle, then run away: “thrice his blade flickered before any could lift a hand in defense;” each flickering splitting a skull.
      So if you want Player Characters to be like Conan, they need to advance to a point where they get three attacks before the enemies can react.
      He finds himself in a dead-end room, enemies forming a semicircle around him. But one killing blow lets him run between the two figures flanking the fallen one without them getting to hit him. Running into a different room, he sees them forming a solid square in hopes of flowing around him when he attacks. He tries to jump and climb a ledge. The jutting ledge gives way and only the fact that it’s a grassy court prevents his spine breaking. Conan is doomed… save that the pirates come charging into the room, facing the weird men’s backs. There are deaths on both sides, but Conan survives as it turns into a rout and a chase. Seeing his side losing, one Black One speaks for the first time, and it’s some sort of spell that makes the pool flood. Conan, Sancha and friends run as fast as they can for shore. All who survived the battle reach the beached boats, just ahead of the magic pool’s tide that “flowed out over the beach, lapped at the ocean, and the waves turned a deeper, more sinister green.”
      Conan’s wounds are tallied: “Blood thickly clotted his black mane, and one ear had been half torn from his head. His arms, legs, breast and shoulders were bitten and clawed as if by panthers.” He’s accepted as captain, he maybe ambiguously gets the girl, and the story ends with a line of dialogue by him.

      Yes, we’ve seen this formula elsewhere. It’s also a pretty simple plot and Sancha is a non-entity.
      Your thoughts?

      • Conrad Honcho says:

        Your last sentence pretty well sums it up. A snoozer.

        Oh, but I didn’t like Conan’s plot here, either. Usually he’s moderately honorable. When he took over the army in A Witch Shall be Born it was only because the leader went back on his word to free the city and help Conan get his revenge. Here he plotted from the very start to murder Zaporavo for no other reason than “Conan wants to be in charge.”

        • Le Maistre Chat says:

          Oh, but I didn’t like Conan’s plot here, either. Usually he’s moderately honorable. When he took over the army in A Witch Shall be Born it was only because the leader went back on his word to free the city and help Conan get his revenge. Here he plotted from the very start to murder Zaporavo for no other reason than “Conan wants to be in charge.”

          Yes, Conan is a villain here. He’s much more popular with the crew than Captain Zaporavo, so he treats Z. as deserving to die, no questions asked. And being less popular has nothing to do with being immoral, he just broods and can’t sing dirty songs in twelve languages.

          Anyway, when we catch up with Conan again in “Red Nails”, he’ll still be in a pirate phase of his life.

          “Where are the fine ships and the bold lads you commanded now?” [Valeria] sneered.

          “At the bottom of the sea, mostly,” he replied cheerfully. “The Zingarans sank my last ship off the Shemite shore — that’s why I joined Zarallo’s Free Companions.

          That’s an excellent story, but I’m still disappointed with the unexplained gap after his career as a chief of nomad chiefs, where he learned important skills he’d need as a usurping king.

        • Deiseach says:

          Yeah, this is Conan being villainous. You could say he’s been corrupted by civilisation: it’s a very pragmatic decision, but it leaves a bad taste in the mouth, especially when compared with how the captain treated him – he didn’t like Conan, could have ordered his crew to slaughter him when first he came aboard, but had too much of his own sort of code to do so without reason:

          A glance toward the waist showed a screen of eager faces staring upward. A word would send them leaping up on the poop in a storm of swords that would overwhelm even such a fightingman as the stranger looked to be.

          “Why should I burden myself with every nameless vagabond that the sea casts up?” snarled Zaporavo, his look and manner more insulting than his words.

          “A ship can always use another good sailor,” answered the other without resentment. Zaporavo scowled, knowing the truth of that assertion. He hesitated, and doing so, lost his ship, his command, his girl, and his life. But of course he could not see into the future, and to him Conan was only another wastrel, cast up, as he put it, by the sea. He did not like the man; yet the fellow had given him no provocation. His manner was not insolent, though rather more confident than Zaporavo liked to see.

          “You’ll work for your keep,” snarled the Hawk. “Get off the poop. And remember, the only law here is my will.”

          About the only excuse we get is that Zaporavo is an autocrat who has forgotten the good of his crew in favour of his own dreams and obsessions (but let’s be frank, Conan doesn’t care a straw about any of the Freebooters either, they’re just means to an end for him as well):

          Zaporavo made the mistake so many autocrats make; alone in somber grandeur on the poop, he underestimated the man below him. He had his opportunity to kill Conan, and he let it pass, engrossed in his own gloomy ruminations. He did not find it easy to think any of the dogs beneath his feet constituted a menace to him. He had stood in the high places so long, and had ground so many foes underfoot, that he unconsciously assumed himself to be above the machinations of inferior rivals.

          Conan plots to kill him simply in order to take over his command and ship, and when he can’t find an excuse to do so, decides to simply murder him:

          Conan did not underrate his dominance of the crew. But he had not gained the right, through battle and foray, to challenge the captain to a duel to the death. In these empty seas there had been no opportunity for him to prove himself according to Freebooter law. The crew would stand solidly against him if he attacked the chieftain openly. But he knew that if he killed Zaporavo without their knowledge, the leaderless crew would not be likely to be swayed by loyalty to a dead man. In such wolf-packs only the living counted.

          About the only scrap of justification here is that he doesn’t literally stab Zaporavo in the back, it’s a fair (more or less) fight. But it’s clear that Conan is trying to find some way back to ‘civilisation’ from this existence on the Western edge of the ocean, and it makes me wonder if the reason he had to leave the Barachans so fast and unprepared was that he tried the same trick to take over a pirate captain’s command, but it didn’t work:

          “I think of Life!” he roared. “The dead are dead, and what has passed is done! I have a ship and a fighting crew and a girl with lips like wine, and that’s all I ever asked. Lick your wounds, bullies, and break out a cask of ale. You’re going to work ship as she never was worked before. Dance and sing while you buckle to it, damn you! To the devil with empty seas! We’re bound for waters where the seaports are fat, and the merchant ships are crammed with plunder!”

          Sancha is an interesting character though we get very little about her; she’s tougher-minded than some of the damsels in distress that Conan has encountered before, so for myself I don’t feel any anxiety about her once Conan moves on and leaves her behind – she’ll find some way of landing on her feet:

          No great length of time lay between her and the palaces of Kordava, but it was as if a world of change separated her from the life she had lived before Zaporavo tore her screaming from the flaming caravel his wolves had plundered. She, who had been the spoiled and petted daughter of the Duke of Kordava, learned what it was to be a buccaneer’s plaything, and because she was supple enough to bend without breaking, she lived where other women had died, and because she was young and vibrant with life, she came to find pleasure in the existence.

          • Le Maistre Chat says:

            About the only excuse we get is that Zaporavo is an autocrat who has forgotten the good of his crew in favour of his own dreams and obsessions (but let’s be frank, Conan doesn’t care a straw about any of the Freebooters either, they’re just means to an end for him as well):

            Indeed. They’re equally selfish, Conan just has the good fortune to be more charismstic.

            About the only scrap of justification here is that he doesn’t literally stab Zaporavo in the back, it’s a fair (more or less) fight. But it’s clear that Conan is trying to find some way back to ‘civilisation’ from this existence on the Western edge of the ocean, and it makes me wonder if the reason he had to leave the Barachans so fast and unprepared was that he tried the same trick to take over a pirate captain’s command, but it didn’t work:

            That’s a reasonable guess. We don’t know why Conan is so down on his luck since Black Circle, but having made his way to the Western Ocean without followers, he’s trying to claw his way back into leadership and ‘civilization’, and he’d been Belit’s first mate and a pirate captain earlier in life. Lonely + sight of ships makes this game appeal to him.
            Yet it says nothing positive about his character. I’d have liked to see how he lost what he had with the nomads and what he learned from it that would make him a better king.

            Sancha is an interesting character though we get very little about her; she’s tougher-minded than some of the damsels in distress that Conan has encountered before, so for myself I don’t feel any anxiety about her once Conan moves on and leaves her behind – she’ll find some way of landing on her feet:

            Yeah. Conan’s no rapist, we’re led to believe: all she’d have to do is withhold sex and ask to be dropped off at the nearest port to Daddy’s duchy to pick herself back up, and he’d get around to that as raiding permits.

          • Deiseach says:

            We don’t know why Conan is so down on his luck since Black Circle, but having made his way to the Western Ocean

            I wonder if it is meant, in-universe, to follow in chronological order after Black Circle. It feels better to think of these stories as episodes from Conan’s life told in random order, rather than recounting them in strict year-by-year form. It just fits better, somehow, that this is all in the same rough period of his life when he was living as a pirate/freebooter/privateer and working his way across the seas, going from second-in-command and indeed captain of his own ship back down to ordinary crewman who needed to get out of town in a hurry and clawing his way back up so he could return East and get back on land in the rich kingdoms where there was always a war to fight or a kingdom to plunder. Rise and fall and rise again.

            I imagine Howard may have felt that having written a few in sequence about Conan on land, another pirate tale would be more novel and likely to sell rather than “same old mercenary band story”.

          • Le Maistre Chat says:

            I wonder if it is meant, in-universe, to follow in chronological order after Black Circle. It feels better to think of these stories as episodes from Conan’s life told in random order, rather than recounting them in strict year-by-year form. It just fits better, somehow, that this is all in the same rough period of his life when he was living as a pirate/freebooter/privateer and working his way across the seas, going from second-in-command and indeed captain of his own ship back down to ordinary crewman who needed to get out of town in a hurry and clawing his way back up so he could return East and get back on land in the rich kingdoms where there was always a war to fight or a kingdom to plunder.

            Well, one, Howard said Conan was like his muse, and he could only write his adventurers in the random order “he told them to me.” So the order can be whatever we feel like unless dialogue or his internal monologue establishes otherwise, with the “king” career coming at the end in the order “Phoenix on the Sword”, “The Scarlet Citadel”, “Hour of the Dragon.”
            Two, I’ve been following this order, save for moving up “The Slithering Shadow” so Conan doesn’t have to recall the lost city of Xuthal before he finds it, as Howard said it followed “pretty closely”. But as you say, imagining one pirate career “just fits better.”

  21. gbdub says:

    The Kochs are libertarians, so it’s not surprising that mainstream rightists aren’t always cheerleading them.

    The right accuses Soros of funding “astroturf” campaigns (fake “grassroots” protests etc. that are actually professionally organized affairs). The left obviously would disagree with this narrative, but praising Soros without feeding that narrative would be hard.

    “We’re really happy a billionaire is making our movement seem more popular” is a hard argument for anyone to make in a winning way.

    • Matt M says:

      The Kochs are pretty milquetoast “libertarians” tbqh. Hardcore libertarians also criticize them heavily for diluting the libertarian message. And the Koch-funded libertarian thinktanks come hard at the more hardcore libertarian groups. I’ve heard that Cato people aren’t even allowed to talk to Mises people, under the threat of being fired.

      • Hardcore libertarians also criticize them heavily for diluting the libertarian message.

        Examples? Of either dilution or criticism.

        I’m curious as a hardcore libertarian who has not done so.

        There was a good deal of talk a long time ago where people were complaining about how large a role the Kochs played in the movement — that’s where the term “Kochtopus” originated. But I’m not sure I know of serious doctrinal disagreements.

        • rumham says:

          Take it for what it’s worth, but I often saw criticism on the boards regarding certain politicians that they supported.

  22. Jack Lecter says:


    (An oversimplification of) my personal model is that America has two big status/employment hierarchies, one roughly Red and one roughly Blue.

    The Blue hierarchy contains most of what’s called “the public sector”, the universities, the mainstream press, and a bunch of NGOs. Blue employees are paid largely in prestige, power, and job security.

    The Red hierarchy contains the Military, a lot of what’s called “the private sector”, and, um, churches, I guess? I mostly live close to the Blue Hierarchy, so I’m probably leaving some things out.

    The important thing is, Red employees are much, much more likely to get the bulk of their compensation in explicit monetary form, rather than as a mixed bag of privileges and prestige. Money tracks status a lot more closely in Redville.

    Since Blueville has a weaker association between money and status, and since they can see that The Other Tribe has a *stronger* association between money and status, people in Blueville start to see money as sort of dirty and undeserved- a baser motive than the stuff they think they’re motivated by. This happens partly because they can see other people according status to money, and that feels unfair. I think it’s also partly because they intuitively feel like (visible, legible) compensation ought to track status- they have the idea that your paycheck reflects how much society values you, so it’s a scandal to see low-status people paid more than high-status people. Of course, people will demand more money to work low-status jobs, and accept less pay in exchange for higher status, so there’s a constant mismatch between the Blues’ intuitive idea of what wages ought to be and what they are.

    I think this also relates to the strong association a lot of Blues have between money and illicit dominance- that thing where A offers B money in exchange for X, giving B strictly more options, and this gets interpreted as A *forcing* B to do X. (I’m not saying there are no harmful options, or that the deals offered by A are always fair- just that it’s weird to interpret *giving someone choices* as making them *less free*, and this does in fact seem to be the prior of a lot of people on the left when money’s involved.)

    To wrap up- of course people on the Left don’t like to see money involved in politics- it’s the other side’s currency, and plays to the other side’s strengths.

    (The Red version of this would *sort of* be resentment directed at the universities and the press, and at credentialism in general- but it’s not an exact parallel. It’s hard to cone up with an exact mirror, because Red power/status tends to be more legible, whereas the Blue equivalents tend to be more soft power, connections, social pressure and suasion.)

    [ETA: Going back to yesterday’s post, I think this is why some people see charitable giving as an undemocratic exercise of power, but see writing books and engaging in rhetoric from a university pulpit as obviously a legitimate part of the process- the latter is their area of strength, the former is their area of weakness. Also, money in politics makes a great excuse when object-level politics goes bad for them- it isn’t that a lot of people actually disagree with them or have different values, it’s just that they’ve been brainwashed by billionaires, and if we get rid of the billionaires everyone will revert to the obviously correct opinions.]

    {Further ETA: I get that “Blue Tribe” =/= “The Left” and likewise for “Red Tribe” and “The Right”, but for my current purposes the labels pick out roughly the same cluster of people and I’m too tired to reedit this now. I beg forgiveness for any confusion.}

    (Further further ETA: Spelling and syntactic cleanup.)

    • Nornagest says:

      The Red hierarchy contains the Military, a lot of what’s called “the private sector”, and, um, churches, I guess? […] The important thing is, Red employees are much, much more likely to get the bulk of their compensation in explicit monetary form

      This is a very Blue way of looking at things. There are Red hierarchies where money tracks status pretty well — small proprietorship is probably the most important one — but they’re fairly narrow. More importantly, the people in them, outside the few Red corporate ladders that still exist (the energy sector, a few individual companies, and not much else), are much less likely to be employees. Fifty years ago, the Republicans were much more centrally the party of business, but that’s not really the case anymore — the upper echelons of your average company are overwhelmingly urban now, and as such tend to be culturally Blue. Some of them will vote Republican for economic reasons, but that doesn’t make them Red, and it won’t make modal Reds impressed with them.

      The military’s actually a good illustration of this: relative to its competitiveness, direct monetary compensation for higher military ranks is pretty modest. Their pensions and benefits are pretty sweet compared to what you get in the private sector, but if all you’re looking for is money, especially in the short term, pretty much anyone with captain’s bars or better would have been better off going for an MBA. Churches, even more so.

      • Jack Lecter says:

        My model mental image- the central example of the thing I’m thinking of- was less Wall Street culture (or startup culture, for that matter), and more Dilbert- or maybe, like, a regional manager in a small town somewhere. But I get how my earlier comment failed to communicate this, though. (And this may still be a very blue way of looking at it- just not quite the same one.)

        I’ll try to explain the difference I’m seeing- I hope I can get this to make sense. Roughly, (the archetype of) Moral Mazes Guy is.. kind of all-in, y’know? He’s Climbing The Corporate Ladder-which is maybe more like a monastic calling than a job.

        Our (archetypal) regional manager isn’t doing that. He’s not visibly obsessed with money- or ambition- or even status (unless you’ve been reading Robin Hanson in which case this last obsession *may* be visible to you.) It isn’t like money is central to his identity or anything, it’s just *more salient* than it is for his Blue counterpart. He’s not *attached* to the idea that it’s meaningless, so it acquires *some* meaning- some *positive* meaning, which is enough to play-off against the Red Tribe (and the Robbers’ Cave would do the rest, if it needed doing).

        I grant the military represents a counterexample, as far as money is concerned. I do feel like they fit into some kind of deeper (farmer/forager?) dynamic, though- military rank/honors and money both have an explicit, legible quality that I think Blue-Tribe status often lacks. They also seem more durable- like, I’d expect the word “fashion” to come up less in talking about them.

        Maybe the dynamic I’m fumbling at is something like:

        Amorphous/informal/implicit/intangible/transient/soft power derived from social networks
        Tangible/official/reified/durable/meant-to-last/formal power derived from “objective” symbols of which people have common knowledge (meant to be a link to Pinker’s stuff here, but it kept getting caught in the spam filter).

        I’m pretty sure my account of the Blue psychology surrounding money is roughly accurate, though. (It is, however, almost certainly incomplete).

        I’ve had this model kicking around in my head for a while (both the one from my first comment which treats money as special, and the vaguer one I’m gesturing to here which treats money as an instance of a broader pattern.), and what really drove it home was the comments to Scott’s review of the Reich book; people* defended, with every appearance of sincerity, the view that donating to charity was a much more serious exercise of power than writing persuasively about policy- that authors were, as a class, less powerful than rich philanthropists. And I sat and I asked myself if there was any worldview I knew under which this made sense, and after a moment I realized that actually, yes, there was.

        (“Power” is a synonym for “illegitimate power”; money is illegitimate power which contaminates our pure democratic process. Rhetoric is not illegitimate, therefore not power, so long as it’s proper rhetoric and not that demagoguery The Outgroup loves so much.)

        [This is not a very charitable interpretation of what people are thinking, and I’m sure not all of them are thinking it- I imagine this basic narrative as a cloud that floats around their heads and slips inside when they’re not paying attention. But uncharitable though it may be, I find keeping it in mind means I end up *much* less confused about what’s going on.]

        (Plausibly the reason this is so much harder on the Left than the Right is the same reason you’re getting Blue vibes from me- I’m probably pretty Grey, but my social environment is pretty Blue and not at all Red, so these are the people I’ve been banging my head against trying to understand.)

        (1)Mostly one person, but singling xir put would change the tone of this comment in ways I don’t want, so please just note that this is weaker evidence than if lots of different people were doing it.

      • Jack Lecter says:

        My model mental image- the central example of the thing I’m thinking of- was less Wall Street culture (or startup culture, for that matter), and more Dilbert- or maybe, like, a regional manager in a small town somewhere. But I get how my earlier comment failed to communicate this, though. (And this may still be a very blue way of looking at it- just not quite the same one.)

        I’ll try to explain the difference I’m seeing- I hope I can get this to make sense. Roughly, (the archetype of) Moral Mazes Guy is.. kind of all-in, y’know? He’s Climbing The Corporate Ladder-which is maybe more like a monastic calling than a job.

        Our (archetypal) regional manager isn’t doing that. He’s not visibly obsessed with money- or ambition- or even status (unless you’ve been reading Robin Hanson in which case this last obsession *may* be visible to you.) It isn’t like money is central to his identity or anything, it’s just *more salient* than it is for his Blue counterpart. He’s not *attached* to the idea that it’s meaningless, so it acquires *some* meaning- some *positive* meaning, which is enough to play-off against the Red Tribe (and the Robbers’ Cave would do the rest, if it needed doing).

        I grant the military represents a counterexample, as far as money is concerned. I do feel like they fit into some kind of deeper (farmer/forager?) dynamic, though- military rank/honors and money both have an explicit, legible quality that I think Blue-Tribe status often lacks. They also seem more durable- like, I’d expect the word “fashion” to come up less in talking about them.

        Maybe the dynamic I’m fumbling at is something like:

        Amorphous/informal/implicit/intangible/transient/soft power derived from social networks
        Tangible/official/reified/durable/meant-to-last/formal power derived from “objective” symbols of which people have common knowledge.

        I’m pretty sure my account of the Blue psychology surrounding money is roughly accurate, though. (It is, however, almost certainly incomplete).

        I’ve had this model kicking around in my head for a while (both the one from my first comment which treats money as special, and the vaguer one I’m gesturing to here which treats money as an instance of a broader pattern.), and what really drove it home was the comments to Scott’s review of the Reich book; people* defended, with every appearance of sincerity, the view that donating to charity was a much more serious exercise of power than writing persuasively about policy- that authors were, as a class, less powerful than rich philanthropists. And I sat and I asked myself if there was any worldview I knew under which this made sense, and after a moment I realized that actually, yes, there was.

        (“Power” is a synonym for “illegitimate power”; money is illegitimate power which contaminates our pure democratic process. Rhetoric is not illegitimate, therefore not power, so long as it’s proper rhetoric and not that demagoguery The Outgroup loves so much.)

        [This is not a very charitable interpretation of what people are thinking, and I’m sure not all of them are thinking it- I imagine this basic narrative as a cloud that floats around their heads and slips inside when they’re not paying attention. But uncharitable though it may be, I find keeping it in mind means I end up *much* less confused about what’s going on.]

        (Plausibly the reason this is so much harder on the Left than the Right is the same reason you’re getting Blue vibes from me- I’m probably pretty Grey, but my social environment is pretty Blue and not at all Red, so these are the people I’ve been banging my head against trying to understand.)

        (1)Mostly one person, but singling xir put would change the tone of this comment in ways I don’t want, so please just note that this is weaker evidence than if lots of different people were doing it.

        • Aapje says:

          I think that a simpler explanation is that while most people see benefits as partially an inherent human right and partially a compensation for sacrifices made, progressives tend to think that people deserve a lot more as a basic human right and conservatives tend think that rich/powerful people made & make more sacrifices.

          For example, talking about ‘privilege’ is intended to convince others that people with greater benefits didn’t actually deserve all those benefits because they made greater sacrifice. This is not limited to money. The claim that people listen more to men because of patriarchy is very similar to the claim that people give more salary to men because
          of patriarchy. In both cases, the claim is that men get things undeservedly.

          Progressives seem more prone to argue that privilege is undeserved than conservatives (although conservatives also do it, in particular against members of progressive bastions).

          Reds tend to have somewhat different status hierarchies than blues. For example, reds are more likely to see military service as granting high status. As Nornagest notes, this is independent of pay, because soldiers have way more status than people with a different job that get the same pay.

          This difference drives segregation, as the same job has different value to a person, depending on how much status the job has in their subculture.

          The politics of people like Reich may be attributed to them believing that money comes from privilege much more than the ability to write/publish/market a book comes from privilege.

          A simple explanation is that this is self-serving, since it allows people like Reich to accuse other of benefiting from privilege, while seeing his own benefits in life as being mostly earned; just like people with different personal benefits can accuse the media of having undeserved power, while ignoring how they themselves may have undeserved benefits.

    • Aftagley says:

      The Red hierarchy contains the Military,

      I see this argument all the time and it makes me want to pull my hair out. The military is non-partisan, full stop.

      I don’t mean this in a mealymouthed “the military should be nonpartisan” or “The military works best when it’s nonpartisan” I mean it in a direct, focused and specific “The military doesn’t map onto any tribe even remotely closely.”

      Here’s one of my favorite anecdotes I ever had in the military – it was when trans were first allowed to transition while on active duty. We had a member at our unit who was transitioning and pretty much senior person in the command was pulled in for a briefing on how it would be handled.

      One of our senior enlisted asked “well, what pronoun should we use?” our XO got up and said “Well, continue to use male pronouns until JUNE XX, at which point the member’s gender will be updated in DEERs (DoD HR program) whereupon you will switch.”

      It wasn’t that the member had an innate gender that they got to pick (blue tribe position) or that the member had an immutable gender (red tribe position) it was that the central bureaucracy had the authority to decree what gender a particular member was and that authority was paramount.

      You see this kind of thing all the time in the military. Yes, it’s comprised of people from different tribes and, at least among the enlisted you do see a relatively high percentage of red-tribers, but that doesn’t mean the organization itself skews red tribe in its values or operations.

      • DarkTigger says:

        I won’t make an argument wether or not the military itself is red tribe or not (read the people inside of it are red tribe or blue tribe).
        But the military as an institution, and thus the ranks given out by the military, have a better reputation with the red tribe, then with the blue tribe.

        • Aftagley says:

          I mean, maybe, but I’ve had as man hipsters thank me for my service as good ol’ boys.

          Yeah, the extreme left objects to the military, but so does the extreme right. Most people in the middle either don’t care or are generally supportive.

        • Conrad Honcho says:

          The…I don’t know if I would say “extreme,” but “far?” “Righter-than-right-of center?” Anyway, those folk definitely do not object to the military, they object to using the military for overseas adventurism.

      • Matt M says:

        I don’t dispute what you are saying, but I also don’t think that’s what Jack was getting at here.

        The military is a “red tribe institution” insofar as being a successful member of the military will grant you increased status and prestige among red tribe people that it won’t necessarily grant you among blue tribe people. And I think in a general sense that’s correct. That’s not say that no blue tribers respect military service or anything, just that red tribe respects it more.

        Think of the blue tribe alternative as being journalism. Blue tribe thinks “journalism” is a special and unique occupation that deserves greater respect than the average way someone might make a living. Consider that even the most meager person who self-identifies as a journalist can get a blue-check on Twitter, whereas pretty much no member of the military below the rank of general would ever be expected to get one. That’s not to say that there aren’t any red tribe journalists or that no red tribers respect any journalists. It’s not even to say that journalism itself suffers from an overwhelming blue-tribe bias. But I do think it’s the case that if something like Twitter had been built by the red tribe, it would be granting a lot more status-badges to military servicemembers and a lot fewer to random low-prestige bloggers.

      • John Schilling says:

        I see this argument all the time and it makes me want to pull my hair out. The military is non-partisan, full stop.

        This is your regular reminder that “Red Tribe” and “Blue Tribe” are not meant to be partisan terms and become more noise than signal when used as such.

        • Loriot says:

          IMO, the whole blue/red tribe thing obscures more than it illuminates anyway. It all started as a list of stereotypes about liberals and conservatives, ignoring the fact that both parties are big tents.

        • jermo sapiens says:

          blue/red tribes are useful concepts when used as intended. nascar = red tribe. art gallery in new york where people pay $120K for a banana taped on a wall = blue tribe.

          the concept can easily be stretched beyond any usefulness, but it’s a generalization, and should be used as such. it’s not the 2d law of thermodynamics.

        • Aapje says:

          I think that it best corresponds with globalism/localism. This does have correlation with politics, but certainly not 1:1. For example, a lot of wealthy Republicans are globalist and quite a few black people who vote Democrat are localist.

          The military is a bit of a weird entity that isn’t extremely globalist or localist, but isn’t really centrist either.

        • Clutzy says:

          The military also has (essentially) a 2 tiered system with Commissioned officers now (mostly) looking like your regular college graduates, and NCOs/Enlisted having (mostly) a more working class identity. It is my experience that the enlisted class has a great amount of contempt for a large % of officers, but they also have overwhelming loyalty to the good officers they had.

          And this is much more extreme than your usual employee-supervisor conflict. All the guys from my HS that were enlisted constantly talk about incompetent Lieutenants, and Colonels/Majors being snakes. Sometimes they like a Captain, but then curse how he got forced out or soon will be forced out for “not playing the game.” Within 30 seconds of some officer getting media attention I can predict whether military facebook will be flooded with snake emojis. Like Vindman, I knew they would hate him.

      • matthewravery says:

        I completely agree with Aftagley. Military service and rank absolutely grant prestige among Blue Tribers, at least if you consider folks who vote Democrat in Northern VA to be members of the Blue Tribe. It’s the part of the Blue Tribe that likes Joe Biden more than it likes Occupy Wall Street, but that’s, like, half to three quarters of the tribe, so….

        Also, if you’re at all familiar with how the military works, it makes complete sense that they’d let DEERS be the determinant of what pronouns to use. Hilarious!

    • DinoNerd says:

      *thoughtful* I certainly experience the wrong people as having high status, but what I note about many people is an insistence on “respect” for high status people. If the leader, or one of their friends does something, the appropriate reaction is not to consider whether it was a good idea, or give them advice about what would be better – it’s to praise the leader/leader’s crony, and their brilliant idea. If it’s the same policy that failed visibly only a few years ago, then it’s required to show no hint that you recognize it, or that it’s anything but wonderful.

      Otherwise, you “have no soft skills” at best, and are “an enemy of the people” at worst. I’ve experienced this at all levels, from the leadership of volunteer groups, through various levels of business management, all the way up to political leaders. (Except for the “enemy of the people” dig, which was irresistible, none of this is about Trump.)

      AFAICT, some people are utterly shocked at the idea that a mere peon (who might be as close as a rank or two from The Leader, or equally well might be bottom of the local heap) could possibly criticize anything The Leader does, believes, etc. Other people think that there’s a positive duty to give feedback, and that a leader who doesn’t seek out and accept feedback is incompetent, as well as various nastier pejorative adjectives; one who suppresses negative comments is almost certainly up to no good, beyond mere incompetence.

      I fall firmly in the “duty to criticize” camp. But I experience that belief as being basically unAmerican in many eyes. (That’s OK – I’m Canadian ;-() I’d associate this with Red Tribe, on the dubious grounds that people not like me in one way must be not like me in all ways ;-( except that where I see it the most is among tech executives. There are lots of “yes men” of both genders in high tech, and lots of “coaching” intended to create more of them.

      To me, this bleeds in to “wrong people have power” – which is why it’s posted here. But as I observe, to some people, the fact that someone has power, or status, is evidence that they deserve it.

      And of course, this is good medieval social theory – the children of nobles are much more deserving than all other children, yada yada yada. And of course they get all the important leadership positions, perqs etc., even if they are drooling idiots – that’s the definition of being a noble.

      I was brought up to believe we’d advanced beyond medieval social relations, and theories. Maybe some folks prefer them, even in modern times. Maybe this is even based on a personality trait, not primarily on upbringing.

    • theodidactus says:

      I think, to echo some comments at the end of Jack’s post above, that both sides have an enormous interest in having a boogieman to blame when popular opinion fails to track propositions they think are commonsense and universally-held. When that happens, it’s convenient to have a steady supply of shadowy billionaires to blame. Both sides would have to invent shadowy billionaires even if no real ones existed.

      In the future, without commenting on the legitimacy of accusations so far, I can see “internet bots” or “foreign election interference” being used in lieu of “campaign spending”…a fundamental force invoked to explain why democracy keeps getting it wrong.

      • Jack Lecter says:


        I’ve actually had exactly this thought about recent discussions of foreign election interference- not that people don’t have legitimate concerns, but that those concerns certainly seem to double as a way of preserving their faith that democracy *done properly* never fails *too* badly.

        (My own view is roughly the boring “worst system, except for all the others that have been tried” one. I don’t think we know of any system that actually protects against catastrophe. But I think a lot of people- on *both* sides- kind of want to believe things can’t fail *too* badly, and they’re having a hard time reconciling this with recent polarization and their feeling that the other side’s candidates are terrible people who should not be given power.)

        [My boring-and-puritanical view is that they’re both correct about this- how many of our current crop of politicians are people you’d want to babysit your kids?]

        • theodidactus says:

          I also notice a sort of mott/bailey dynamic going on with regard to who exactly is a “bot.” IE I see a lot of “okay so no, Joe616 isnt’ REALLY a bot, what I meant is that he’s influenced by people who are influenced by people who are themselves influenced by bots so METAPHORICALLY he’s like a bot, even though he’s a real person…I just get to treat him as an inhuman shill for the purposes of this argument”

          And the reason why I’m like, hyperattuned to this is that overtly the argument a lot of people make is “social media is dangerous because literal AI’s have poisoned our ability to have sane discussions” but when you interrogate them a bit the covert argument is “social media is dangerous because it exposes people to bad ideas”

    • TheAncientGeeksTAG says:

      The left are capable of articulating their objections to wealth, and when they do so “wealth leads to power” and “wealth cannot have been acquired honestly” feature heavily. Also, the left don’t see themselves as powerful.

  23. Hoopyfreud says:

    Eurovision gang, any thoughts on this year’s entries so far? I just heard Ukraine’s Solovey and it’s 100% my favorite so far. I expect to crash and burn horribly before the final.

    Nothing I’ve heard so far this year has really come close to Soldi or (I promise, completely ironically) Papa Serhat’s masterpiece. I rate Solovey about on par with Spirit in the Sky, and not just because of the gimmick.

    Also, fuck ballads.

    • Aftagley says:

      just heard Ukraine’s Solovey and it’s 100% my favorite so far. I expect to crash and burn horribly before the final.

      I’m not caught up on this year’s entrants, but this song just left me cold; it’s wasn’t weird enough to make up the feeling I got while listening to it that I was just being yelled at in Ukrainian.

      I’m on team Australia this year. The song is good and the choreography/showmanship is absolutely killer. I think Belgium probably has the best song, but it’s you know, just a good song, not a Eurovision song.

    • Deiseach says:

      You reminded me that Eurovision is just around the corner, so I’ll go have a listen to the contenders. None of the ones I like ever do well, so if I do come back recommending any, you can cross those off as possible winners 🙂

      Ah, are they doing the tried-and-trusted Eurovision ballad route again? I agree, too many of those makes it boring.

      Okay, quick reactions to the Youtube snippets:

      Albania – sorry girleen, trying too hard with the shouty-shouty
      Armenia – very poppy, depending on the performance could go all the way to the final
      Australia – God bless ’em, they’re keeping the glorious tradition of “bonkers Eurovision entry” alive and well – Godspeed, Great Southern Land!
      Belgium – sounds like one of the “not so great James Bond themes” as discussed recently
      Czech Republic – yeah, this one will do okay as well
      France – if this were a beauty contest, your guy would be well in the running as he’s extremely model-looking. Unfortunately, this is a song contest and your song is “meh”
      Italy – oh honey, sorry but no (though again, depending on the performance, like if they have dancing Zen gorillas, it might stagger through)
      Latvia – wow, this is giving me flashbacks to the glory days of Devo with the backing performers. “Are we not women? No, we are Latvians!”
      Lithuania – ooh, nice palazzo pants, mister! Going for “mildly quirky”, may or may not work for them. “Inoffensive” is the best I can do here
      Norway – God love her, she’s trying to belt it out but the over-emoting undercuts the effect and just looks like anxiety. You and Albania go for a nice sit down and some soothing herbal tea, alright hun?
      Poland – I was a bit worried there would be a wardrobe malfunction there, but it’s okay, she’s wearing a flesh-coloured top beneath her wide-open jacket. Phew, possible Janet Jackson Nipplegate crisis averted. Oh, the song? Ehhhhh….
      Slovenia – Oh, I like this one (which means it’ll go nowhere). Now this is the way to do dramatic emoting, take notes, Albania and Norway! Imagine a very much younger Galadriel had decided on a career as a pop singer and you’ll get the gist
      Spain – I’m sure the song is Very Serious And Meaningful, addressing the many deep problems of the modern world. Still doesn’t make me care, though. Mind you, I do like one of the four outfits the singer wears, the one with the sort of sash-type wraparound part of the suit. Nice!
      Ukraine – Ah lads, I’ll give you points for trying to mix folk plus electronic, I like the old ‘remembering the roots of Eurovision by nodding towards our distinct cultural identity’ efforts that crop up every now and again. Song also sounds like a fractured nursery rhyme. Definitely copying Norway from last year, though, even if I think that’s a good performance to copy – the Norse had more energy and oomph, which is to your disadvantage by evoking the comparison. I do like this, but can’t recommend it as going to do much of anything in the contest

      God alone knows what the Irish disaster effort will be like, I’m wincing in anticipation!

      UK entry: Eh, I’m not too impressed. It’ll be fascinating to watch the voting in the wake of Brexit, though 😀 This is going to be the best part of the contest!

      • Cheese says:

        I was going to say, apologies from Australia for inflicting Montaigne on the rest of the world. But she kind of works with Eurovision.

        • Deiseach says:

          Europe appreciates and loves Australia’s pure and selfless committment to the True Spirit Of Eurovision, which is not “promoting fraternal harmony through shared culture so as we don’t kick off yet another world war” but “dress up in silly costumes, then engage in bloodsport tactical voting for your neighbours and against your national enemies” 🙂

          I wish I knew if anybody had made book on “Will it be Royaume Uni Nul Points this year from every participating nation (except Malta who always vote for the U.K.) because of Brexit?” So far it’s only odds on likely winners and favourites.

          • Faza (TCM) says:

            “promoting fraternal harmony through shared culture so as we don’t kick off yet another world war”

            “dress up in silly costumes, then engage in bloodsport tactical voting for your neighbours and against your national enemies”

            I fail to see how these are anything other than synonyms.

          • Lambert says:

            Now I want to see an AH where Eurovision begain in 1910.
            Or perhaps 1790. (Maybe not. Nobody wants to listen to a song from every single former-HRE state.)

          • johan_larson says:

            A song contest run Europe-wide in 1910 would presumably have been run on the radio. In 1790 it would have been a travelling show, hitting all the major cities of Europe over the course of six months or so.

            Mumble. Was there such a thing as pop music in 1790?

          • Rebecca Friedman says:

            I would give you very good odds there was, given that there was pop music in the 15th and 16th centuries. It would have been pretty different – no recordings, mostly just melodies – but my impression is that, say, L’homme arme was pretty popular, and a lot of the 15th-century music that got written down is actually settings of popular tunes (sometimes with first lines such as “Don’t rap on the door! My husband’s not at the mill, he’s at home.” So this is not all Courtly Love or sacred music). Or see Ravenscroft for end of the 16th century. (Example!)

  24. Aapje says:

    One of the words I really miss in English compared to Dutch/German/etc is ‘rechtsstaat,’ literally translated as ‘justice/law state.’ This term refers to the state that incorporates certain principles that make it act more lawfully and justicy.

    For example, some of the principles are:
    – Separation of powers (like the trias politica)
    – The judiciary and executive branch are bound by law
    – The legislature can only make certain kinds of laws
    – Transparency of actions by the state
    – Having a meta-law (constitution) that defines how laws are made and that is much harder to change than regular law
    – No ex post facto laws that make actions that were legal when they were done, punishable
    – Fairness in the application of law (no selective enforcement where some groups are punished for actions that other are not punished for)
    – Proportionality in punishment
    – A bunch of human rights being upheld (uncluding the presumption of innocence and freedom of speech)
    – Separation of civil, government and business spheres that do not rule each other

    I often see people use the word ‘democracy’ in this vein, although I consider this deceptive, because it implicitly equates the purpose of the state with implementing the will of the majority, which in turn implies that there is no limit on what power the state may assert. This is a very dangerous assertion.

    I found a very interesting paper, which argues that many liberals migrated from an extremist notion of the primacy of natural, individual rights to an extremist belief in the primacy of ‘public interest,’ decided upon by the democratic state. This may explain how in English ‘liberal’ now applies to people who are not at all classically liberal. The paper argues that ‘public interest’ is fictitious and normative, coercing individuals to serve this supposed public interest, which is actually the will of those who control the government.

    The answer to this by the American founding fathers, as well as one of the greatest Dutch politicians, Thorbecke, was to demand self-restraint from government. In the words of Thorbecke:

    Does this mean that the State should take care of everything, remedy every sickness and defect of Society? … On the contrary. A first law is abstinence; abstinence from what lies beyond its calling as an association of law

    However, it is still the state that decides the extent to which this self-restraint is applied. Yet the paper notes that it is tempting to then equate our own desires to the public interest, losing all self-restraint in the process. Elevating ‘democracy’ as the only limiting factor on ‘might makes right’ is insufficient, because elections only influence one powerbase, the legislature. In modern times, we see many other powerbases elevating the desires and ‘truths’ of subset of society as being in the public interest, with great intolerance to other desires and ‘truths.’ For example, the media, big business, the judiciary, the education sector and the bureaucracy. ‘Populists’ have gained greatly by pointing this out and opposing it, but they similarly tend to equate their own desires to the public interest, merely arguing that their opponents are undemocratic and that they themselves speak for ‘the people.’ They don’t oppose the idea that those in power are unrestrained in how they wield that power, but want to claim that power and use it to oppress others, rather than be oppressed by them.

    This dedication to intolerance and ‘might makes right’ on both sides is ultimately a recipe for disaster. Equating the purpose of the state to ‘democracy’ is no solution to this, because it merely encourages people to either attempt to engineer a majority so they can oppress others (even to the point of racial politics, with majority-minority dreams on one side and ‘replacement’ on the other) or subvert democracy so power can be argued to be guided by democracy, when it actually isn’t (see the politicization of the judiciary as an example).

    The paper argues that we must return to merely ‘natural rights’ and thus a very small state but IMO, this is not feasible. The vast majority of people want the benefits that a strong state has made possible, including substantial redistribution. Instead, I think that a broader set of ideals is necessary, which does include a set of natural rights, but goes beyond it. We can define this as the ‘rechtsstaat’ or an English word that refers to the same. Behaviors like punishing people extralegally can then be defined as being incompatible with a just society. By holding these as sacrosanct, there can then be a multipartisan unity to defend these, no matter whether the target or perpetrator is an enemy or friend. This in contrast to using these ideals as weapons, where it is demanded that opponents uphold the ideal, but friends are excused.

    Although one can argue that even ‘rechtsstaat’ is deceptive and/or too limited, by focusing on the state, when non-state power is increasingly powerful (see tech companies who control communication infrastructure, but also because it is easier to enforce conformity). So we might need a term for a set of norms that generates sufficient tolerance in general society to hold us together and allow people crucial freedoms, instead of either devolving into oppression or separation.

    • Secretly French says:

      I agree with you that the word democracy is bandied about to mean any or all of the things you listed. “Rule of law” is a related term in English but once again, I think it has a strict definition and then a broader definition closer to “a state which makes me feel nice”. On restraint in the exercise of power: good luck with that. I think the the only hope for the long-term survival of humanity is us not destroying our ecosystem before fossil fuels run out, and then surviving the following decline (ie not dying from the withdrawal associated with our addiction to growth); the idea that we as a species would ever not eat everything in sight and pump out heat as fast as we possibly could is about as risible to me applied to humans as it is applied to locusts.

      • DarkTigger says:

        I think you are right, “rule of law” is the closest related concept to Rechtsstaat, since the most important parts of the Rechtstaat, are that the law is the same for everybody (which includes people in power), and that the execution of the law is also bound by the law.
        I think Kant used an example where King Friedrich of Prussia, accepted the ruling of an judge forbidding him to to build a road through the site of a mill, as an example of “Rechtsstaatlichkeit”.

      • Ttar says:

        We’ll geoengineer our way out of ecological collapse and use fission/fusion to solve power needs. The growth addiction won’t catch up to us before the AI alignment problem does.

        • albatross11 says:

          Nuclear power (fission reactors, current tech only) can provide electricity at slightly higher prices than fossil fuels, so even in a world where all the fossil fuels disappear, we still have electricity. From that, we can (I don’t know the price but it can be done) chemically synthesize methane from non-fossil-fuel sources and have a high-density fuel, or grow biofuels–even if they’re energy-negative, we can pump energy from nuclear power in to distill the alcohol from the corn or whatever.

          All that says that even in a world with no more fossil fuels at all, we can make something very much like our current technology work. Energy would cost more and we’d be poorer, but it’s not like collapse-of-civilization stuff.

        • Robin says:

          Nuclear power is much too expensive considering how long it takes to build a power plant. In Finland they started one in 2005 and it’s still not finished.
          Considering the great advances in solar and wind power in recent years, they are much cheaper today.

          • Thomas Jorgensen says:

            Sigh. Horns Rev 3 – which is an extension of an existing windmill park, which means most of the infrastructure was already in place, and which is also in one of the single best wind locations on the entire planet cost a billion euros for 407 mw of nameplate capacity.

            At horns rev, you can expect a capacity factor of 45 or so percent (it is extremely windy waters), which then works out to a per-gigawatt cost of 1/(0.407×0.45) 5,46 billion euro. For an installation with an expected service life of around twenty years, which delivers power when it damn well feels like it.

            Okilouto 3 cost the finish utility that bought the thing 5.5 billion for a per-gigawatt cost of 1/(1.65 x0.92) = 3.62 billion.

            Even if you include the bath Areva took on it as a cost (and why would the utility do that?) we are still taking 7.25 billion per gigawatt for a plant which has a design life of three times the wind farm, and which, frankly, will probably still be running in a century. Not to mention that it will deliver power on a rather more predictable schedule.

            And if we compare it with a nuclear projects which were actually well managed, the contrast gets really, really stark. The Taishan build of the epr put two of them online for 6.53 billion euro, for a per gigawatt cost of 2.14 billion.

            Novovoronezh got two vver 1200s online for 3.8 billion which works out to 1.9 billion euro per gigawatt.

            People claim renewables are cheaper, but mostly, this is just.. propaganda. Look up the costs of some completed projects. Solar is utterly uncompetitive unless you are in the sonoran or sahara. Even in the best places, wind is goddamn expensive.

          • Clutzy says:

            You’re lucky we don’t have many reactionaries left here or they would be dunking all over this.

          • albatross11 says:

            Nuclear power being unreasonably expensive is a policy choice, in much the same way as having it be impossible to complete public works in under a decade, or having the police be immune to consequences for misbehavior.

    • eric23 says:

      This may explain how in English ‘liberal’ now applies to people who are not at all classically liberal.

      Note: this is true in the US and some other countries, but not in all countries. For example, in Australia, “liberal”=libertarian.

    • jermo sapiens says:

      I think this goes to show that you can set up the most sophisticated system in the world, you can never get rid of the requirement for wisdom and integrity for those in power. Some systems are easier to game than others, but even in the best system, if the people with power are corrupt, it’s going to end badly.

      • HowardHolmes says:

        If by corrupt you mean the person will always do that thing which they think most benefits themselves, then all people in power will be corrupt. Depending on wisdom and integrity is a sure failure. Our only protection is the system.

        • jermo sapiens says:

          Depending on wisdom and integrity is a sure failure.

          And that’s why eventually every civilization collapses.

          If by corrupt you mean the person will always do that thing which they think most benefits themselves

          It depends alot on the time horizon. Stealing benefits me now, but in the long run I benefit more from not stealing. Wisdom and integrity usually means that the person understands that they will benefit more in the long run by doing the right thing than not.

      • Paul Brinkley says:

        I think this goes to show that you can set up the most sophisticated system in the world, you can never get rid of the requirement for wisdom and integrity for those in power. Some systems are easier to game than others, but even in the best system, if the people with power are corrupt, it’s going to end badly.

        This has long been my thought as well.

        It’s interesting to note that many societal systems – including communism and socialism and even authoritarianism, often the whipping boys in many libertarian fora – work out just fine if/when the people in charge are wise and benevolent. Which raises the question: if wisdom and benevolence are necessary and sufficient, then what’s the value in any legal framework at all? Why not just run it like common law and focus on having good people in charge?

        And my usual response to that is that, one, it’s hard to always find enough wise and kind people, and two, as society size grows, the wisdom requirement rises quite rapidly, narrowing your pool of candidates even further. A pre-designed legal system can serve as a lever – a set of shortcuts for people to employ when their wisdom isn’t up to the task of deriving from first principles and the facts at hand whether a given act ought to be punished.

        The better legal systems out there are better because they make tradeoffs that are closer to human intuition at the moment about what ought to be done, as well as to human intuition when looking back at past cases long after emotion has settled. Those, in turn (and in my opinion), tend to be the ones that limit the amount of damage any one official can do if they make a mistake.

        Perhaps unlike jermo, I think such systems can last for quite a while – possibly centuries, possibly even more. Admittedly, I have no empirical evidence yet.

        • Aapje says:

          You are ignoring subjective desires. If Bob wants to live in society with large amounts of government redistribution, while Mary wants to live in a society where people get to keep much more of what they earn, then neither desire is really more wise or benevolent than the other. After all, plenty of people believe that getting too much handed to you is actually harmful. Similarly, is it benevolent to legalize drugs or to ban them? People often disagree.

          I do think that there is a requirement for wisdom, not just in the legislature, but everyone with some power (and thus everyone), to make the system work. Institutions/rules can’t replace this wisdom (unwise people will burn down those institutions/rules anyway). Yet good institutions/rules can produce better outcomes that if you were to solely depend on the wisdom of individuals.

          • Paul Brinkley says:

            I’m not really ignoring subjective desires; just observing that some people subjectively desire collectivization, and appear to thrive in such systems. They’ll cheerfully sign away their power to make decisions about defense, education, law enforcement, health care, and so on, and assume that, when some decision doesn’t go their way, it was because some expert knew better than they.

            If Mary reviews the systems on offer, and then opts for the system that lets her keep more of her earnings, it’s presumably because she believes she can or ought to assume more of the burden of making those decisions as they affect her. If Bob chooses the more collectivist system, it might be because he distrusts his own expertise to make those decisions. (It’d be nice, IMO, if he didn’t assume everyone else had the same uncertainty, but that’s an age-old conversation.)

            I’m definitely agreed on a universal requirement for wisdom. The universe isn’t forgiving to the immature. Good institutions are levers, not crutches.

    • Spookykou says:

      The top two definitions for liberal that I get from google feel fairly applicable to the segment of the USA nominally called liberals,

      open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
      “they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people”
      (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person’s general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.

      Maybe these are a far cry from what it classical means though, I am not a student of the classics(or really anything)

      • The New Deal happened almost a century ago. Someone willing to discard the changes it produced is not a (modern sense) liberal. Nor is someone open to the new opinion that climate change is not a threat, or that population increase is not a threat.

        The people now called liberals are conservative with regard to those institutions they like, liberal (in your sense) with regard to institutions they dislike. Just like other people.

        The classical liberal position was in favor of private property, weak government, broad franchise, … . Except for the last, it was roughly what we now call libertarianism, although usually not an extreme version thereof. Think Adam Smith, although I think he preceded the rise of that label, or John Stuart Mill, at least in his earlier writing.

        To quote GKC on the British Liberal Party: “I’m a liberal. It’s those people who aren’t liberals.”

        • Spookykou says:

          I will defer to you as to the classical liberal position.

          However I am not totally convinced that the cohort that claims the liberal label in modern American discourse is indistinguishable* from all other cohorts along the axis of ‘openness to new behavior or opinions’. I understand there are studies on this question but that they are highly politically motivated in their construction and so their results are questionable. Still it seems, unfortunate, that two groups would self describe as ‘liberal’ and ‘conservative’ while actually being equally liberal and conservative in temperament.

          *Of course I’ve shifted the goal posts a bit here from ‘fairly applicable’ to ‘not totally indistinguishable’.

      • Aapje says:


        Defining liberal and conservative relative to the status quo means that they become fully subjective.

        The sexual revolution was liberal because the traditional values were far more sexually restrictive than the revolutionaries desired. Feminists who later fought against men freely expressing their sexual desires were liberal because the traditional values were far more sexually permissive than the revolutionaries desired. So did the previous batch of feminists then become retroactively conservative or does being liberal require changing your views as the status quo changes?

        In my view, liberalism and conservatism both are a mixed bag of this kind of relativity with more objective attitudes.

        Anyway, ‘classical liberal’ is essentially a snapshot of the views of a group that called themselves liberals at a certain point in time.

        • Ketil says:

          The contrast between “liberal” and “conservative” is weird to me. For me, the opposite of “conservative” is “radical” (or “reactionary”, if the goal is to undo recent changes), while the opposite of “liberal” might be “authoritarian”.

      • Plumber says:

        @Spookykou says:

        “The top two definitions for liberal…”


        a. Tending to give freely; generous: a
        liberal benefactor.
        b. Generous in amount; ample: a
        liberal  serving of potatoes.

        with “conservative with money” as an antonym.

        Doesn’t actually work though for the political labels, as both George H.W.Bush and Bill Clinton were relatively frugal, while George W. Bush, Obama, and Trump (the farmer bailout funds under Trump exceed Bush’s and Obama’s auto industry bailout) are all relatively more free spending (as directed by Congress).

        In going over all the listed dictionary definitions of “liberal” and “conservative” they don’t seem to me to match the political factions called “liberals” or “conservatives” much.

    • Douglas Knight says:

      If people abuse the term “democracy,” why wouldn’t they / why don’t they abuse this term?

      Democracy seems to me to be a useful word, even if it is abused. It has a pretty clear meaning, even if it is a spectrum. It has straight-forward downsides (tyranny of the majority, rational ignorance). Whereas, this concept (1) bundles together a bunch of procedural ideas that don’t seem to me to have much in common; and (2) asserts in the name that they are Right.

      I can see a use for such terms such as “good,” “constitutional,” and “rule of law,” but they are useful because they are narrow and different. Maybe there is a consensus on what procedural rules are good, but a word that asserts consensus seems designed to be abused. (You suggest “justice”; Yes! a perfect translation and a terrible word; see “social justice.”)

      “You know,” he added reflectively, “we’ve got a much easier job now than we should have had fifty years ago. If we’d had to modernise a country then it would have meant constitutional monarchy, bicameral legislature, proportional representation, women’s suffrage, independent judicature, freedom of the press, referendums . . .”

      “What is all that?” asked the Emperor.

      “Just a few ideas that have ceased to be modern.”

      Black Mischief, Evelyn Waugh, 1932

      • Aapje says:

        If people use ‘democracy’ for lack of a better word, then offering them a better word can help.

        Democracy is actually not that clear, IMO. For example, do you mean direct democracy or representational democracy? Is it a democracy when there is gatekeeping of candidates by the constitution (Schwarzenegger can’t be president), religious authorities (Iran), political parties, the media, etc? Is it a democracy if the deep state refuses to do what the elected politician(s) ask? Etc.

        Anyway, the point of a new term is to refer to the idea that a good state is more than just one specific thing, which should be explained further if there is a dispute, rather than define one specific state. After all, we don’t really know what is the best state anyway.

        • Is it a democracy if all officials save generals are chosen by lot?

        • Douglas Knight says:

          Democracy is a spectrum, not a binary. (Same with separation of powers!) There may be hard questions, but it seems to me that all of your questions have easy answers of which is more democratic.

          Asking what is a “real democracy” seems to me a bad question. Drawing a line is usually to exaggerate the importance of that line, compared to the rest of the spectrum. And this seems to me closely tied in to the problem of equating democracy with goodness. The line is gerrymandered to say that my country is good and your country is bad. If the speaker really cared about improving goodness through democracy, he should care about variation in democracy below the line and variation above the line. Aside from the problem of just asserting that democracy is good. Having a checklist of procedures is an even worse example of gerrymandering.

  25. NostalgiaForInfinity says:

    Does anyone know if there’s been much research on the relationship between optimism/pessimism and political leanings? There seems to be plenty on the Big Five personality traits.

    This was prompted by seeing a couple of things recently where support for Trump seemed to boil down to “Everything is fucked and we need radical changes”. It doesn’t seem to be neatly partisan (splitting left and right) in the same way that the Big Five tendencies are though because “everything is fucked and we need radical change” is also a viewpoint associated with the radical left, historically and contemporarily. It seems like it might align with populism* for that reason (e.g. “everything is broadly heading in the right direction and we just need to tinker a bit” might be a centrist position).

    Anyway, a bit of googling couldn’t turn up much except for a wikipedia article with a lot of “citation needed” flags speculating that it was broadly aligned with some conservative viewpoints. Does anyone know of anything equivalent to the classic Big Five associations?

    *For want of a better term.

  26. Well... says:

    Most forms of synecdoche are understandable; one that strikes me as bizarre is “Auschwitz” as stand-in for “Holocaust”, because it’s so often used to refer to the enormous horrors of that event.

    • eric23 says:

      Why is that bizarre? There were many horrors in the Holocaust, but Auschwitz was the biggest single one (by number of victims).

    • DarkTigger says:

      Auschwitz was caputred mostly intact, and thus could be extensivly used to gather evidence about what happened in the death camps. There where also a lot more survivors because of that.
      The other camps had mostly be successfully evacuated and destroyed by the SS. So less is known about them.
      Other individual massacares of the death squadrons, are also a lot harder to document, and so less documented.

    • John Schilling says:

      Auschwitz was also the only concentration camp (AFIK) that was also an extermination camp. Which makes it a bad example if you want more than a top-level understanding of what was going on, and has promoted a broad misunderstanding of what “concentration camps” actually were (or are). But Auschwitz is your one-stop shopping center if you’re only after that top-level understanding and don’t want to spend lots of time on a virtual or literal train ride across the Polish countryside. Auschwitz is where all the horrors of that event came together in one place.

      • DarkTigger says:

        No there were several death/extermination camps:
        There was also Lublin/Majdanek, Beleszc, Sobibor, and Treblinka
        There were a lot more concentration camp (and sub-camps) all over German controlled territory.

        • Conrad Honcho says:

          I think John is saying it was the only combination concentration/extermination camp.

          I don’t know enough about the holocaust to know if this true, however, but that’s what I read as his claim.

          • John Schilling says:

            Right. For the most part, and for fairly obvious reasons, the concentration camps and the extermination camps were kept a decent train ride apart. Sobibor, for example, only had a few hundred Jews in residence at any time, and those were the ones who weren’t facing immediate execution because they were needed to keep carting the bodies out of the gas chambers. If you were going to die at Sobibor, you generally died within hours of arrival – from the concentration camp you had been living in the past few months or years and which didn’t want your corpse literally and figuratively stinking up the place.

            I’m not sure Auschwitz was the only camp that combined both functions, but I believe it was by far the largest and most iconic. So if you’re visiting Poland and you’ve got an afternoon to “experience the Holocaust”, that’s where you go.

          • rocoulm says:

            “…experience the Holocaust”

            With a promise like that, how could I refuse?

          • Aapje says:

            Treblinka also was a combination of a labor and extermination camp. They had a gravel mine for the production of concrete and cut wood for the cremations.

  27. Robin says:

    To combat Corona, flu or the common cold, how can I train myself to stop touching my face?

    • Anteros says:

      That’s actually the useful function of a face mask

    • sidereal says:

      I’ve been thinking about rubbing jalapenos on my fingertips. Thoughts? (Not a joke, I’m really fidgety by nature and I don’t think I can stop just by willpower)

      • Well... says:

        Every time I chop jalapenos or any other hot peppers, I am guaranteed to eventually touch my eyes, and then feel very masculine for 20 minutes as I deal silently with the pain. It’s practically a rite at this point.

        But I don’t really recommend it.

      • rumham says:

        Please, for your own sake, do not do that. Even if it works your fingers will still burn. I made jalapeno poppers once without gloves. I was miserable for 5 or 6 hours.

        • Aftagley says:

          interesting, that is so different than my experience. I pretty much have to rub jalapenos directly into my cornea to get a negative reaction.

          Are you normally hyper-sensitive to spice?

          • JayT says:

            Yeah, I can’t imagine putting on gloves for jalapenos, and I have wussy Eastern European blood when it comes to spice.

          • Another Throw says:

            Getting jalapeno stuff on the sensitive skin under my fingernails is very uncomfortable. Scrapping the seeds and pith out with my thumbnail, for example, causes hours of regret. But it is a really good reminder not to rub your eyes for those hours…

          • rumham says:

            Are you normally hyper-sensitive to spice?

            I just ate something with thai chilis, so no, I don’t think so. I think Another Throw has the right of it.

          • Another Throw says:

            To be more specific, the time I am thinking of I gave a bunch of jalapenos a fine mince. The copious juice produced by the mincing got under the fingernails of my guide hand while cutting and was mildly uncomfortable but that paled in comparison to the discomfort of JAMMING that stuff up under my thumbnail while coring them. Not a smart move.

            I suspect that if you cut your fingernails down as far as you can go you wont have the same problem. Both because you don’t have a patch of sensitive skin in such a sheltered location and because you don’t have a crevice to trap the oil in.

          • Paul Brinkley says:

            Scrapping the seeds and pith out with my thumbnail, for example, causes hours of regret.

            Oy! That’s what a paring knife is for, my friend! I rarely even need gloves. (Though to be fair, I scrub pretty zealously afterward, and I’m generally not prone to rubbing my eyes all the time anyway.)

            @Another Throw: I tend to find gloves to be too inconvenient to put on, though obviously, that’s subjective. Fortunately, office supply stores often sell boxes of rubber fingertips meant for clerks to slip on to make it easier to separate sheets of paper (including paper money). I’ve never tried it for kitchen work, but it’s possibly just the thing for this.

          • AnarchyDice says:

            Pro-tip from a jalapeno canner, if you want to get the capsaicin off your fingers faster, rubbing them with a watery paste of baking soda then rinsing with vinegar goes a long way to cut even the hottest pepper remnants off. As it is a fatty acid, I usually use a detergent after as well (we had a dry summer so my jalapenos ended up quite potent).

            I check before touching my contacts or face by licking any suspect fingertips for any telltale spice.

    • Edward Scizorhands says:

      Follow up:

      I have dry skin and need to moisturize my face during the day. Do I need to wash my hands before I moisturize?

    • AlexOfUrals says:

      Use some lotion or perfume on your hands with a smell you find repulsive. Each time you get them anywhere near you face you’ll notice it and will want to move them away before you even touched the face. Source: just used a dispenser which happened to contain a stinky sanitizer in it.

      Obvious improvement is that you can use sanitizer with a repulsive smell, but I’m not sure how good is it for your skin to use it often enough to maintain the smell.

    • AG says:

      It’s winter, so wear a scarf? Then when you reach up to touch your face, touch your scarf, instead.

      Or, just use fidget toys. (Or, if you don’t feel like buying one, learn to do pen tricks.) Touching the face might be just a stim instinct.

      Is there still the same risk to touching the face in combing your hair with your hands? You could redirect that way, too.

    • Two McMillion says:

      GPT2 says:

      To combat Corona, flu or the common cold, how can I train myself to stop touching my face? I need to have my nose and mouth shut tight and shut my mouth before and while touching my face. I know you won’t blame me if I need a nose ring or something.”

      “If I had a nose ring, I wouldn’t leave the house looking like a skeleton,” my mother said with a laugh. “Maybe one of the models has one for you.”

      “Really?” I asked, doubtful.

      “Hey,” she pointed at the doorway to my bedroom. “Don’t tell my aunt or uncle that I left you here.”

      I leaned in and peeked through the little glass, my nose immediately touching the wall

    • Robin says:

      Thanks all for the ideas! So we got:
      * Face masks: You’re right, but they are sold out at the moment, and I do not want to wear that every winter through flu season.
      * Jalapeños: Cool stunt, but I’d rather not 🙂
      * Stinky lotion: I think this is the best proposal so far.
      * Wear a scarf: Outside, definitely, but at home? Over mouth and nose?
      * Nose ring: I like the way GPT-2 is thinking out of the box.

      Why do we touch our faces in the first place?
      * An itch in the eye or nose
      * While thinking of other things, scratch myself here or there
      * Nose-picking
      * Having something between the teeth, and no dental floss fork at hand

      When touching consciously, we can get used to using a paper towel, prepare those floss forks, and such. It’s the unconscious that is hard to defeat! When sitting in the office, wear straps that tie my hands to the armrests — well that might look silly. The stinky lotion might remind me just in time.

      I think I’ll go to the pharmacy and ask for a stinky lotion. That’ll make the pharmacist’s day as the weirdest Corona panic request of them all, so it’s worth it just for the lulz.

      • AG says:

        Re: wearing a scarf. The point isn’t that you have the scarf on the face, it’s to give the hand something to touch/grab before it reaches the face.

        Another case of commonly touching the face is about bracing the face/chin on your hands. This seems about posture, as you can only do this if you are leaning forward, so training to sit straight and zoom in on the screen instead of leaning in would be a solution.

  28. Nick says:

    Idle thought: how much can advice/conclusions from the manosphere be separated from the conceptual framework? Can we imagine a manosphere that didn’t use nearly as much game theory, or wasn’t dependent on concepts like hypergamy?

    • Hoopyfreud says:

      You can jettison hypergamy as a general social hypothesis and still have it work fairly well as a recipe for picking up women with bad judgement, terrible taste, and/or deep insecurity, I think. Manosphere explanations and advice are perfectly applicable to some people, it’s just as a set of principles that try to explain society that I think they fail.

      • Tarpitz says:

        Deep insecurity alone seems like something that applies to a fairly large proportion of people as a whole and a huge proportion of twenty-somethings. Bad judgement not much less so.

        Of course, one might naively suppose that the goal of a decent person entering a relationship should be to alleviate the deep insecurity rather than exploit it…

    • Aftagley says:

      What even is the manosphere at this point? I remember that the PUA community had some good conclusions blooming out of some stupid conceptual frameworks last time I checked. Mind you, most of the conclusions were “work out,” “dress nicely,” “use product,” “don’t be afraid to approach women,” “don’t be afraid of rejection,” etc.

      That being said, at least from what I’ve seen, most of the people who that advice worked on (including myself) dropped out of the manosphere. I’m not sure what’s left at this point.

      • Well... says:

        The examples you listed seem intuitive, except “use product”. Really??

        • smocc says:

          I don’t see any product here.

        • JayT says:

          I think “use product” is shorthand for “get a haircut, comb your hair, and overall keep your hair (and beard) looking well kept”.

        • Aftagley says:

          My apologies.

          “Use Product” is refererring to some kind of hair product. Very few people have the kind of hair/haircut that just kind of looks good on it’s own. There are a variety of relatively cheap pastes/gels/putties/pomades/whatever that you can put in your hair that will instantly make it look better; like just rub it between your hands then muss it through your hair and your overall look will vastly improve (this also goes for beards).

          If you go to a barbershop or a hair cuttery that you trust, hang back after your next cut and ask the barber what he’d recommend for your hair/style; in my experience they’ve been pretty helpful. Otherwhise just google “What product for (insert style of hair) here.”

          If you’re rocking really short hair this isn’t that necessary, but anyone with longer hair or hair that’s even a little curly can usually benefit from this kind of thing.

          • Well... says:

            OK, that’s what I thought you meant. But I still can’t believe it’s an actual recommendation. I’m constantly hearing women mocking men who put product in their hair. To my eyes as well it always looks kinda pathetic.

            On very rare occasions, usually when I go long enough without a haircut that I get what my wife calls “lollipop head”, I’ll put a tiny bit of mousse in my hair to tame some of the volume out of places where there’s too much. But I would hate to walk around looking like I had smeared a handful of goopy paste onto my head every day.

          • Aftagley says:

            Eh, different strokes for different folks. I agree that men’s hairstyles that heavily rely on product (IE the slicked back Don Jr. look) are pretty laughable, but everyone’s different.

            In my personal experience, I’ve got curly hair that has a tendency to look really frizzy at basically any length. For years my options were pretty much Buzz Cut or White-dude afro. It wasn’t until I started using product that I could actually have a “normal” looking head of hair.

            All I’m saying is, I wouldn’t totally discount it; next time you’re at the barber ask him to put some in for you and see if you like the look. Almost any good barber will add some for free and your downside lasts only as long as it takes for you to get home and wash your hair.

          • Well... says:

            I’ve had several barbers do this, usually because I don’t object loudly enough (because haircuts make me kinda sleepy). I always hate it, both the smell and the look, and rush home to wash the stuff off.

            If for some reason I wanted to maintain the pathetic, desperate look and put up with the smell, the knowledge that I’d incur an additional premium expense to purchase each bottle of unpronounceable chemicals doesn’t sweeten the deal either, nor does thinking about what those chemicals will do to my scalp over time.

            BTW I also have really curly hair. (Pretty much like Pete Sampras.) Wearing the sides significantly shorter than the top keeps it looking respectable, and shampooing no more than once every two months (and always lathering in a moisturizing conditioner after each shampooing), keeps it from being frizzy. But do note there’s a difference between “frizzy” and having a few stray curls sticking out.

      • Pink-Nazbol says:

        The manosphere was a natural gathering point for social conservatives who didn’t want to hear about Jesus. Many moved on to websites like this one or Unz. And the wider culture itself moved in a different direction IMO. If men are single and not banging any women they aren’t speaking about it in hushed tones the way they were 7 years ago. My own just-so about it is that the rise of what can be euphemistically called “party girl culture” and social media which allowed it to be broadcast far and wide drained the eros out of it. Think about a nudist colony. There’s not much eros there. The eros is in the relatively pure, the subtle hint of doing something. For the women who make no attempt to hide it you’re still going to be willing but you don’t want to go out and make a giant effort.

    • Aapje says:


      Lots of that advice is given by non-PUAs (for example: work out, approach more women, dress up, learn to talk to women), so lots of it.

      Ironically, the rise of PUA may have resulted from feminism distorting the advice given to men, creating a need for an alternative conceptual framework that pushes out misandrists, so men can be fairly confident that they advice they get from that source actually has the goal of helping them, rather than helping women.

      If this assumption is correct, then, assuming that feminist messaging stays as it is, the advice can be separated from its conceptual framework, but not from its anti-feminism.

      PS. Please use PUA if you mean that, rather than the nonsensical term ‘manosphere.’

      • Clutzy says:

        When I was in college me and all my roommates read the book “The Game” because one of our friends, John, thought it was hilarious. Its a pretty funny read that describes nothing all that innovative, but reveals that the PUAs have their own vocabulary for all sorts of normal things. One that has passed into normal lexicon is “peacocking” but there were all sorts of things, and some would specialize into easy magic tricks (watch stopping being one). Generally, however, I got the impression that most PUAs do not much enjoy the environment where they engage in their pickups (several insist on not drinking for it will reduce their “haul”), and I am not really sure all that many end up sleeping with so many women, rather they just get numbers and then are hit with choice paralysis at the end of the day.

        • rumham says:

          Generally, however, I got the impression that most PUAs do not much enjoy the environment where they engage in their pickups

          Strength through adversity.

          rather they just get numbers and then are hit with choice paralysis at the end of the day.

          If they do, they don’t read very well. You realize that getting a number is only the first step, right? In like any relationship, not just PUA specific. You send a text. Many do not respond. Then you start conversing, and try to make a date. Many fall off at this stage also. Notice that we’re still a few steps from the sleeping here. If choice paralysis occurs than it’s very much false consciousness.

          • jermo sapiens says:

            Yeah, that’s why I didnt have sex with any girls in high school. I didnt know which one to choose…

          • Clutzy says:

            The book is from 2005, and mostly represents events from far before 2005. I don’t think “text” is the next step, it mostly would have been “call and set up a date”, which is similar, but I think culturally different.

            Granted, I was in HS/Middle school back then, so I suppose it is much harder to ghost the guy who asked you out and sits next to you in math…

          • rumham says:


            I read it at some time, but don’t really remember it. About all I can remember is the magic guy and courtney love being in it. But I assure you, there was a ton of actually useful stuff online before 2005, and texting was very prominent in importance.

    • Purplehermann says:

      Take a look at girls chase maybe, spefically chase amante’s articles

  29. Deiseach says:

    So apparently Liverpool F.C. are partnered since 2016 with a Thai coconut milk/water/oil company. I was completely unaware of this, and seemingly so were a lot of other people, because the marketing bods have decided to unleash a humorous team meeting skit featuring some of the players upon the world.

    It’s about as terrible as you’d expect, though in a weird way it’s good because it’s so bad: it’s deliberately poking fun at the stiltedness of the lads’ “acting” abilities and the implausibility of the entire set-up. (Though Dejan in this is me, as far as reactions to “what nonsense is this?” go). There’s also an official bloopers reel if you haven’t had enough thigh-slapping hilarity with the skit itself.

    Remember: should you suddenly find yourself in urgent need of coconut-derived products, Chaokoh is the name to ask for! No, don’t thank me for bringing this to your attention, the consciousness of a good deed done well is enough for me 🙂